Curriculum Vitae

Assist. Prof. Sevda LAFCI FAHRİOĞLU, MD. PhD.


Tel: +90 (392) 223 64 64/3013

Near East University Faculty of Medicine

Deparment of Anatomy

TRNC Mersin



Personal Data

NameAssist Prof. Sevda LAFCI FAHRİOĞLU, MD. PhD.

Birthdate 21. April1975

Citizenship T.C

Primary and Secondary education

1982 – 1986Aydın Ekrem Ciftci Elementary School, Aydın/TURKEY

1986 – 1989Aydın Gazipasa Intermediate School, Aydın/TURKEY

1989 – 1992Aydın High School,Aydın/TURKEY

Academic education

1992 – 1993Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine- Prep class


1993 – 2000Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine


2001 – 2005Doctoral studies

Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine

Department of Anatomy


Dissertation title: Morphometric analysis of Human Insular cortex

Examiner: Prof. Dr. Sezgin İLGİ

2005-2006MSc studies in cancer epidemyology

Hacettepe University Institute of Oncology, Department of Preventive Oncology

Professional experience

2001 -2005Research Assist. Hacettepe University Faculty of MedicineDepartment of Anatomy


2005-2006Research Assist. Hacettepe University Institute of Oncology Department of Preventive Oncology


2006-2008 Bilim Pharmaceuticals, Medical and Pharmacovigilance Manager


2008-2009 UCB Pharmaceuticals, Medical and Pharmacovigilance Manager


2009-2012Assistant Professor, Kocatepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy


20012-Assistant Professor, Near East University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy


Published Articles in National/International Journals :

1. Sargon MF, N. Mas, S. Senan, B. Ozdemir, HH. Celik, M. Cumhur. Quantitative analysis of myelinated axons of commissural fibers in the rat brain. Anat Histol Embryol. Jun; 32(3):141-4 (2003).

2. Erbil KM, A. Uz, M. Hayran, N. Mas, S. Senan, M. Tuncel. The relationship of the parotid duct to the buccal and zygomatic branches of the facial nerve; an anatomical study with parameters of clinical interest. Folia Morphol (Warsz) May;66(2):109-14 (2007).

3. Nüket Gocmen Mas, Can Pelin, Sinan Canan, Ayse Canan Yazıcı, Ragıba Zagyapan, Sevda Senan, Hamit Selim Karabekir, Bünyamin Sahin. Stereological evaluation of volumetric assymetry in healthy human cerebellum. Surg. Radiol. Anatomy, Mar; 31(3):177-81. 2009

4. H. Selim Karabekir, Nuket Gocmen Mas, Ozge Kuspeci Yılmaz, Orhan Bas, Tolga Ertekin, A. Canan Yazıcı, Sevda Senan. Evaluation of Cerebellar Asymmetry with Vertigo Cases: A Stereological Study. Turkish Neurosurgery, Vol: 19, No: 1, 15-20, 2009

5. The Premasseteric Branch of Facial Artery: Its Importance for Craniofacial Surgery. Orhan Magden, Nuket Göcmen-Mas, Sevda Senan, Mete Edizer, Umit Karacaylı, Hamit Selim Karabekir. Turkish Neurosurgery, Vol: 19, No: 1, 45-50, 2009

6. Gocmen Mas N, Karabekir HS, Yılmaz Kusbeci O, Sahin B, Ertekin B, Bas O, Yazıcı AC, Senan S. Morphometryc Analysis of Hemicerebellar Asymetry with Central Vertigo Cases: A stereological study. Int. J. Morphol. 2010; 28(2):637-642

7. Göcmen Mas N, Karabekir H, Ertekin T, Senan S. Evaluation of Lumbar Vertebral Body and disc: A stereological Morphometric Study. Int. J. Morphol. 2010; 28(3):841-84

8. Tarkan Ünek, Sevda Lafçı Şenan, Funda Aksu, Nüket Göçmen Mas,Organ Nakli Cerrahisinde Cerrahi Anatomi: Karaciğer ve Safra Yollarının Cerrahi Anatomisi, Turkiye Klinikleri J Gen Surg-Special Topics 2013;6(1)

9. Nuket Gocmen-Mas, MD, PhD,Mete Edizer, MD, PhD, Nigar Keles, PhD,Funda Aksu, MD, Orhan Magden, PhD, Sevda Lafci, MD, PhD, Hasan Ates, MD, and Selim Karabekir, Morphometrical Aspect on Angular Branch of Facial Artery, J Craniofac Surg 2015;26: 933–936

International Proceedings

1. Bayramoğlu A, M. Erbil, D. Demiryurek, N. Mas, B. Ozdemir, S. Kapakin, S.

Lafçı Senan, S. Tunalı. Bilateral additional renal arteries and an additional right renal vein associated with unrotated kidneys. European Journal of Anatomy, Vol.6-supp.1 July, 2002

