Kickball Rules

Pitcher: The batting team provides their own pitcher. Pitches must be underhand.

Catcher: The catcher plays the ball at home plate while the runner runs to the extra home plate.

The kicker is out:

1)  After 3 foul kicks. A ball must pass between the line between 1st and 3rd base.

2)  When a fly ball is caught by a fielder.

3)  When the kicker bunts. He/she must make a full kick. The ball must travel past the pitcher.

A base runner may advance at the risk of being tagged out on:

1)  An overthrow in foul territory, one base only.

2)  An overthrow in fair territory, any number of bases.

3)  After a fly ball is caught. (The runner must tag his/her base after the catch, then he/she can run to the next base.)

4)  The base runner may over-run any base without being put out.

A base runner is out:

1)  When he/she fails to touch a base.

2)  When standing off the base before a pitch, no leads offs or stealing.

3)  When he/she runs more than 3 feet out of the baseline to avoid being tagged.

4)  When he/she is tagged off of the base if he/she turned and attempted to run to the next base.

5)  When the base is tagged on a force out. A force is when the runner must leave the base because a teammate is running to that base.

6)  When he/she passes another base runner.

7)  When he/she interferes with the player fielding the ball.

8)  When he/she fails to “tag up” after a fly ball is caught and the base is tagged.

9)  When hit by a kicked ball while off the base.

10) When sliding into a base. NO SLIDING!

Fair or foul ball: Inside or on the base line is fair. Outside the line is foul.

Quick pitch: The pitcher may pitch as soon as all of his/her teammates are behind the backstop, whether or not the team on the field is ready.

When any member of the kicking team is not behind the backstop and the ball is pitched, the kicking team receives an out.

Kicking order: Must alternate boy/girl and keep the same order for the entire game.

A kicked ball must pass the

line between 1st & 3rd.