Invitation to attend a Meeting of the

Parish Council

Thursday 25th August 2016

Waltham on the Wolds Village Hall


Jeremy Fieldhouse-Allen

Clerk to the Parish Council


Item / Details
33/16-17 / Apologies for absence.
34/16-17 / To receive declarations of interest: Both personal and prejudicial on matters in the agenda.
35/16-17 / Public Participation.
Adjournment of the meeting for 15 minutes to enable members of the public to express their views on any topic.
36/16-17 / Matters brought to the attention of the Clerk:
1.  A post for the dog bin to be located at the junction of Burgins Lane and Mere Road needs to be purchased from Glasdens.
2.  There is only one key for the Parish notice boards – it appears one has been lost.
3.  Churchyard 2 is the responsibility of the church. In future WOTWATA Parish Council will invoice the church for the maintenance work done by Paul Rear.
4.  Thorpe Arnold notice board, bus shelter bench and the bench near the notice board need maintenance as they are badly neglected.
5.  The Queen Elizabeth II Plaque for the playfield requires a plinth.
6.  Remembrance Day plan needs to be implemented. MM to supply the clerk with the plan he has. Peter Holbrook also has a plan which should be used to check nothing has been omitted from the new plan.
7.  An agreement or lease needs to be drawn up for the parish orchard which now has Paul and Sandy Hudson using the site ecologically for their bees.
8.  MM has put the football pitch on the Leicestershire Football Association list so we are expecting more enquiries and use from teams. Perhaps we need to draw up an agreement for pitch rental.
9.  MM to pass details of RoSPA to the clerk which need to be followed up and the report on the play equipment acquired.
10.  Aviva Insurance – Parish Clerk to get details of the insurance cover and other details as required.
11.  Website – Parish Clerk to get details of the new website and bring to the next Parish Council meeting so the appropriate action can be taken.
12.  Five servicemen’s names have been omitted from the memorial stone. This needs to be rectified Clerk to bring this to the next meeting of the parish council.
13.  At future meeting of the Parish Council planning matters should be earlier on the agenda.
37/16-17 / Planning matters.
A) Planning applications for consideration
·  16/00351/FUL: New house in rear garden, 2 Windsor Road, Waltham
·  16/00455/TCA: Removal of cherry tree, The Wheel, 9 High Street, Waltham
·  16/00439/FULHH: Single-storey extension to front, 17 Mere Road, Waltham
·  16/00460/FUL: Change of use of existing agricultural building to warehouse and distribution, Fair Farm, Waltham
B) Pending decisions from M B C – Information only
·  15/00777/FUL: 26 Houses off High Street, Waltham (awaiting Section 106 agreement).
·  16/00201/FUL: Poultry house for 9,000 free-range hens, Manor Farm, Waltham.
C ) Planning Approvals for Information
·  15/01011/OUT: Up to 45 houses, off Melton Road, Waltham
·  16/00093/REM: Reserved matters, 8 bungalows adjacent to Hall Farm, Waltham
·  16/00107/FUL: Re-sited new dwelling behind The Wheel, 9 High Street, Waltham
·  16/00289/FULHH: Single-storey extension, Ash Barn 3 Stonesby Road Waltham
·  16/00300/NCS: Single-storey extension replacing existing outbuildings, 9 Moorleas Lane, Waltham
·  16/00304/FUL: Proposed ground floor toilet, 17 Mere Road, Waltham
·  16/00385/VAC: Change of planning conditions, 8 bungalows adjacent to Hall Farm, Waltham
·  16/00402/TCA: Work on trees, Manor House 17 Mill Lane Waltham
D) Planning Applications refused
E) Withdrawals for information
F) Enforcement for information
·  15/00902/FUL: Travellers’ site, Goadby Rd, Waltham ML
38/16-17 / Accept the need to use an accounting package for the accurate recording of all financial transactions and the preparation of year end accounts and VAT. Also assist with the good due diligence and oversight of all income and expenditure.
Recommend Scribe 2000 at a cost of £195 per annum. JFA
39/16-17 / Accept standing orders and amendments. POC
40/16-17 / Accept financial policy and amendments. POC
41/16-17 / Ratify DCK Beaver as payroll agents . MM
42/16-17 / Accept Clerks job description. MM
43/16-17 / Accept details of Clerks roll. MM
44/16-17 / Accept details of Clerks contract. MM
45/16-17 / Ratify Clerks programme of training and support:
·  Three half days provided by LRARC @ £35 each (Total £105)
·  On line course provided by SLCC @ £95 POC
46/16-17 / Accept Clerks salary. MM
47/16-17 / Accept new website to be provided by 2Commune
·  Setup £650
·  Annual Fee £400
·  Email annual fee £25
·  Optional social media integration £150
·  Hold open old website until new up and running £25 per month JFA
48/16-17 / Remembrance Day 2016. MM
49/16-17 / Village Clean Up Day. MM
50/16-17 / Pavilion Repairs. MM
51/16-17 / Play area and equipment. MM
52/16-17 / Ratify purchase of two Arnold Baker guides. MM
53/16-17 / Finance
Councillors expenses:
M.Mills Keys £23.75
Gifts and cards £98.50
Total £122.25
M. Lusty Stationery £46.78
Other payments
Alec Lord £398.67
RoSPA £92.40
LCC Energy supply 2015-2016 £374.17
E.ON Sports pavilion £69.09
Consume IT £56.98
Clerk From 21st July to 31st August 2016.
6 weeks x 16 hours = 96 hours
96 x £9.20 per hour = £883.20
Jeremy Fieldhouse-Allen £706.56
HMRC tax @ 20% £176.64
Total for payroll £883.20
Total of all payments £2048.42
54/16-17 / To Receive reports from the following:
·  Archaeological & History Group
·  Allotments
·  Affordable Housing
·  Church Yards
·  Footpaths
·  School
·  Village Hall
·  Neighbourhood Watch
·  Neighbourhood Parish Plan
·  Leicestershire Constabulary
·  County Councillor
·  Borough Councillor
·  Parish Clerk
·  Parish Chairman
55/16-17 / Any other Business
56/16-17 / Date, time and place of next meeting