Y9 FRENCH Long term overview: (see medium term plan for more detail re resources and HL)

Sept-Oct half term / Ma vie socialed’ado / READING (Studio 3 p.19)
WRITING (book check min 3+ pieces of work)
Oct half term-Dec / Bien danssapeau / LISTENING (Studio p.41 ex 4)
SPEAKING (what do to be healthy –recorded)
Jan- Feb half term / Bien danssapeau /
À l’horizon / WRITING (open book assessment about health)
Feb-half term- Easter / A l’horizon
/ GRAMMAR (recognising and using different tenses)
Easter- May half term / Aux magasins / READING (tasks on shopping)
May half-term-July / Les vacances / Bordeaux / SPEAKING

Ideally 2 assessments per half term but 4 over a term to be recorded on SIMS and in students’ progress trackers

Module 1: Ma vie socialed’ado (Studio 3 module 1) 8x100 approx / Timings
  1. Planète Facebook: Say how you use Facebook / using present tense verbs
    Understanding advantages and disadvantages of Facebook and giving opinions
/ 200
  1. Comment tutrouves…? Asking and giving opinions about people/ using direct object pronouns
/ 100
  1. Tuviensaussi? Inviting someone out and accepting or declining
    Making arrangements to go on a date using near future
/ 200
  1. Ças’estbien passé? Describing a date in the past and asking questions
/ 200
  1. Prepare a written assessment: mind map re describing someone, arrangements and describing date in past. Written assessment in class – using reference materials to help
    LISTENING ASSESSMENT Studio p.41 ex 4
    WRITTEN ASSESSMENT (book check)
    SPEAKING ASSESSMENT (script on bullet points for topic)
/ 200
Module 2 Bien danssapeau (Studio 3 module 2 ) 7x100 approx / Timings
  1. Le sport et le fitness: Say what you should do to be fit and healthy / using ‘ilfaut’ + infinitive
/ 100
  1. Mes resolutions pour manger sain: Discussing healthy eating and making resolutions about what you are going to do to be healthier using near future **simple future
/ 200
  1. La semainedernière: Describe your diet in the past and say what you did last week ** when you were younger / using passé compose **imperfect in ‘je’ form
/ 100
  1. Review of different tenses and WRITTEN ASSESSMENT (open book assessment using reference materials)
/ 100
Module 3: À l’horizon (Studio 3 module 3) 7x100 approx / Timings
  1. Es-tu fait pour cemétier?: Describing jobs / using masculine and feminine nouns – using adjectives to describe qualities
/ 200
  1. Le monde est un village: Discussing importance of languages and other skills in jobs / using modal verbs
/ 200
  1. Quandj’étais plus jeune: Understanding descriptions of what motivated people to choose their current jobs / Using imperfect tense
/ 100
  1. Ta vie sera comment?: Discussing your future career plans / using near future **simple future tense
/ 100
  1. Mon boulot: Describing your job / using different tenses together
    GRAMMAR ASSESSMENT: different past tenses
    LISTENING ASSESSMENT: (Studio assessment pack)
/ 100
  1. Preparation for written assessment: categorising vocab / tenses
    WRITTEN ASSESSMENT: responding to stimulus (some vocab provided but no draft done in advance)
/ 100
Module 4: Aux magasins: STORYLINE activity: creating a shop (6x100 approx) / Timings
  1. Les magasins: what shops are in the street / products /opening time: Partitive article / 24h clock
/ 200
  1. Le commerçant / la commerçante: Describe your shop worker: Revise physical and personality descriptions /using past, present and future tenses
/ 100
  1. La publicité pour le magasin: Understanding and producing an advert for your shop / using the imperative
/ 100
  1. Les conversations au magasin: Understand and create a dialogue between shop keeper and customer
/ 100
  1. Les directions enville: Finding the way to your shop in town /Directions vocab / revise imperatives
/ 100
Module 5: Les Vacances (Studio 3 module 4) 10x 100 approx / Timings
1.Question de vacances: Say what you normally do / where you go / types of places and activities. Present tense / 100
2.Mesvacancesidéales: Describe your ideal holiday saying what you would visit and do / Conditional: je voudrais + infinitive **j’aimerais / 100
3. Bordeaux: Ville et region: Be able to understand some key information about Bordeaux and region as a tourist destination / 100
4. On prépareunevisite: Plan a one week illustrated itinerary to Bordeaux / Future ‘aller’+ infinitive **simple future / 100
5.Mon séjour à Bordeaux: Create an illustrated diary entry for one /two days in Bordeaux / Passé composé /*using comparatives and superlatives (Prepare mindmap for speaking assessment for HL) / 100
  1. Set up speaking assessment for following week
/ 100
  1. SPEAKING ASSESSMENT – present / past / future – response to questions on holidays (and prepare display – rewrite work and collate)
    (WRITTEN ASSESSMENT: individual book checks – give an average level based on written work completed in book throughout this unit of work.)
/ 100
  1. Create a display with partner using material created in previous lessons – showing what you can do in Bordeaux, your itinerary and diary entry – can also create a postcard
    Présentation du projet: Be able to present information about your trip and give feedback on your classmates presentations
/ 100
  1. Tour de France – create a guide for French visitors to the Tour de Yorkshire this year!
/ 100
  1. Enville: Use French in different situations – e.g. café / shop / Present tense questions
/ 100