
Possible Free Response Questions

Fall 2007

Constitutional Underpinnings and the Constitution

1. Explain the basic organization and structure of the American Constitution. Make sure to discuss the following topics:

  • Historical influences
  • Distribution of power in the Constitution
  • Federalism and separation of powers
  • Devolution and the power to tax

Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

1. Initially, the United States Constitution did little to protect citizens from the actions of the states. In the twentieth century, the Supreme Court interpreted the Constitution to protect the rights of citizens from state governments in a process referred to as incorporation.

  1. Define selective incorporation
  2. For two of the following, explain how each has been incorporated. Each of your explanations must be based on a specific and relevant Supreme Court decision.
  3. Rights of criminal defendants
  4. First Amendment
  5. Privacy rights

2. Explain the role that the Supreme Court has played in restricting and expanding civil rights for African Americans. Then compare and contrast that to one of the following groups:

  • women
  • homosexuals
  • Americans with disabilities

Political Beliefs and Political Behaviors

1. Explain four factors that contribute to the formation of people’s political attitudes. Discuss how 2 of these factors have contributed to cleavages in public opinion.

2. Briefly explain why the percentage of people voting in national elections has been on the decline since the 1960’s. Include the following in your discussion:

  • national or international events
  • trust/mistrust in federal government
  • one of the attached political cartoons

3. Describe what the terms conservative and liberal mean, explaining what they both believe in. Choose two current issues and explain how they would vote on those issues and why.

4. Discuss how increasing federal control over registration and election rules has led to the enfranchisement of more groups of voters.


1. A democratic government is based on the will of the people prevails. Does Congress act in this way? In answering, consider elections to Congress, how Congress operates, and the factors that influence the voting behavior of its members.

2. Many students of American politics complain that Congress moves slowly and nothing is accomplished. Explain 3 aspects of Congressional organization that explain why legislation is not a quick and easy process.

The Presidency

1. Explain how the power of the presidency has expanded since the founding of the nation.

The Judiciary

1. Many view the Supreme Court as insulated by public opinion and influence. However, others claim that the court is influenced by outside pressures. Explain:

  • Three ways in which the court is above public opinion and influence.
  • Threeways in which the court is influence by public opinion and influence.

2. The war on terror has increasingly raised constitutional issues regarding the separation of powers and checks and balances between both the legislative and executive branches.

  • Explain the constitutional conflict between the legislative and executive branches in fighting the war on terror.
  • Explain what constitutional role the courts have on the war on terror AND how they have shaped the policy towards the war on terror.

The Bureaucracy

1. Is the bureaucracy too large and uncontrollable? Discuss the existing checks on the exercise of bureaucratic power.

2. All presidents complain about their inability to control the bureaucracy. Are those complaints justified? Discuss the problems a president encounters in obtaining bureaucratic cooperation. Be sure to point out the causes of these problems.

Political Parties, Elections, The Media and Interest Groups

1. Explain, in detail, how the 2006 midterm elections can be seen as a “realignment period.”

2. Discuss how the election system of the United States prevents third parties from becoming influential in American politics.

3. Discuss three (3) attempts to reform campaign finance in American politics. Evaluate whether ONE of these attempts was successful or not.

4. Examine the influences the media has on the political process. Assess whether this influence a positive or a negative influence.