August 16, 2016

6:45 PM

Present: Joan Hinman, Mayor; John Bonhotal, Deputy Mayor/Trustee; Reid Golden and Maryann Dwyer, Trustees; Nancy Milea, Village Clerk; Pamela Hladik, Village Treasurer; Joe Hornbeck, Public Works Superintendent; Lucas Flachs and Ralph Rossi, Cedarwood Environmental; James Milea, Animal Control Officer; Ryan Hejnal, Stamford Fire Department and Residents, Jim Kopp, Nathan Ovshey and Janet Wenner Absent: Darren Hanway, Trustee

Public Hearing to discuss the Animal Control Law 6:45PM to 7:00PM; No Residents Present.

Public Forum: Jim Kopp addressed the Board regarding the Maze Cold Spring Park and the recent damage to the property. He asked the Board to consider installing cameras on the property. The Board agreed to install cameras and put up signs as well as ask the new State Troopers in the area to start patrolling the area once again.

Nathan Ovshey addressed the Board about the Fire Department Alarm. His family owns the motel next door and the alarm wakes up his baby and scares him. Joe will look into having the system changed for the Robinson Terrace automatic alarm and see what it will take to get the system to work with Delaware County to try and minimize the number of rings.

Mayor Hinman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Old Business

The minutes of7/19/16 and 8/2/16were approved with one correction to 7/19/16.

The June and July Treasurer’s reports were presented for review.

Pamela Hladik presented the following budget adjustment

John Bonhotal made a motion to accept the adjustment, seconded by Maryann Dwyer. Motion passed. John Bonhotal – yes, Reid Golden – yes, and Maryann Dwyer – yes

John Bonhotal made a motion to pass the Animal Control Law, seconded by Maryann Dwyer. Motion passed. John Bonhotal – yes, Maryann Dwyer – yes, Joan Hinman – yes, and Reid Golden – abstain

There was a short discussion regarding the address numbering system in the village and how it is doesn’t comply with the 911 system. A 911 County Representative was supposed to be present to answer questions however was not able to attend the meeting so the topic was tabled to await further information.

The new tower lease agreement for American Tower was presented to signatures. Reid Golden made a motion to sign the agreement, seconded by John Bonhotal. Motion passed. John Bonhotal – yes, Reid Golden – yes, and Maryann Dwyer – yes

Reid Golden made a motion to award Linda Stratigos a $500 bonus of the NYS Water Grant for successful completion of the grant, seconded by John Bonhotal. Motion passed. Reid Golden – yes, Maryann Dwyer – yes, and John Bonhotal – yes


There was a discussion on the need to upgrade the SCADA system at the Filter Plant and Well House. The total project cost is $89,520. The Filter Plant amount is $52,350 and the Well House is $37,170. John Bonhotal made a motion to have the general fund loan the water fund $52,350 to cover the Filter Plant portion for this year to be returned to the water fund by the end of the fiscal year, seconded by Maryann Dwyer. Motion passed. Reid Golden – yes, Maryann Dwyer – yes, and John Bonhotal – yes

The following resolution was passed.

The Waste Water Treatment Plant energy efficiency proposal was presented to the board in the amount of $8,338.85, which would be completely NYC funded. Reid Golden made a motion to approve the proposal, seconded by John Bonhotal. Motion passed. Reid Golden – yes, Maryann Dwyer – yes, and John Bonhotal – yes

Lucas Flachs also addressed the board about needed to upgrade the old SCADA system laptop. Two quotes were presented from Turnkey Control Solutions in the amount of $1,790.24 and Computer Emergency Room LLC in the amount of $1,840.00. John Bonhotal made a motion to accept the purchase from Turnkey, seconded by Reid Golden. Motion passed. Reid Golden – yes, Maryann Dwyer – yes, and John Bonhotal – yes

Joe Hornbeck asked the Board if they could ask Cedarwood Engineering to provide a monthly report of progress on the Water Project.

The Stamford Fire Department submitted a sole source quote from Garrison in the amount of $5,125.16 for new turnout gear. John Bonhotal made a motion to accept the quote, seconded by Reid Golden. Motion passed. Reid Golden – yes, Maryann Dwyer – yes, and John Bonhotal – yes

The Stamford Fire Dept. submitted an application for a new member, Kaitlyn Eighmie. John Bonhotal made a motion to continue to insure Kaitlyn as an explorer until her 18th birthday on 9/9/16, when she then will be accepted as the full member to the Stamford Fire Department, seconded by Maryann Dwyer. Motion passed. Reid Golden – yes, Maryann Dwyer – yes, and John Bonhotal – yes

James Milea submitted his monthly report for review.

A Dog Park was brought before the board for discussion. Information had been gathering from the Attorney, Insurance Company and several other sources. There is no additional charge to the Village to put in a dog park. Joe Hornbeck mentioned the area behind the Tennis Courts. Reid Golden and Joe Hornbeck will walk the property. The topic was tabled for further research.

Tomi Tompkins submitted his monthly report for review.

The lawn mowing quotes were discussed and the issue remains that we need to have a local law in place in order to bill lawn mowing and tree removal to taxes. The topic was tabled to await further information from Attorneys.

The following facility/park use form was submitted. The Booster Club submitted an application for use of the snack shack at Archibald Field. John Bonhotal made a motion to approve the application pending initials received on the policy page, seconded by Reid Golden. Motion passed. Reid Golden – yes, Maryann Dwyer – yes, and John Bonhotal – yes

Joe Hornbeck asked for permission to surplus the old swinger loader. Reid Golden made a motion to allow the surplus for the loader, seconded by John Bonhotal. Motion passed. Reid Golden – yes, Maryann Dwyer – yes, and John Bonhotal – yes

Reid Golden made a motion to pay Abstract 3 as listed below, seconded by John Bonhotal. Motion passed. Reid Golden – yes, Maryann Dwyer – yes, and John Bonhotal – yes

Abstract #3 –

General $81,751.76



Capital $3,015.00


Mayor Hinman called for an executive session at 8:45PM to discuss personnel issues and invited Nancy Milea, Pamela Hladik, and Joe Hornbeck to attend. Executive Session ended at 8:55PM and Regular Meeting was reopened.

Albert Vamosy’s resigned was accepted and Jesse Calia’s probationary period ends September 1st and he will stay on as a full time employee with benefits. John Bonhotal made the motion, seconded by Reid Golden. Motion passed. Reid Golden – yes, Maryann Dwyer – yes, and John Bonhotal – yes

Regular Meeting Adjourned at 8:57PM.

Respectfully Submitted,Nancy Milea, Village Clerk