Thank you for your interest in participating as a vendor at the Shallotte Farmers Market for the 2018 season.


  1. Please read the Farmers Market Rules and Regulations. If you are applying for Local Art vendor status, you must also read the Arts and Craft Guidelines.
  2. Fill out the application form completely.
  3. Applications will be accepted throughout the entire market season. You are encouraged to submit your application early to ensure a space. A wait list will be created as needed.




SALES TAX & USE # ______

If exempt, please include a letter stating you are exempt and why (Only farmers who grow and sell their own unaltered produce are exempt.)



EMAIL ______

WEBSITE ______

DESCRIPTION OF FARM/BUSINESS (For marketing purposes) ______





Please check ALL markets that you plan on attending:

  • Regular Season Market May 5-July 28 ______
  • Fall Market September 22, 2018 (Specialty Market) ______
  • Holiday Market November 17, 2018 (Specialty Market) ______
  • Christmas Village December 15, 2018 (Specialty Market) ______

How do you wish to pay for your space? Please check one.

WEEKLY @ $10 per week _____

MONTHLY@$35 per month______

SEASONALLY@ $125______

** Please list any dates that you will be absent from selling at the Shallotte Farmers Market?



Do you sell at other Farmers Markets in the area? If yes, which ones? ______

I acknowledge that I’ve been provided with a copy of the “Farmers Market Rules and Regulations” and that I will abide by these rules. I also understand my participation may be terminated for violations of the “Rules and Regulations.” INITIAL______


All authorized vendors participating in the Farmers Market shall be individually and severally responsible to the Town of Shallotte and its agents and employees for any loss, bodily or personal injury, deaths and/or property damage that may occur as a result of the vendor’s negligence or that of its servants, agents and employees. All vendors herby agree to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Shallotte, its officers and employees from any loss, cost, damages and other expenses, including attorney’s fees, suffered or incurred by the Town of Shallotte by reason of the vendors’ negligence or that of its servants, agents and employees; provided that the vendors shall not be responsible nor required to indemnify the Town of Shallotte for negligence of the Town, its officers or employees. The Town of Shallotte provides no insurance to participants in the Farmers Market. Participating vendors will be required to provide a signature in acknowledgement and acceptance of this clause on the vendor application.

Signature ______

Date ______Revised 1/18



The Shallotte Farmers Market was developed to provide a place for local growers to sell their goods directly to consumers, to educate consumers about local farming and seasonal eating and to encourage and promote the use of locally grown farm products.

The Town of Shallotte in cooperation with the Shallotte Tourism Development Authority sponsor the Shallotte Farmers Market. The purpose of these rules is to govern the operation, administration and management of the market. The following rules and regulations aren’t intended to burden the participants but to ensure the smooth operation and success of the market.


  • All persons who are the original producers of fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, plants, bulbs, herbs, cut or dried flowers, eggs, baked goods, dairy products, pickled items, jellies, jams, honey, seafood, firewood, straw, and snack foods such as popcorn, trail mix, kettle corn and peanuts are allowed. In addition, handmade or hand crafted arts and crafts may be permissible – See guidelines for arts and crafts. Other items must be approved by Market Management.
  • Sellers must be the producers, producers’ agents and/or relatives of the producers to participate in the market. Exceptions may be discussed with Market Management.
  • Non-profit organizations are eligible to participate in the Market for fundraising activities at no cost. Arrangements must be made prior to Market day with Market Management.
  • Vendors are permitted to supplement their products (termed as “carrying”) with other locally grown/produced items if at least 25% of the value of the product offered each market day is grown by the vendor.
  • Vendors are required to clearly label all products indicating the producer’s name and location of farm/business.
  • Supplemental products must be clearly marked as to the origin (example: supplemental vegetables produced in Florida, must be marked “Grown in Florida.”)
  • If a customer or vendor questions the origin of any vendor’s product offering, Market Management reserves the right to contact the source of that product or visit farms for verification.
  • “Locally Produced” is defined as produced in North Carolina or South Carolina.
  • All canned/jarred products must have a label identifying the product and contents.
  • All baked goods must be either individually labeled with ingredients or a master list identifying each product must be provided with ingredients of each baked product being sold.

The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services food safety rules & regulations guiding farmers markets requires a home inspection for all vendors who do home processing (producing a food in your home). ALL vendors who sell home produced food items MUST contact the NCDACS to get information on the regulations and to request a home inspection prior to the sale of any home produced food item.

