Please indicate below the sessions required for the October holidays 2017

Date / Am session
8-1 / Pm session
1-6 / Fuel Costs
Bus Fares
Entry Fee / Please
16/10/17 / Walk up Scolty / Play park Banchory / #
17/10/17 / Duthie Park / Winter Gardens / #
18/10/17 / Lego competition / Bingo & Topsy Turvey
19/10/17 / Walk Kincardine O’Neil / Picnic lunch at Potarch / #
20/10/17 / Ranger event Bennachie / Centre & walk / #
23/10/17 / Walk Tom’s Cairn / Picnic lunch
Aboyne Play Park / #
24/10/17 / Burn O Vat Centre
And walk / Ballater Play Park / #
25/10/17 / Cinema / The Nut Job / #
26/10/17 / Hallowen crafts / Halloween games / #
27/10/17 / Halloween party / Dooking for apples / #

It is a weeks’ notice to cancel however, due to cancellations last minute, the fee for the ASC holidays will still apply if your child does not turn up.

The Sunshine Afterschool Club Programme

4 Beltie Road


Tel: 013398 82929


Summer Holiday Programme

Here at Sunshine we include a wide variety of activities each day. Outdoor games, baking, art & craft activities, wii box, parks, air hockey table and daily outings in the holiday period. The After School Club provides a vast amount of outdoor activities and has good use of the two outdoor garden spaces. They regularly visit the park and go on walks up in the local wood. The After School Club is a time for the children to have fun and relax with their friends.

Trips: All the vehicles are insured and appropriately serviced.

Costs; Full day £40.00

Half day £ 30.00

Petrol will then be included on all trips outside the club; £5.00

All costs above care i.e. booking fare and petrol are above care costs.

Times are, Full day 8-6 or 8-1, 1-6

  • Please provide a packed lunch and snacks for your child.Please can we also ask that children bring appropriate clothing for all weathers and a change of clothes every day (welly boots, rain coats, sun cream etc).

Please do not bring any nut products into the ASC

Holiday registration form

Childs Name………………………………………………………………………….


Full Address……………………………………………………………………………..


Home Telephone no…………………………………………………………………



Please provide two emergency contact details


Telephone Number………………………………………………………………..


Telephone number……………………………………………………………………

Please provide your child’s GP’s Address and Telephone details


Telephone number……………………………………………………………………………………

Please fill in if your child has any allergies or medical condition.


Dosage of medication……………………………………………………………………………


What medication does your child receive if they have a allergic reaction…………………………………………………………………………………………………….


If the situation arises that your child needs urgent medical treatment, do you grant permission? ………………………………………

In such a situation can we disclose these details to a doctor?......

Has your child had any serious illnesses………………………………………..

On our outings photographs may be taken for displays, is this ok?......

Please read and check over all of the details above.

Before any of the outings we must gain permission from the parent/guardian.

I give my permission for………………………………………………………………………… to take part in outings advertised/ impromptu visits to the park or woods with the club.

Parent/guardian signature…………………………………date…………………