Knights’ website instructions for volunteering on a team

The website has the capability for you to indicate if you are volunteering on a team. For our purposes on the website we are only capturing volunteers for the following positions:

  • Head coach
  • Assistant coach
  • Committee member (following roles)
  • Chairman
  • Treasurer
  • Communications coordinator
  • Volunteer coordinator
  • Game day operations
  • Spirit wear coordinator
  • Field operations coordinator
  • Or other committee position
  • Team webmaster

This document will walk you through the steps necessary to indicate what volunteer position you are performing for a Knights’ team.

The first thing you will need to do is login to the website with your username and password. This should take you to your “My Account” page. But if not, click on the “My Account” button on the top right hand corner of the screen.

Once you are on the “My Account” page you should click on the “Volunteer” tab.

On the “Volunteer” tab, you will see any current volunteer roles you have. To add, click on the “Add/Remove Volunteer Roles” link.

On the next screen, click on the “View More Volunteer Positions” button.

Next, you will want to select the Program you wish to volunteer for by checking the appropriate checkbox.

Once you checked the appropriate checkbox, you will see list of divisions and volunteer roles for that program. Check the appropriate checkbox for the volunteer role.

At the bottom of the screen, click the “Next>” button.

You will see the “Additional volunteer Info” page. Here is where you need to enter your name, email address, and answer a few questions. The name and email defaults to the primary contact of your website account. You can change it if a different family member is volunteering.

In the example below, John’s wife Mary is volunteering so she has updated the appropriate fields.

Next you need to read the waiver and answer a few questions then click the “Next>” button. The screen shot below is for a committee member volunteer.

This will record your volunteer position and take you back to the “My Account” screen where you will now see your volunteer position.

One thing to keep in mind is at this point you have only indicated you want to volunteer for a particular program and division. The division manager on your committee, the person responsible for allocating people to teams, needs to allocate you do the correct team.

If there is no one on your committee that is a division manager please contact the Knights webmaster at .