National History Day Lite Project

Dear 7th grade Challenge Social Studies Students, Parents and Guardians:

In Mrs. Lovern’s 7th Challenge Social Studies class, we will begin our NHD Lite project on November 12th and the entire project will be due on January 30th. This year’s National History Day’s theme is Leadership and Legacy, and for NHD Lite my students will focus on “Leadership.”

All students in 7th grade Challenge Social Studies must complete an NHD Lite project, regardless if they wish to compete in the NHD competition. A completion of an NHD Lite project is a course requirement for 7th grade Challenge Social Studies. Students who wish to compete in NHD will need to do extra work for the competition outside of my class, and it is strongly suggested for parent/guardian support and guidance outside of school. Mrs. Matthews can offer some assistance at NHD club that is held after school on Mondays in the Yellow ILC, for students who wish to compete a full NHD project and enter the competition.

Students will need to choose a leader in history in which they will complete an individual NHD Lite project on one leader. Students must choose from the following list of leaders:

·  Eleanor Roosevelt

·  Queen Elizabeth I

·  Jackie Robinson

·  Nelson Mandela

·  Theodore Roosevelt

Students must make a decision by November 14th from that selection. If students wish to complete an NHD full project, and enter the competition, using a different leader, then students need to talk to Mrs. Lovern to receive approval.

For the NHD Lite project, all students will be creating an “Exhibit” on the chosen leader and must choose an aspect of his or her leader that narrows his or her topic to a specific thesis. Students will be responsible for providing a 36” x 48” trifold display board to use for NHD Lite, regardless if the student will be entering the project for the NHD competition, this is a course requirement.

Students who wish to enter the competition will use the NHD Lite project as a mock up for the actual display for the competition. Students who wish to compete in NHD and create an exhibit must decide by November 26th and pay $20 to the main office and bring the receipt to Mrs. Matthews who will order the full size trifold displays that will be standard for entering the competition. Students must pay prior to or by that date for the boards to arrive in time to prepare for the competition. Students who wish to compete in the NHD competition using another medium, can do so on their own outside of class, and can receive some assistance from Mrs. Matthews at NHD Club. Some restrictions apply for students creating a website for NHD competition, please see Mrs. Lovern and Mrs. Matthews for details.

Regional Competition Due Dates:
Friday, January 30, 2015 Papers

Monday, February 9, 2015 Websites

Friday, March 20, 2015 Performances, Exhibits, Documentaries

State Competition Due Dates:

Friday, April 1, 2015 Papers

Wednesday, April 6, 2015 Websites

Saturday, May 2, 2015 Performances, Exhibits, Documentaries

Requirements for NHD Lite

Research component:

·  must have at least two secondary sources on his or her leader

·  must have at least three primary sources on his or her leader

·  15 pages of notes and analysis using the NHD Lite note taking handout on Google Docs

·  modified annotated bibliography using Noodle Tools (MLA/Works Cited)

Exhibit component:

·  36”x48” display board

·  scrapbook materials, materials for creative touches, construction paper, etc.

·  title

·  thesis

·  three vignettes or groupings of evidence, citation, analysis and photograph

·  must have at least three quotes as evidence, one from secondary sources, and two from primary sources (this is included in the three vignettes) and a citation for every piece of evidence used on exhibit

·  analysis cannot exceed 500 words (all text on the display board, except for anything quoted from a source)

·  all words must be typed (evidence, thesis, title, analysis, citation)


Students will be scored on:

·  following directions

·  completion of all components

·  quality and quantity of notes

·  quality of effective analysis of notes

·  completion of a correctly formatted bibliography in MLA format

·  neatness, presentation, and creativity of exhibit

·  quality of analysis on exhibit

·  content of the three vignettes of exhibit

·  content of thesis/title

Students will be given instruction specific to this project and some class time to complete this project. Students will be expected to do some of the project at home independently, and it is encouraged that parent/guardians assist when necessary, as this is an extensive project.

All NHD Lite handouts will be available on Google Apps in the 7th grade Challenge Social Studies folder. Students will be responsible for taking notes on Google Docs using the NHD Lite Note-Taking template. Students will be given access to technology in class to access Google Docs. It is preferred if students have access to the Internet at home to complete notes, but not absolutely necessary to complete this assignment. Students will be utilizing the Timbercrest Library in their research component of this project. Parent/guardian volunteers will be needed in January for conferencing with students. I will post a schedule of days when volunteers are needed.

Thank you,

Ashley Lovern