CONTACT NUMBER – (919) 733-7366 – indicate you are a home processor and need to speak to a food compliance officer about requirements. Let them know you will also need a home inspection. Vendor must present a copy of the approval certificate provided by the NCDACS upon completion of approved inspection to Market Management.


  • The 2018 market will run from Saturday, May 5th through Saturday, July 28th. The market will be set up at Mulberry Street Park at 123 Mulberry Street.
  • There will be three specialty Markets held in 2018. Fall Market September 22nd, Holiday Market November 17th and the Christmas Village December 15th.
  • Market days are Saturday from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.
  • Set up times for farmers/producers/crafters/businesses are between 8-9 a.m. on Saturdays. Sales are not permitted during set-up time. Modifications to this schedule may be necessary to allow for special events and activities.


  • Applications should be on file with Market Management prior to market days. Call (910) 754-4032 or email for more information.
  • Each vendor’s first market day fee is waived.
  • The daily fee of $10 will be collected on or before market day by market management. It may be paid in advance at Town Hall.
  • Checks should be made out to “Town of Shallotte.”
  • One space is 10’x10’ which may or may not include a 10’x10’ tent. Vendors may request and pay for additional spaces.
  • There is an option for a discounted but non-refundable monthly payment to be paid on or before the first market day of each month. The monthly fee is $35 and includes Saturdays only.
  • A discounted seasonal rate of $125 must be paid by May 4, 2018. Seasonal rate includes all Saturdays as well as the Specialty Markets.


  • Market Management is responsible for the day-to-day management of the market and has the complete authority to interpret, implement and enforce market policies. Any questions or concerns should be addressed to Market Management. Conflicts between vendors and customers and/or vendors and other vendors should be brought to the attention of Market Management for final resolution.
  • Market Management for the 2018 Shallotte Farmers Market includes:
  • Parks & Recreation and Business Coordinator for the Town of Shallotte. Please call or email Monday-Friday at (910) 754-4032 or .

Admission to the Shallotte Farmers Market does not constitute a guarantee to sell at the market during the entire market season. Participation is a revocable agreement and any misconduct or violation of this agreement may result in suspension or termination from the market at the direction of Market Management.


  • The market will operate rain or shine.
  • Vendors should attend unless Market Management determines the weather poses a public hazard. In this instance, vendors will be notified within 24 hours of the market. In the case of rain, Market Management will make a decision based on the weather at the park and will notify vendors as soon as possible.
  • Vendors must give 24-hour notice to Market Management by calling 754-4032 if they are unable to attend a market for which they have reserved a space. The market allows for Acts of God (equipment failure, weather, car problems, medical emergencies, etc.).
  • Sellers are required to remain on-site for the entire duration of the market, unless all items are sold earlier than the set closing time. See Market Management for exceptions.
  • Any vendor who has not arrived by 8:30 a.m. to set up or has not contacted Market Management that they are running late by 8:30 a.m. may lose their assigned space for that market day.
  • Vendors may not sublease their space.
  • No refund will be given for “no-shows.”


  • Market Management will assign all vendors to a space. Location of spaces will be decided on consistency of attendance. If a vendor is not in attendance on any given Saturday, that vendor should not expect to be assigned the same place upon their return. Vendor spaces will be assigned on Friday by 3 p.m. and available by calling 754-4032 for all vendors registered prior to market day.
  • Care will be taken to avoid having like vendors side by side, although this is not guaranteed.
  • Vendors may display items for sale on tables. Vendors must provide their own tables or displays. Canopies, tents or umbrellas are encouraged. Vendors may also sell items from the back of a truck.
  • Tables, Chairs and Umbrellas are available in limited quantity to check out from the Amphitheater. You must check them in and out from Market Management. Each vendor is responsible for retrieval and set up of checked out items. Items checked out must be returned no later than 1:30pm or a $10 fee will be charged for failing to do so.
  • Each booth space must have signs indicating the name and location of the farm or business.
  • All products sold must have signs indicating price and description of the product where applicable. A master price list can be substituted for individual product pricing.
  • All scales used, must have a state certification sticker visible.
  • All products produced under certification such as organic products or products requiring inspection, such as baked goods, preserves or seafood must include a copy of certification or license with the market application. Licenses shall be displayed at the market as well. Copies of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services guidelines are available from Market Management.
  • Each seller is responsible for cleaning up his assigned space at the close of the market. All vendors must haul out their trash at the end of the day. A fee of $10 per instance will be charged for those failing to do so.
  • All vendors must have a copy of their NC Sales & Use Tax license displayed on their table. As well as a sign indicating whether or not sales tax is included in the price of the items. Some exceptions are permitted – Contact 754-4032 to see if you qualify. (Exceptions include all farmers selling produce they have grown and not altered in any way.)
  • Space disputes should be discussed with Market Management rather than vendor to vendor.


