Biological Molecules & Cell Compounds

q  Describe how the polarity of the water molecules results in hydrogen bonding.

q  Describe the role of water as a solvent, temperature regulator, and lubricant.

q  Distinguish among acids, bases, and buffers, and indicate the importance of pH to biological systems.

q  Demonstrate a knowledge of synthesis and hydrolysis as applied to organic polymers.

q  Distinguish among carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids with respect to chemical structure.

q  Recognise the empirical formula of a carbohydrate.

q  Differentiate among monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides.

q  Differentiate among starch, cellulose, and glycogen.

q  List the main functions of carbohydrates.

q  Compare and contrast saturated and unsaturated fats in terms of molecular structure.

q  Describe the location and explain the importance of the following in the human body: neutral fats, steroids, phospholipids.

q  Draw a generalised amino acid and identify the amine, acid (carboxyl), and R-groups.

q  Differentiate among the primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure of protein.

q  List the major functions of proteins.

q  Relate the general structure of the ATP molecule to its role as the "energy currency" of cells.

Dna & protein synthesis

q  Name the four bases in DNA and describe the structure of DNA using the following terms:

q  nucleotide (sugar, phosphate, base)

q  complementary base pairing

q  double helix

q  hydrogen bonding

q  Describe DNA replication with the reference to three basic steps:

q  "unzipping"

q  complementary base pairing

q  joining of adjacent nucleotides

q  Define recombinant DNA

q  Describe three uses of recombinant DNA

q  Compare and contrast the general structural composition of DNA and RNA

q  Demonstrate a knowledge of the basic steps of protein synthesis, identifying the roles of DNA, mRNA, tRNA and ribosomes in the processes of transcription and translation

q  Determine the sequence of amino acids coded for by a specific DNA sequence, given a table of mRNA codons.

q  Give examples of two environmental mutagens that can cause mutations in humans.

q  Use examples to explain how mutations in DNA affect protein synthesis and may lead to genetic disorders.

Cell Structure

q  Describe the following cell structures and their functions:

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q  cell membrane

q  mitochondria

q  smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum

q  ribosomes

q  Golgi bodies

q  vesicles

q  vacuoles

q  lysosomes

q  nuclear envelope

q  nucleus

q  nucleolus

q  chromosomes

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q  Identify the functional interrelationships of cell structures.

q  Identify the cell structures in diagrams and electron micrographs.

Cell Membrane and Cellular Transport

q  Apply knowledge of organic molecules to explain the structure and function of the fluid mosaic membrane model.

q  explain why the cell membrane is described as "selectively permeable."

q  Compare and contrast the following diffusion, facilitated transport, osmosis, active transport.

q  Explain factors that affect the rate of diffusion across a cell membrane.

q  Describe endocytosis, including phagocytosis and pinocytosis, and contrast it with exocytosis.

q  Predict the effects of hypertonic, isotonic, and hypotonic environments on animal cells.

q  Collect, display, and interpret data.

q  Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship and significance of surface area to volume, with reference to cell size.


q  Demonstrate an understanding of the following terms: metabolism, enzyme, substrate, coenzyme, activation energy.

q  Identify the source gland for thyroxin and relate the function of thyroxin to metabolism.

q  Explain the "lock and key" model of enzymatic action.

q  Identify the role of vitamins in biochemical reactions.

q  Differentiate between the roles of enzymes and coenzymes in biochemical reactions.

q  Apply knowledge of proteins to explain effects on enzyme activity of pH, temperature, substrate concentration, enzyme concentration, competitive inhibitors, and heavy metals.

q  Devise an experiment using the scientific method.


q  Identify and give a function for each of the following parts of the digestive system:

q  mouth / q  cardiac sphincter / q  small intestine
q  tongue / q  stomach / q  appendix
q  teeth / q  pyloric sphincter / q  large intestine (colon)
q  salivary glands / q  duodenum / q  rectum
q  pharynx / q  liver / q  anus
q  epiglottis / q  gall bladder / q  pancreas
q  esophagus

q  Relate the following digestive enzymes to their glandular sources and describe the digestive reactions they promote:

q  salivary amylase / q  lipase / q  nuclease
q  pancreatic amylase / q  peptidase / q  maltase
q  proteases (pepsin, trypsin)

q  Describe the swallowing and peristalsis.

q  Identify the components and describe the digestive actions of gastric, pancreatic, and intestinal juices.

q  Identify the source gland for and describe the function of insulin.

q  Explain the role of bile in the emulsification of fats.

q  List 6 major functions of the liver.

q  Demonstrate the correct use of the dissection microscope.

q  Examine the small intestine and describe how it is specialized for digestion and absorption.

q  Describe the function of E. coli in the colon.

