- After final snapshot is ran, will changes to ODS still trigger nightly process? Will nightly process only affect current year?
- Enrollment Status –need to clarify how this doesn't affect the matching, matches to whatever is on the vendor record.
- Read-Only accounts - Need CR created; waiting for LEA to submit Service Desk ticket to track.
- Inform LEAs on the EVMs – need ease of mind for CAHSEE/CELDT non-enrolled
- Charters – IRCs testing dependently & vice versa
- Explaining Assessment Loads of P1 vs “P1 of Attendance”…term may confuse CALPADS staff.
- Data will be loaded into CALPADS within X days of its receipt by CDE
- View Only Roles
- Parents – how do they get to review what data related to their child is, is there a plan to share with PostSec.
- Adult Ed – optional enrollment; will results stay in suspense?
- Dedicated Session for Feedback – PreID decision (Maureen)
- Target Audience – should be Assessment folks, not necessarily CALPADS people
- Are Superintendents being informed? – what have we sent out to these folks to let them know this functionality is coming?
- Do short term and primary enrollments participate equally? IE a student enrolled in an LEA that tests while at a court school on short term enrollment how does the match happen (Ed DeWitt)
- We have students who are supposed to be primary enrollments but end up with us for short periods. Sometimes they enroll, drop out, re-enroll, drop out, etc. multiple times. We try our best to help them earn their diplomas - that's our purpose for being - but this seems to be the big question. For our type of educational center, how big a burden will we have working with vendors, correcting other people's data, etc.Schelly Wagoner
- Suggestion: Post "freeze" dates on CALPADS itself, don't just rely on emails to test coordinators.Art Friedman
- This is not "overlaying" Fall 1 or Fall 2. It is happening in parallel, but again there is not specific certificaiton window for assessments in CALPADSMartha (CSIS)
- Will CALPADS ever have the functionality to do a report with selected courses, grades and CST cluster results? It has all the data...Maureen Rhodin
- How is this going to interface with SBAC?Wayland Williams
- How will waiver information show...if at all?Maureen Rhodin
- In CALPADS, can I delete the CAHSEE records that belong to my adult ed school. I never report my adult ed to calpads...Fan