NUS Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Please refer to IRB-Guide-006-RESEARCH WHICH CAN BE EXEMPTED FROM FULL IRB REVIEW, before completing this form.1Protocol Title
2 Study / Site(s) of Research(Dept. and Institution):______
* Single-Centre / Singapore Multicentered / International Multicentered
If single-centered, has a similar study been conducted elsewhere? * Yes / No
If Yes, state where : ______
Previous Ethics Committee submission? * Yes / No
(If yes, please provide details separately.)
3. Type of Study / (Please refer to our Guidelines On Which Research Can Be ExemptedFrom IRB Review - IRB-Guide-006)
Educational settings research, educational tests or instructional techniques and methods
Survey without identifiers
Analysis of publicly available data or dataset stored without identifiers
Commercial cell lines, tissues, anonymous biological samples, body parts (please see table below)
Type of Human Tissues / Name of Human Cell Lines
(e.g. HeLa) / Source & Catalog No. (e.g. ATCC, CCL-2) / Indicate if tissues / cell cultures are: (Please tick)
Primary / Secondary
(Please attach separate sheet, if required)
4Financial Declaration / This study is initiated by the * Investigator / Commercial/Pharmaceutical Company
Source of funding for study : ______
Amount of Sponsorship / Grant : ______Status of grant: Approved / Pending/ Not applicable
Financial benefits to Subjects (if any) :______
The financial benefits or other benefits derived from this study to PI / Co-investigators / Department / Institution are as follows: ______
(Please provide a copy of the financial agreement with sponsor company, if applicable.)
5Documents Checklist / Mandatory (Please submit the following documents.)
Catalog details ORproof of purchase of cell lines, if applicable
List of PI & co-investigators with their signatures, together with their CVs
6 Declaration
This Research Proposal has the approval of the Head/Chief of Department.
Signature of Head of Department : Date :
Name of Head of Department :
I confirm that the information submitted in this application is correct and I will conduct the study in accordance with the IRB-approved protocol, IRB requirements/policies, and all applicable rules and regulations.
Signature of Principal Investigator : ______Date : ______
Name of Principal Investigator : ______Contact Number : ______
Department / Institution : ______Email : ______
* Please circle accordingly. This is a 1-page form on A4 paper. Misalignment should be adjusted accordingly.
Please submit this form with the protocol and other documents to apply for exemption from IRB review. Thank you.
IRB-FORM-008Page 1 of 1Version No: 3.3
Date of revision: 14/10/08