Detailed Energy Audit Sample Report Outline
Facility and Process Background
Facility Baseline GHG Emissions
Process Baseline GHG Emissions
Description of Energy Efficiency/GHG Reduction Measure
Expected Post-Project GHG Emissions
M&V Plan
Capital Costs and Other Eligible Expenses
Additional Benefits
Provide a summary of the purpose of the study.
Facility and Process Background
Provide a brief description of the facility, the main processes and the process in question.
Facility Baseline GHG Emissions
Calculation of facility-wide baseline GHG emissions based on annual consumption (past 12-months utility bills) of natural gas, fuel oil, electricity, etc. Include utility bills and GHG calculator output (excel sheet) in appendix. Also include costs for each utility type.
Process Baseline GHG Emissions
Calculation of current GHG emissions from process/equipment that is the subject of the application. If metering is conducted and/or measurements taken, these should be included in appendix. All parameters used to determine emissions need to be included and calculation methodology explained in detail. GHG calculator output must be included in appendix. Baseline GHG emissions must be calculated to an accuracy of +/-15%.
Description of Energy Efficiency/GHG Reduction Measure
Provide a description of the energy efficiency/GHG reduction measure that is recommended to be implemented. Include any technical specification sheets in appendix. Include expected lifetime of the efficiency/reduction measure.
Expected Post-Project GHG Emissions
Calculation of expected GHG emissions from process/equipment post-project implementation. All parameters used to determine post-project emissions need to be included and calculation methodology explained in detail. GHG calculator output must be included in appendix. Emissions should be calculated on a total annual basis and may also be calculated on a GHG/unit production basis. Expected post-project GHG emissions must be calculated to an accuracy of +/-15%. Gross annual savings must also be calculated. Savings should be given for savings due to reduction of energy use as well as any other savings generated (i.e. savings in operating costs).
M&V Plan
The assessment report must also formulate an M&V Plan, which defines how the savings analysis will be conducted post-project implementation; this framework should include methodology, measurement devices, and measurement variables, etc. This plan provides a degree of objectivity that is absent if the savings are simply evaluated after implementation.Project Measurement and Verification (M&V) Procedures shall be consistent with IPMVP Protocols. IPMVP Protocols means the International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP) – Core Concepts April 2016 EVO10000 – 1:2016, and Statistics and Uncertainty for IPMVP June 2014 EVO 10100 – 1:2014 or later as in effect from timeto time. See
Capital Costs and Other Eligible Expenses
Provide a list of all estimated costs associated with the recommended project, including those which are eligible under the SMART Green program; a list of eligible and ineligible expenses is available on the website. Relevant quotes and proposals should be included in appendix. Capital costs must be calculated to an accuracy of +/-25%.
Additional Benefits
Provide details of any additional benefits the opportunity implementation would provide for the Company.
Provide a brief summary of: baseline emissions, opportunity recommended, expected post-project emissions and dollar savings, and capital cost.