The Shallotte Farmers Market will have a limited number of spaces available for local artists and crafters to exhibit and sell their arts and crafts.

  • All arts and crafts must be produced by local artists and crafters. (Local: Brunswick, New Hanover, Columbus and Horry Counties)
  • Producer or local representative of artist, crafter or photographer must be on site during sale hours. The Shallotte Farmers Market Management and Town of Shallotte employees are not responsible for the safety of the products.
  • Items for sale must be pre-approved by Market Management.
  • All arts and crafts must be family friendly.
  • All artwork must be original. Prints of original artwork is acceptable if signed and numbered by the artist, paintings reproduced by the works of masters, advertisements or widely circulated photographs are not considered original.
  • Market Management will attempt to prevent duplication of similarity of art and craft products but can’t guarantee their will be no duplication. Approval will be on a first come first serve basis.


In all relations at the Shallotte Framers Market, we request that issues or disputes be dealt with in a professional and courteous manner. Under no circumstances should vendors argue with or mistreat market staff, fellow vendors or customers/visitors. Should this happen, the offending vendor will be asked to leave the market for the day or permanently.

  • Staff, volunteers, vendors, customers and visitors, will not be subject to language or actions considered to be abusive, profane, threatening, or harassing.
  • Threatening behavior, vandalism and the use or threat of violence by a vendor or his/her representatives will result in a violation of the Market Rules and will constitute in immediate and permanent expulsion from the market.
  • Possession of firearms, weapons, fireworks, gambling, or use of alcohol by a vendor or his/her representatives will result in a violation of the Market Rules and will constitute in immediate and permanent expulsion from the market.
  • Vendors must comply with all laws, ordinances and regulations of the United States, State of North Carolina, Brunswick County and the Town of Shallotte.
  • The Market doesn’t offer exclusive rights to any one vendor to sell any one product. Market customers generally benefit from having a choice.
  • No live animals may be sold or given away at the market. Market Management reserves the right to host a pet adoption fair conducted by the Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office Animal Protective Services.
  • Pricing of goods sold at the market is solely the responsibility of the individual vendor; however, vendors are expected to be aware of and maintain fair market values.
  • Vendors are not permitted to purchase items on market day from another participating vendor and resell that item during the Farmers Market.


The Shallotte Farmers Market strives to maintain a professional, welcoming place to support small business. Therefore we must enforce our rules fairly and consistently for all vendors. Violations of any of these rules as discovered by or reported to Market Management will result in the following:

  • Foul language, threatening behavior, vandalism and the use or threat of violence by a vendor or his/her employees/representatives constitutes a violation of Market Rules and will result in immediate expulsion from the market.
  • Possession of firearms, weapons, fireworks, gambling or use of alcohol or drugs by a vendor or his/her employees/representative constitutes a violation of the market rules and will result in immediate and permanent expulsion from the market.
  • Failure to immediately comply with the violation policy as requested by market management will result in immediate expulsion from the market.

The procedure regarding violation of all other market rules will result in the following:

  • Warning: Vendor will receive verbal notification of the violation and must cease action cited in violation.
  • 1st Violation: Vendor will receive written notification of violation, must cease action cited in violation and loses the right to sell the following two weeks.
  • Final Violation: Vendor will receive written notification of violation and loses the right to sell for the remainder of the market season.

Failure to immediately comply with any rules as requested by Market Management shall be cause for the revocation of the right to sell and expulsion from the market grounds. The vendor shall promptly vacate the premises. Failure to do so will result in escorted removal by law enforcement officials. The Shallotte Farmers Market is relieved and discharged from any and all losses or damages caused by such removal. The Shallotte Farmers market shall not be responsible for storage or safekeeping of property so removed.