2. Erbil KM, A. Uz, N. Mas, S. Şenan, M. Cumhur. Relations of parotid duct with the buccal and zygomatic branches of facial nerve: An anatomical study with the parameters of clinical interest. Scripta Scientifica Medica vol 36, supp.1, 2004

3. Mas N, S Senan, M Fırat, AC Yazici, O Unay Demirel, M Tuncel , R Basar. Evaluation Of Cerebrum-Diencephalon, Cerebellar And Total Intracranial Volumes By Manuel Tracing Technique: MRI Study. Eurepean Anatomy Congress, Praque, Sep 2007

4. Gocmen Mas N, SKarabekir S, Kusbeci Yilmaz O, Sahin B, Ertekin T, Bas O, Yazici AC,Senan S. Cerebellar Volume Ratio to Total Intracranial in central Causes of vertigo. 24th international conference, on Quantification of Brain Function with PET June 29 th-July 3rd Chicago IL USA,2009

5. Karabekir HS, Gocmen Mas N, Senan S., User NN, Morphological evaluation of the craniofacial fracture localization at head trauma patients. The 15th Euroacademia Multidisiplainaria Neurotraumatologica Congress, May 6-9, 2010 (Sözlü bildiri)

6.Lafci S., Gocmen-Mas N., Esmer A.F., Erbil K M., Ilgi S.Morphometry of human insular cortex: A cadaveric study, 4. ISCAA International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy June 28-July 1 Ankara, 2012

National Proceedings

1.Glikogen body in Ganglion Spirale and Hairycellswith aging, Tuncel M, Erbil KM, Sargon M, Bayramoğlu A, Mas N, Şenan S. VII. National anatomy congress (oral presentation) , Diyarbakır 1-5 Eylül 2003

2.Kantitative analysis of myelinated axons in commissura anterior, commissura posterior and commissura habenulorum in rats, Sargon MF, Celık H, Mas N, Özdemir B, Şenan S, Cumhur M. 1. National Neuroscience Congress (oral presentation) 16-20 March 2002, Eskişehir

3.Myelinated axons in corpus callosum in rats. Sargon M, Mas N, Özdemir B, Şenan S, Celik H, Akdağ B 1. National Neuroscience Congress (oral presentation)Eskişehir 16-20 March 2002

4.Scanning electron microscopic and light microscopic analysis of human cochleaand n. cochlearis’in Tuncel M, surucu HS, Erbil KM, Şenan S, Mas N. VII. National anatomy congress (oral presentation), Diyarbakır 1-5 September 2003

5.Scanning electron microscopic analysis of human hair and nail in iron deficiency İlgi S, Mas N, Beyan E, Erbil KM, Mas R, Tuncel M, Şenan S, Beyan C. VIII. National anatomy congress (poster presentation) Konya26-30 Agust 2004

6.Alteration total cranial volume analysis with agingDr. Nüket Mas, Dr. Barış Baykal, Dr. Sevda Şenan, Dr. Sezai Aydın, Dr. Refik Mas. 4. National anatomy congress (poster presentation) 31 Ağustos-4 Eylül, 2005.

7.MRI analysis of cerebellum and diencephalon volume in healty individuals Dr. Nüket Mas, Sevda Şenan, Barış Baykal, Hüseyin Doruk, Dr. Refik Mas 4National ageriatry congress (poster presentation)Antalya31 august-4 september2005

8. Gocmen-Mas N., Lafci S., Karateke H., Taşpınar Ç. Assesment of theorically and pratically anatomy education in Phase II sytudent in Afyon Kocatepe University 14. National anatomy congress 28 june- 1 july Ankara, 2012

9. Gocmen-Mas N., Karabekir S., Aksu F., Lafci S., Edizer M. Stereologic and Surgical analysis of Glioblastoma Multiforme 15. National Anatomy Congress, 5 - 8 September, Samsun, 2013

10. Gocmen-Mas N., Edizer M., Keleş N., Aksu F., Magden O., Lafci S., Ateş H. Karabekir S. Angular artery: Anatomic variations and anastomosis, 15. National Anatomy Congress, 5 -8 September, Samsun, 2013

Books Chapters:

1.New horizons in Pancreatitis Prof. Dr. İ Hakkı Koçar, Pankreas Morfolojisi: Dr. Meserret Cumhur, Dr. Nüket Mas, Dr. Sevda Şenan, 2004, Ankara

2. Hepatology 2004 Ed: Prof. Dr. Özden Uzunalimoğlu, Karaciğerin Makroskobik

Anatomisi: Dr. Nüket Mas, Dr. Sevda Şenan, Dr. Mine Ergun, Dr. Sezgin İlgi, Ankara, 2004

