Environment Programme
COMPONENT- II Understanding the Natural Resource Base
SUBPROJECT- II.3. Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis Formulation
National Consultant
for the Preparation of a National GEF-Amazon-TDA
Position:National Consultant for the Preparation of a National GEF-Amazon-TDA of Project:Integrated and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Water Resources in the Amazon River Basin Considering Climate Variability and Climate Change
Financing Agency: Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Implementing Agency: United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
Executing Agency: Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO)
Project Duration:
Application closing:
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela
Brasilia 2013
In recognition of the hydrographical unity of the Amazon Basin and in order to address the need for coordinated action, the Basin countries (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela) signed the Amazon Cooperation Treaty andcreated the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO). In 2003, following an initiative introduced by the Brazilian National Water Agency (ANA), and based on the results of a meeting of national focal points of the Inter-American Water Resources Network (IWRN), ACTO, on behalf of the Amazon Basin countries, and in collaboration with the Organization of American States (OAS), sought the support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to help develop a project proposal aimed at strengthening the institutional framework to effectively initiate integrated water resources management within the world’s largest hydrographic basin, in the context of climate variability and change.
The project “Integrated and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Water Resources in the Amazon River Basin Considering Climate Variability and Change” (ACTO/GEF/UNEP) seeks to strengthen the institutional framework for the integrated water resources management within the world’s largest hydrographic basin, through planning and executing coordinated activities for the protection and sustainable management of the land and water resources of the Amazon River Basin, in the context of climate variability and change. The project employs an innovative participatory mechanism as the basis for understanding current and expected IWRM challenges and issues. Such an understanding is the foundation upon which a sustainable and responsive Strategic Action Program (SAP), comprising program of capacity building, institutional strengthening, application of feasible economic instruments, and meaningful social and economic advancement, can be developed.
Confronting the Amazon Basin region are numerous challenges to the sustainable utilization of land and water resources as the region experiences exponential socio-economic growth and internal migratory flows and immigration. The complexity of the issues, coupled with a rapid rate of change in an environment requires the implementation of a process that will help minimize risks associated with deforestation, climate variability and change, and conflicts regarding the use of water and natural resources, while creating a strong foundation upon which to build a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) and a Strategic Action Program (SAP) that will address transboundary water resources management concerns shared by Basin countries.
Preparation of the GEF-Amazon TDA
A Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) is a key step in the implementation of the GEF-Amazon project and the formulation of a Strategic Action Program (SAP). In particular, there is a requirement for a more comprehensive scientific and technical fact-finding analysis to identify and prioritize transboundary water problems and scale the relative importance of their sources, causes and environmental and socio-economic impacts. This analysis should be carried out in a cross sectorial manner, focusing on transboundary problems and national concerns and priorities. In order to make the analysis more effective and sustainable it should include a ‘governance analysis’ thatconsiders the local institutional, legal and policy environment.
The GEF-Amazon-TDA will identify the priority transboundary problems, underlying sectorial causes, and the root causes of the problems, and will be a negotiated policy document, which should be endorsed by the ACTO member countries (MC). At the same time, the TDA preparation must be a participative and cooperative process among the countries of the region.
In order to allow for a broad national stakeholders participation process and comprehensive input to the regional TDA document, the Amazon Basin TDA preparation will be conducted through national TDA processes in each of the Basin countries.
In this context, an important consideration for TDA activities is the involvement of the National Project Coordination Units (NPCU) in the participating countries, together with the full participation of a national TDA expert, responsible for the elaboration of a National TDA.
The national TDA formulation of the GEF-Amazon project comprises three major elements:
- Identification and synthesis of existing project data and information.
- Analysis of priority national transboundary concerns during a National TDA Workshop and elaboration and agreement on a causal chain analysis.
- Synthesis of the outputs of the national TDA workshop and formulation a country specific TDA.
The contracted TDA consultant will coordinate the development of a national TDA as part of Subproject II.3. TDA Formulation, part of Component II Understanding the Natural Resources Base.
The consultant will develop a national TDA based on all available project data and the outputs of the national TDA Workshop and participate actively at the Regional validation Workshop.
Develop a national TDA based on priority national transboundary concerns and the outputs of the national TDA workshops
- Analyze the current institutional framework for Water Resources Management in the Amazon Basin at the national level;
- Moderate discussions at the national TDA workshop, consolidate the workshop results and develop a National TDA;
- Present the national TDA at the Regional Validation Workshop
- The consultant will assist the National Project Coordination Unit (NPCU) and the Regional Project Coordination Unit (RPCU) to facilitate the TDA process in accordance with the GEF best practice guidelines and help prepare materials for the national TDA workshops
- The consultant will be actively involved at each stage of the national TDA process, and will provide guidance to the NPCU and be responsible for the preparation of the outputs of the national TDA report.
