Section A
NHS Forth Valley Rapid Impact Assessment – functions, services and other
Please complete electronically and answer all questions unless instructed otherwise. (RIA/EQIA Guidance notes available on NHSFV Intranet site) /
Version 1.3
Q1. Name of the function/service development or other identified area
Acute Smoking Cessation Service
Q2. What is the scope of the function/service development/other
FV Wide / √ / Service Specific / √ / Discipline Specific / Other (Please Detail) / √
Delivered from the Acute Services
Q3. Is this a new function/service development/other
Yes / No / √
Q4. If no to Q3 which local function/service development and other is it replacing?
RIA is a review of current a current service.
Q5. Team responsible for carrying out the Rapid Impact Assessment? (please list)
Yvonne Pringle Smoking Cessation Specialist Nurse
Gillian Bruce Smoking Cessation Specialist Nurse
Lynn Waddell Equality & Diversity Project Manager
Q6. Main RIA/EQIA persons contact details
Name: / Yvonne Pringle / Telephone Number: / 01324 678575
Department: / Smoking Cessation Service / Email: /
Q7. Describe the main aim, objective and intended outcomes of the function/service development/ other
The NHS Forth Valley Acute Smoking Cessation Service was introduced to provide structured behavioural support, information about smoking related issues, pharmacotherapy’s for all hospital users including inpatients, outpatients and staff regardless of age, diversity, gender, race/ethnic, religion and belief or sexual orientation who either wish to stop smoking or who are experiencing withdrawal from Nicotine during their hospital stay and continued support following their discharge from hospital in accordance with the Smoking Cessation Guidelines for Scotland¹ and National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence².
It endeavours to provide a patient centred approach to ensure the clients receive an effective and efficient service offering individual tailored support which is sensitive to the individuals’ needs, circumstances and preferences as outlined in Smoking Cessation Update Supplement to the Smoking Cessation Guidelines for Scotland³. The Smoking Cessation Service can be contacted by telephone, email, and letter or in person.
Smoking Cessation Service is currently delivered from SRI and FDRI and will as from August 2010 will be delivered from NHSFV Royal out patients department. All sites are is fit for purpose and accessible to all.
Q8. (i) Who is intended to benefit from the function/service development/other, staff or service users?
Staff / √ Service Users / √ Other Please identify______
(ii) Have they been involved in the development of the function/service development/other?
Yes / √ / No
(iii) If yes, who was involved and how were they involved? If no, is there a reason for this action?
The service was initially developed following the identification of a need for it by one of the Consultants, Dr Lenton who has since retired from NHSFV. His area of interest was Stoke but he felt there was a definite need to provide all NHSFV patients with smoking cessation support and so the service was developed. Linked work and Training Trust carried out an independent evaluation of patient experiences of our service to explore best practice/good work and identify gaps in the service and possible solutions.
They achieved this by contacting a random selection of service users and filling in a questionnaire in relation to patient’s individual thoughts and experiences of our service. On a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 is very satisfied, 88% of users sampled recorded a level of 4-5. Ward staff and managers have also been randomly asked about the effectiveness of the service and ward folder for staff and patients the result was they all found it to be very helpful.

(iv)Please include any evidence or relevant information that has influenced the decisions contained in this RIA; (this could include audits; research; published evidence; health needs assessment; work based on national guidance or legislative requirements etc)

