8800 SW 123 COURT APT. 401-J or 240 CENTRALPARK SOUTH APT. 6-O
MIAMI, FL33186 NEW YORK, NY10019
Cell: (786) 554-9638
As of December 13, 2005: Bachelor in Information Technologies at PhoenixUniversity, in Phoenix, AZ
November 17-20: Legal Seminar (SP/E) at ArizonaStateUniversity in Tucson, AZ (Certtificate awarded)
Aug.-October1, 2005: State Department Assignment (French) on a regular basis
July 5-16, 2005: Legal English Seminar with Legal-Ease, Inc.
July 19-21, 2005: 3-day Conference at the United Nations in New York, NY(French)
March 12th, 2005: Technical Interpretation Seminar at FloridaInternationalUniversity
March 7-11, 2005: Interpreter Training Course at the State Department for French and Haitian Kreyol for both Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation
April 1-3, 2005: Consortium Interpreter Certification Written Exam for Court Interpreters Creole/English
March 2005: Interpreter Training Course at the State Department (French/Creole)
February 6, 2005: Screening examination by the 11th Circuit of Miami for Spanish>English<Spanish (Interpretation and translation)
November 30, 2004: Passed the screening examination for the DEA for Translators
(Certificate of Proficiency in English and Haitian Creole)
Since July 2004: Member of NAJIT (National Association of Judicial Interpreters and Translators); member of New York Circle of Translators
Since June 2004: Member of the ATA (American Translators Association)
1998: Certificate of Advanced German from the Goethe Institut in Berlin, Germany
1996: Certificate of Intermediate Level in German from the Goethe Institut in Vienna, Austria
1997-2000: 3 year-training program at the Dolmetscherschule (School for Translators and Interpreters) in Zurich, Switzerland
1994: Certificate of Advanced Spanish from Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
1989-1995: B.A. of Law from the University of PARIS II-Assas (Sorbonne II), in Paris, France
1995-2000: Independent Translator for an Import-Export Firm in Schwyz, Switzerland (Van Melle) for French/German/English
May 2000-April 2001: In-house translator at Professional Translation Services in Miami, FL
April 2001-2002: Language instructor at Berlitz, Miami (French/German)
From 2002-now: Independent translator and interpreter for several translation companies in Miami and abroad such as inlingua Language Centers, Cacov Group, Omninetwork, Precision Translation Services, Professional Translating Services, Prolingo, etc...
As a Court Interpreter, I am regularly working in State and Federal Courts for clients such as the US District Attorney, FBI, DEAand ICE agents (debriefings), etc.
Law, banking, finance. Reports, charts, summaries, projects, consulting: clients include World Bank, AIG, Oleofina, HSBC Bank, etc.
Financial translations: Banamex, Merrill Lynch, Chevron Texaco, Visa/MasterCard
Educational material in Creole such as text books :I translate Science and Math books for grades 6,7, and 8 for the Department of Education).
Technical: IT. My clients include such companies as Tycoand Microsoft.
CONFERENCES/DEPOSITIONS: medical interpretation assignments for various practitioners and insurance claim companies; court interpreter, depositions for attorneys (insurance, accidents, etc...). Last major conference assignment: Feb 3rd, 2005 (Kreyol/English), January 24, 2005 (French/English) Rates: $300 minimum for simultaneous/$500 full day
Consecutive: $50/hour ($100 minimum) for Kreyol and $60/hour ($100 minimum) for French
Last simultaneous conference: May 17-19,2005 Convention on beauty products for purchasing agents
Creole: 10 cents/word - 08 cents/word if more than 10,000words
French: 12 cents/word - 10 cents/word if more than 10,000words
English: 08 cents/word
I translate from French, Creole, Spanish, German, Italian into English for 10 cents/word.
10,000 words a day.
Rush service available: 14 cents/word
XP Windows
Trados Excel SDLX
Wordperfect Adobe Acrobat
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: French (mother tongue), Creole (spoken at home), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), German (fluent), Italian