1. When setting the budget each year the Council will decide how much it wishes to set aside to use for grants
  1. All requests for a grant must be made in writing to the Parish Clerk using the attached form, except for the following annual grants:

- Woodhall Country Show

- 1940’s Festival

- The Rotary Club Christmas Fayre

  1. Grants will only be awarded to local organisations, or to national organisations whose services offer a benefit to the residents of Woodhall Spa. These organisations must be registered charities and not ‘for profit’ organisations.
  1. Grants will not be awarded to individuals.
  1. Grants will not be awarded towards day to day running costs, and the project must be sustainable without continued funding from the Parish Council.
  1. Grant applications must be submitted at least 2 months in advance of the funds being required, and will be considered by the Parish Council at the next available meeting.
  1. Decisions on grants will be made by the Parish Council, unless delegated to a committee for a decision.
  1. Applications for £500 or over will be subject to all funding from other organisations (if applicable) already being in place.

This policy was adopted by the Parish Council at its meeting on 17th June 2014, minute ref. 8278b. Amended 21st October 2014, minute ref. 8467a.


Section 1 Application Details

Name of applicant (the person to whom all correspondence will be directed towards:

Address and contact details:

Name of organisation (if applicable):

Position of applicant within organisation:

Address of organisation if not as above:

Date of application:

Brief statement of intended use of grant:

Amount of money applied for:

Section 2 Background Information

Purpose of Organisation:

Additional explanation of need for grant (if required):

Date project will start:

Section 3 Supporting Information

Y / N

Have you applied for funding for this project apart from this application?

If Y, please indicate to whom and if successful

When do you want the money, and is this date flexible?

How will this project benefit the community of Woodhall Spa?

Y / N

Have you, or this organisation, been involved in any other projects in the Woodhall Spa community for which funding has been sought from the Parish Council?

If Y, please give details

Y / N

If the grant is not awarded, will this project still continue?

What provisions will you make to allow the Parish Council to be satisfied that the project is sufficiently robust?

What monitoring and reporting provisions will you put into place to allow the Parish Council to be satisfied that the money will be spent in accordance with the information supplied in the application process?

What other organisations or individuals (as appropriate) are affiliated with this project, if any?

Y / N

Is this project aimed at providing new amenities in the village?

Y / N

Is this project aimed at providing new services in the village?

Y / N

Is this project aimed at maintaining existing amenities in the village?

Y / N

Is this project aimed at maintaining existing services in the village?

Y / N

Will all members of the Woodhall Spa community be able to access or make use of the product(s) of the project?

Is this project aimed at a specific audience?

Y / N

If Y please indicate with a tick who the audience will be:

Pre-school age / Primary school age / Teenager
Retired / Elderly / Disabled
Single parent family / Religious / Disadvantaged
Other (please specify

How would you categorise your project:

Heritage / TourismPrimary school age / Conservation
Social / Commercial / Educational
Other (please specify
Y / N

Will this project be located within the parish boundary?

If not, please detail how this will affect the conditions of any grant that the intended use directly benefit the community of Woodhall Spa

Please outline the current status of the project. Include where relevant indications of any planning applications, interaction that may be required with local, regional or national services such social services, the DfES, ELDC, LCC, etc

Woodhall Spa Parish Council Grant Application Form

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