- The consultant will work in consultation with the PCU and the regional TDA consultant.
- The consultant will participate at the Validation Workshop and provide the national input for the Final Report on the regional validated TDA.
The consultant will participate at the Regional Strategic Thinking Workshop, and support the NPCU during the national consulting process,following the methodology GEF TDA / GEF, guidance from the Regional Coordinating Unit, previously agreed with the PS / ACTO, with the National Project Units, national Focal Points and administrative procedures.
All payments to be disbursed according to agreed consultancy fees and after the corresponding output/product has been revised and approved by the Regional Technical Coordinator and the Coordination for Environment and the Executive Direction of thePS/ACTO.
The final product should be submitted through the project National Focal Point, in order to assure the necessary conformity of the participating Country.
The Consultant will be responsible for the delivery of the following outputs:
- Product 01 - Detailed Work plan for the GEF-Amazon TDA and draft Index of the final national TDA Report;1 month, US 1.000
- Product 02 - National TDA workshop report, including consolidated causal chain analysis, 1 month, US 1.000
- Product 03 - Consolidated final national TDA report and lessons learned regarding TDA methodology, 1 month, US 2.000
- Product 04 – Consolidated report about the national SAP consulting process, 1 month, US 1.000
All payments will be disbursed in accordance with the agreed consulting fees and after the products have been reviewed and approved by the Regional Technical Coordinator, Environmental Coordination and Executive Director of the PS / ACTO.
The final product must be submitted through the National Focal Point of the Project, to ensure the necessary compliance of Member Countries.
This Activity will be executed based on a direct relationship with the national actors involved in water resources management in the Amazon Basin.
The Consultant will also coordinate all activities with the Regional Project Coordinator and with the National Project Units.
The activities will be executed in accordance and following the GEF TDA/SAP methodology.The activities will be carried out in accordance and following the methodology GEF TDA / GEF in the art and as guidance from the Regional Coordinating Unit, previously agreed with the PS / ACTO, with the National Project Units, national Focal Points and administrative procedures.
The Consultancy will involve travel for participation at the Regional TDA Validation Workshop. The coordination travel directly related to the Consultant’s activities will be sponsored/ or reimbursed by PS/ACTO upon prior approval of travel plan and travel report.
All travel to ACTO Member Countries requires prior authorization and approval by the Regional Project Coordination and the PS/ACTO and formal communication to the country to be visited.
Eligibility Criteria and Technical Competencies
Post graduate qualification in environmental management, environmental economics, international development, or related discipline
Core Competencies
- Extensive experience in the development of TDA with solid knowledge of the Amazon Basin;
- Demonstrated experience in moderating participative processes and multi-stakeholder workshops;
- Demonstrated experience in TDA Processes, including familiarity with methodologies to be employed in multiple analyses and Best Practices of IW:Learn;
- Familiarity with GEF and UNEP objectives and procedures;
- Previous involvement with inter-governmental and multilateral cooperation initiatives, as well as with the consultative process of the implementation of decisions related to the environment in general, and the Amazon Basin in particular;
- Well-developed analytical and reporting skills;
- Good command of spoken and written English and Spanish language.
- Demonstrated understanding of the socio-economic processes that lead to degradation of international waters;
- Demonstrated experience in international water project management and/or project design;
- Demonstrated ability to discuss, negotiate and facilitate inter-governmental consultations in the region;
- Ability to meet project goals and produce high quality results.
- Capacity to translate strategic goals and priorities into realistic project deliverables.
- Competent leadership abilities necessary for dynamic, diverse and complex projects.
- Ability to build relevant coalitions to achieve project goals.
- Applicant should be available to begin work after signing the contract
- Applicant must be willing and able to travel as needed
- Consultancy duration: 5 month
- Total Consultancy fees: US$5,000 (payment per product)
- Proper work documentation required
Candidates will be selected through the National Project Coordination Units
- Candidates should submit an application package, including a CV in English (no more than 3 pages), Motivation Letter in English and Spanish (2 pages) and a minimum of three professional references by email to:
- The subject of the e-mail message should refer to:
GEF-AMAZON Selection/ Activity
- Application closing day: