IST 538:
Course Syllabus
Spring 2009
Meeting Time / Place:
Weds, 4:15 – 7:05pm / Draper 015
Instructor Contact Information:
Stephen Lackey
(alternate email, IM)
Office Hours:
Before or after class, by appointment, in Draper 118
XML- 2nd Edition Comprehensive
Thompson Course Technology
ISBN-13: 9781-4188-6064-6
ISBN-10: 1-4188-6064-6
Additional readings will be assigned throughout the semester.
Course Description:
Extensible Markup Language (XML) provides a standard to support automated processing across platforms and applications. This course will discuss XML as a document, as a data exchange standard, and as a vendor-neutral application platform. Various class projects will apply these standards to sample texts and objects.
Attendance and Participation:
Given that the course is exercise- and discussion-driven, attendance is required and will be taken at the beginning of each class. Class discussions depend on your familiarity with the material, so be prepared to discuss the chapter assigned for the week, and any other readings that are assigned. Attendance and participation account for 15% of your total grade.
Exercises and Assignments:
Throughout the semester, various in-class and take-home exercises, assignments, and case studies will be given, to be completed and submitted by the due date given. These exercises and assignments are activities designed to provide familiarity with course concepts. Assignments will not be accepted late without permission from the instructor. Exercises and assignments will account for 30% of your total grade.
In-class assessments will be used to assess your progress throughout the semester, and to promote familiarity with the weekly readings, class discussions, and other course content. These will account for 15% of your total grade.
Semester-Length Project:
Students will work in teams of two to four to research and report on an information management topic that is both interesting and relevant to the course. Each team should discuss the topic and scope with the instructor. The project will have two major deliverables- a final report, and a class presentation. More information about the project is included in a separate section of this syllabus. The project accounts for 25% of your total grade.
Course Evaluation:Final Grading:
The evaluation criteria are as follows:94 – 100%A
90 – 94%A-
Attendance, Participation:15%87 – 90%B+
Exercises, Assignments:50%84 – 87%B
Semester-Length Project:20%80 – 84%B-
Topic:2%77 – 80%C+
Specifications:5%74 – 77%C
Presentation:8%70 – 74%C-
Paper/ Project10%67 – 70%D+
64 – 67%D
Total:100%60 – 64%D-
0 – 60%F
Class Policies:
Class attendance is required. Discussions, exercises, quizzes, and other in-class activities require your presence. There will be no makeup for exercises, quizzes, or activities missed, nor participation credit for classes not attended. If you are unable to attend class due to extenuating circumstances, please contact the instructor ahead of time.
Academic Honesty:
I encourage you to learn from each other, but you must earn your own grades. You are expected to produce your own work. While you may consult your fellow students, the text, and online resources as appropriate, all writing, designs, and research that you submit must be your own. Where appropriate, please cite all references.
Time Management:
For every credit hour that a course meets, students should expect to work 3 additional hours outside of class every week (3 x 3= 9). For a three-credit course you should expect to work 9 hours outside of class every week. Manage your time effectively to complete readings, assignments, and projects and to be prepared for class discussions.
Classroom Policies
College policy prohibiting the use of cellular telephones with text messaging and camera features in classrooms and testing locations will be enforced in this class. Failure to abide by the policy may result in college disciplinary action.
Additionally, computer use is limited to lab use and note taking where appropriate. The use of other consumer electronics, including the use of laptops, PDA’s, iPods, or other media players is prohibited unless otherwise specified as part of lab or other coursework. This is intended to promote a positive learning environment.