The holistic patient centred approach the service uses along with the simplified referral system shows that the service has an average time of 2 days between referral and contact. There is an increasing trend in the numbers of referrals from 429 in 2005 to 903 in 2009. With a 4 week quit rate of 88% falling to 54% at three months. The three month quit rate in Scotland in 2008 was 18%.4
The continued development of a patient centred service has lead to increased numbers of referrals, increased numbers of patients attending outpatient appointments and those still smoking have made positive changes in their smoking behaviour.
¹Heath Scotland and ASH Scotland. Smoking Cessation Guidelines for Scotland, Health Scotland, 2004
²National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Public Health Guidance 10. Smoking Cessation Services in Primary Care, Pharmacies, Local Authorities and Workplaces, Particularly for Manual Working Groups, Pregnant Women and Hard to Reach Communities, 2008 .
³Health Scotland and ASH Scotland. Supplement to the 2004 Smoking Cessation Guidelines for Scotland, 2007
4 NHS Health Scotland NHS Smoking Cessation Service Statistics (Scotland) 1st January to 31st December 2008
Q9 Identify which equality groups this local guidance may impact upon.
Positive Impact: The area being considered may have a positive impact on any equality groups outlined in relation to promoting equal opportunities and in improving relations within equality groups, or providing targeted services to particular strands.
Negative impact: The area being considered may have a negative/adverse impact upon any of the equality target groups outlined i.e. disadvantage them in any way.
Neutral Impact: A neutral impact on the Equality Target Groups indicates an impact that is neither positive nor negative – no one group is advantaged or disadvantaged
What impact is your policy or service likely to have on different people because of their: / Positive / Negative/
Adverse / Neutral / Comments
Provide any evidence that supports your answer for positive, negative or no impact incl what is currently in place or is required to ensure equality of access.
Age / √ / No discrimination noted. Service is provided to anyone who wishes to stop smoking. Information available to suit any age group.
School based services in primary care who offer support and advice to young people at school.
Acute Smoking Cessation Service will also take referrals re young people.
Disability(incl. physical/sensory, Learning Difficulties, Cognitive Impairment or mental Health) / √ / √ / No discrimination noted in relation to disability.
Individuals needs met on a 1:1 basis NHSFV Royal out patients department is fit for purpose and accessible to all. Our service is able to provide information in a large number of formats, including brail, DVD’s with subtitles, audio CD’s, leaflets in large print and leaflets with larger print and more pictures for people who may have literacy problems. The Smoking Cessation Service can be contacted by telephone, email, and letter or in person.
However the service does not have the capability to provide patient transport at present, there are processes in place. Primary care offer a substantial number of community projects available within ForthValley which all patients can access.
Gender(Male, Female and Transgender) / √ / No discrimination noted. Our service is open/ available to all genders. Our service will also see partners or groups of people who wish to stop smoking together. The service can access specifically designed information and material to suit all.
Race/Ethnicity(incl. Gypsy Travellers) / √ / No discrimination noted .The smoking cessation service is available to all; the service can provide information in a large number of languages for example Romanian, Punjabi, Urdu, Estonian, Polish, Spanish, Arabic, French and many more. The service can also provide an interpreter as required by patient.
Religion/Belief / √ / No discrimination noted. Service is provided to anyone who wishes to stop smoking respecting their religions and beliefs.
Sexual Orientation / √ / No discrimination noted. Service is provided to anyone who wishes to stop smoking regardless of their sexual orientation. Our service will also see partners who wish to stop smoking together
Staff / √ / No discrimination noted, services provided to any one who wish to stop smoking including staff.
Other: Included are some areas for consideration. Please amend/add as appropriate. See Appendix 3 on Guidance Notes for more information.
Gypsy Travellers / √ / Processes are in place to support the Forth Valley Travelling population; they can attend any service including the Acute service or any service provided by Primary Care, including drop in groups and community pharmacies.
Homeless / √ / Processes are in place to support the Forth Valley Homeless population; they can attend any service including the Acute service or any service provided by Primary Care, including drop in groups and community pharmacies.
Involved in Criminal Justice System / √ / Processes are in place to support those involved in the criminal justice system within ForthValley, they can attend the Acute service while in hospital and have a specialist service available to them within the prison or young offender’s institute.
Literacy Problems / √ / Our service is able to provide information in a large number of formats, including brail, DVD’s with subtitles, audio CD’s, leaflets in large print and pictorial formats for people who may have literacy problems. The Smoking Cessation Service can be contacted by telephone, email, and letter or in person.
Low income / √ / No discrimination noted, a large majority of smokers come from low income backgrounds and areas of deprivation.
Mental Health Problems / √ / No discrimination noted. Service is provided to anyone who wishes to stop smoking regardless of any mental health issue. We also provide support to patients staying in Craigenhall and our mental health wards as required and have regular discussions with Consultants working in Mental Health in relation to helping their patients to stop smoking.
Rural Areas / √ / Processes are in place to support the ForthValley rural population; they can attend any service including the Acute service or any service provided by Primary Care, including drop in groups and community pharmacies located across ForthValley.
Q10. If actions are required to address changes, please attach your action plan to this document. Action plan attached?
Yes / √ / No
Q11. Is a full EQIA required?
Yes / No / √
Please state your reason for choices made in Question 11.
No significant discrimination noted.
Date Completed / 19/04/2010
Date of Review / 19/09/2011
Signature / Yvonne Pringle / Print Name / Yvonne Pringle
Department or Service / Smoking Cessation Service

Please keep a completed copy of this template for your own records and attach to any appropriate tools as a record of RIA or EQIA completed. Please send completed RIA form and action plan to: (Sections AB only)


Rapid Impact Assessment Action Plan (EQIA)Section B

Name of local guidance being EQIA: / Acute Smoking Cessation Service
Date / Issue / Action Required / Lead (Name, title, and contact details) / Timescale / Resource Implications / Comments
19/04/10 / Continual Review of Service / Continued assessment of Service and its ability to maintain and advance in areas noted in section A / Yvonne Pringle
Smoking Cessation Service
NHSFV Royal / 1 Year / Time, funding, availability of resources already used by service. / We hope to maintain the services current level of effectiveness and expand on this as required.
19/04/10 / Maternity / Continued input of resources from our service to target this difficult to reach population group. / Yvonne Pringle
Smoking Cessation Service NHSFV Royal / 1 Year / Time, staffing levels in a rapidly expanding service with an increased work load, funding, availability of resources already used by service and possibility of new resources. / We hope to maintain the services current level of effectiveness and expand on this as required.
19/04/10 / Mental Health Patients / Continued input of resources from our service to target this difficult to reach population group. / Yvonne Pringle
Smoking Cessation Service NHSFV Royal / 1 Year / Time, staffing levels in a rapidly expanding service with an increased work load, funding, availability of resources already used by service and possibility of new resources. / We hope to maintain the services current level of effectiveness and expand on this as required.
Signed: / Yvonne Pringle / Date: / 19/04/10

This form has to be submitted along with the completed RIA to Lynn Waddell (Sections A&B Only)