Circulatory System –HEART STRUCTURE & FUNCTION, Circulation and Blood

q  Identify and give functions for each of the following parts of a heart:

q  left and right atria / q  anterior and posterior vena cava / q  chordae tendineae
q  left and right ventricles / q  pulmonary arteries and veins / q  semi-lunar valves
q  coronary arteries and veins / q  pulmonary trunk / q  septum
q  atrioventricular valves / q  aorta

q  Describe the location and functions of the SA node, AV node, and Purkinje fibres.

q  Describe the autonomic regulation of the heartbeat by the nervous system.

q  Relate factors that affect and regulate blood pressure to hypertension and hypotension.

q  Demonstrate the measurement of blood pressure.

q  Distinguish between systolic and diastolic pressures.

q  Identify and give functions for each of the following blood vessels:

q  subclavian arteries and veins / q  anterior and posterior vena cava / q  renal arteries and veins
q  jugular veins / q  pulmonary veins and arteries / q  iliac arteries and veins
q  carotid arteries / q  hepatic vein / q  coronary arteries and veins
q  mesenteric arteries / q  hepatic portal vein / q  aorta

q  Distinguish between pulmonary and systemic circulation

q  Identify and describe differences in structure and circulation between fetal and adult systems

q  Demonstrate a knowledge of the path of a blood cell from the aorta through the body and back to the left ventricle.

q  List the major components if plasma.

q  Identify and give functions of lymph capillaries, veins, and nodes.

q  Describe the shape, function, and origin of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

q  Demonstrate the correct use of the compound microscope.

q  Explain the roles of antigens and antibodies

q  Describe capillary-tissue fluid exchange.

Respiratory System

q  Identify and give functions for each of the following parts of the respiratory system:

q  larynx / q  bronchioles / q  pleural membranes
q  trachea / q  alveoli / q  thoracic cavity
q  bronchi / q  diaphragm and ribs

q  Explain the roles of cilia and mucus in the respiratory tract

q  Explain the relationship between the structure and function of alveoli.

q  Compare and contrast the mechanics of the processes of inhalation and exhalation.

q  Describe the interaction of the lungs, pleural membranes, ribs, and diaphragm in the breathing process.

q  Explain the roles of carbon dioxide and hydrogen ions in stimulating the breathing centre in the medulla oblongata.

q  Describe the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen during internal and external respiration.

q  Distinguish between the transport of CO2 and O2 in the blood by explaining the roles of oxyhemoglobin, carbaminohemoglobin, reduced hemoglobin, and bicarbonate ions.

Urinary System

q  Identify and give functions for the following parts of the urinary system:

q  kidney / q  renal cortex / q  urethra
q  ureter / q  renal medulla / q  urinary bladder
q  renal pelvis

q  Identify and give functions for each of the following parts of the kidney:

q  nephron / q  peritubular capillary network / q  collecting duct
q  glomerulus / q  proximal and distal convoluted tubules / q  afferent and efferent arterioles
q  Bowman's capsule / q  loop of Henle

q  Contrast the blood in the renal artery and the renal vein with respect to urea and glucose content.

q  Identify the source glands for ADH and aldosterone and explain how these hormones are regulated.

q  Relate ADH, aldosterone, and the nephron to the regulation of water and sodium levels in the blood.

Nervous system

q  Identify and give functions for each off the following: dendrite, cell body, axon.

q  Distinguish among sensory, motor, and interneurons with respect to structure and function.

q  Explain the transmission of a nerve impulse through a neuron, using the following terms:

q  resting and action potential / q  recovery periods
q  depolarization and repolarization / q  threshold ("all-or-none response")
q  sodium and potassium gates

q  Relate the structure of a myelinated nerve fibre to the speed of impulse conduction.

q  Identify the major components of a synapse.

q  Explain the process by which impulses travel across a synapse.

q  Demonstrate knowledge of how neurotransmitters are broken down in the synaptic cleft.

q  Relate the structure of a reflex arc to how it functions.

q  Contrast the locations and functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems.

q  Differentiate between the functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system.

q  Identify the source gland for adrenalin and explain its role in the "fight or flight" response.

q  Identify and give functions for each of the following parts of the brain:

q  medulla oblongata / q  cerebrum / q  thalamus
q  cerebellum / q  hypothalamus / q  corpus callosum

q  Explain how the hypothalamus and pituitary gland interact as the neuroendocrine control centre.

Reproductive System

q  Identify and give functions for each of the following parts of the Male Reproductive system:

q  testes (seminiferous tubules and interstitial cells) / q  prostate gland / q  penis
q  epididymis / q  Cowper's glands / q  urethra
q  ductus (vas) deferens / q  seminal vesicles

q  Demonstrate a knowledge of the path of sperm from the seminiferous tubules to the urethral opening

q  List the functions of seminal fluids

q  Identify the tail, midpiece, head, and acrosome of a mature sperm and state their functions

q  Describe the functions of testosterone

q  Demonstrate a knowledge of the control of testosterone levels by the endocrine system

q  Identify and give functions for each of the following parts of the Female Reproductive System:

q  ovaries (follicles and corpus luteum) / q  uterus / q  cervix
q  oviducts (fallopian tubes) / q  vagina / q  clitoris

q  Describe the functions of estrogen.

q  Describe the sequence of events in the ovarian and uterine cycles.

q  Demonstrate knowledge o the control of the ovarian and uterine cycles by hormones.

q  Demonstrate knowledge of a positive feedback mechanism involving oxytocin,

q  Describe the hormonal changes that occur as a result of implantation.