General Library Information System (GLIS)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Caveats: FOUO


Renewing SSTP Certificates

Every 180 days SSTP Certificates must be renewed.

An SSTP certificate can be renewed more often than 180 days.

Library personnel can renew an SSTP Certificate.

If a certificate lapses, a Help Desk ticket must be submitted. Library personnel CANNOT use or renew and it may take several days to renew – lost time.

Armybiznet SSTP certificates with expiration date display every morning after hitting connect. The user name on the certificate will also show.

It is the responsibility of library personnel to renew Circulation SSTP certificates and EnvisionWare SSTP certificates. Consider setting up an Outlook reminder for ALL library personnel so this can be done before expiration. A recurring appointment with all library personnel as attendees can be set up for every 30 days, 150 days, 170 days, whatever you want. SSTP certificates can be renewed early so you might want to update all and have an SSTP renewal day for all of your workstations.

Directions for Renewal

Note: Click the Biznet Cert icon (NOT THE BIZNET CAC Cert) do not connect to any millennium application.

Once connected, follow the steps below:

1.  Go to In the top right corner select Helpful Links. Then select the first link Create or Renew an ArmyBizNet Login Certificate

2.  The link will send you to a new page that will show the below information:

***Please note: If you do not see the text Enroll or Renew an ArmyBizNet Login Certificate on your browser Go to view in the Tools bar, select styles->and select no styles*** now select the renew link.

3.  Do not login with CAC card to RENEW the certificate

4.  Find the Computer name in the CAC box, and select it.

5.  Next you will be taken to the following page.

Select request a certificate.

6.  You will be redirected to:

Select create and submit a request to the CA

7.  The following will appear: Click YES

8.  The following will appear. DO NOT CHANGE anything. Click Submit.

9.  The following screen will appear. Select YES.

10.  The following will appear. Select Install this certificate.

11.  You should now receive a screen telling you the new certificate has been


G:\imcom_hq\FMWRC_Solder_Com_Rec_Library_Program\GLIS\2015 GLIS Project\GLIS and HelpDesk\Armybiznet SSTP certificate with expiration date.docx !Page 1 of 5