3. Hepatology 2005 Ed: Prof. Dr. Özden Uzunalimoğlu; Karaciğerin Elektron Mikroskobik İncelenmesi: Dr.Nüket Mas, Dr. Mine Ergun, Dr. Sevda Şenan, Dr. Sezgin İlgi, Ankara, 2005

4.New horizons in Hepatology . Ed. Dr. Ozden Uzunalimoglu, Dr.Refik Mas, Dr. Cihan Yurdaydın. Karaciğer Anatomisi Dr. Nüket Mas, Dr. Can Pelin, Dr. Sevda Şenan. Türkiye Hepatoloji Vakfı Yayını, Ankara 2007: 1-6

5. Pankreatology2007. Ed. Prof.Dr. Ömer Özütemiz, Dr. Refik Mas, Dr. Nevin Oruç. Pankreas Anatomisi. Dr. Nüket Mas, Dr. Sevda Şenan, Dr. Sezai Aydın, Dr. Gökhan Bilgin İzmir 2007: 8-17

6. Pankreatology2007. Ed. Prof.Dr. Ömer Özütemiz, Dr. Refik Mas, Dr. Nevin Oruç. Mikroskobik Anatomi. Dr. Ahmet Nacar, Dr. Nüket Mas, Dr. Sevda Şenan. İzmir 2007: 18-20

7. Hepatology2008 Ed. Dr. Özden Uzunalimoğlu, Dr. Refik Mas, Dr. Cihan Yurdaydın, Dr. Tahir Ünal, Dr. İlker Taşçı, Dr. Hakan Bozkaya. Anatomy of liver 1. Anatomy, 2. General Surgical Anatomy, 3. Electron Microscopy. Dr. Sevda Şenan, Dr. Nüket Mas, Dr. Gökhan Bilgin, Dr. Sezai Aydın, Dr. Mine Ergun, Dr. Mürüvet Tuncel Ankara 2008: 5-20

8.Anatomi, Ed. Dr. Mine Ergun, Dr. Mürvet Hayran:1. Sırt Anatomisi, 2. Columna Vertebralis, 3. Costae, 4. Sternum, 5. Columna Vertebralis Eklemleri, 176. Beyin ve Medulla Spinalis Zarları, 7.Medulla Oblangata, 8. Pons, 9.Vestibular Sistem Anatomisi Dr. Sevda Lafcı. Ankara 2014: 171-198, 523-528, 547-554, 665-670

9.İnsan Anatomisi Atlası 6. Baskı-TÜRKÇE, Çeviri Editörü: Prof. Dr. Meserret Cumhur, 2015


1. National Neuroscience Congress, Eskişehir/TURKEY

7. National Congress of Anatomy, Diyarbakır /TURKEY

8. National Congress of Anatomy, Konya/TURKEY

9. National Congress of Anatomy, Bodrum/TURKEY

14.National Congress of Anatomy ve 4. ISCAA(International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy), Ankara/TURKEY

Anatomy oft he craniofacial region, HUFM, 8-9 May 2003, Ankara

Course of Scanning Electron Microscopyand its Application, HUFM, 24 December 2004 Ankara

Introduction to Confocal Microscopy and its Application, HUFM, 13- 14 September 2004 Ankara

Course of Basic cell culture, HUFM, 28-30 January 2005, Ankara

Clinical Studies and Statistical Methods HUFM, 13-14 September 2005, Ankara

Education for researcher in oncology, HUFM, 23-24 June 2006 Ankara

Oncology Congress 2005, 25-26 November2005 Ankara

Oncology Congress 2006, 23-25 November2006 Ankara


Cancer Prevention Course, National Cancer Institute, 3-21 July 2006, Washington DC, U.S.A

Moleculer Epidemyology Course, National Cancer Institute, 22 July -5 August 2006, Washington DC, U.S.A

Certification Program for Pharmacovigilance 2-3 April2007, Ankara

Latest novelties in Pharmacovigilance in Turkey 13-13 October 2008, Ankara

Administrative Duties

Afyon Kocatepe University Member of Commity for Scientific Survey, 2009-1011

Afyon Kocatepe University Faculty of Medicine Phase IICoordinator, 2009-2011

Afyon Kocatepe University Member of Senate, 2010-2011

Afyon Kocatepe University Atatürk Vocational School, Deputy Manager, 2009-2010

Afyon Kocatepe University Atatürk Vocational School, Manager, 2010-2011

Near East University Faculty of Medicine Phase II Deputy Coordinator 2012


Turkish Association of Anatomy

Turkish Association of Geriatrics an Gerontology &Turkish Geriatric Foundation

Turkish Association of Stereology