BibCat Minutes 9/9/2005
BibCat Meeting Minutes
Friday, September 9, 2005
In attendance: Laurel Baker, Betty Boswell, Alma Creighton, Brian Cuthrell, Pat Harwell, Craig Keeney, Doug King, May Liu, Martha Mason, Nancy Miller, Jane Olsgaard, Scott Phinney, Melissa Surber, Derek Wilmott.
Call to order at 9:04 AM.
Nancy Miller
Minutes - changes
- Bibliographic description – suggest turning "off" location screen
- $b is okay in item record call numbers, but not required.
- Spacing and $b are not to be the same for the bib record as the MHLD for the call number. $b is used in the bib, but NOT the item or the MHLD call number.
- the meeting participants were asked not interrupt each OTHER and start side conversations while the larger meeting is taking place.”
- “ACTION: A proposal was made to suppress the CC Internet records and not to add an item record for new Internet ITEM records.”
ACTION: Minutes approved with changes
Minutes from the August meeting were passed out
ACTION: Minutes approved by consensus
Holdings Records and Attaching Items
· It was suggested we begin by discussing putting new items in the OPAC to pick up from Wednesday’s meeting.
· The record for Journal of Legal Studies (Aiken holdings) was an example.
· The main problem with "View items" is that the location screen looks like all locations have all items.
· We need to ask Laurel to go to III help desk to get this resolved.
· It was proposed that we fix location problems one by one.
· It was noted that there is nothing in the manual about "View items".
· It may not be possible to get holdings unlinked for Law in a reasonable amount of time.
· Staff has been asked to always look in Public view to check for negative impacts of changes.
· It has been observed patrons are not going past the first screen of information in the catalog.
· If you are scoped for a particular library and you go to the public side, you won't see other libraries' holdings - be mindful of this.
· It was explained how to change the statuses of multiple item records for a single bib record: "Edit - Modify Group" - you can change a group of items in a record at once - you have to specify the field at the top of the dialog window.
· We will ask III what the impact will be if they turn off "View items" in the OPAC view (“Turn off”; not “Suppress”).
· It was observed that this seems to affect items created from the Gap Period on; it only seems to happen after we started adding holdings in Millennium, not with migration.
· Select "Don't use a holdings record" when attaching holdings.
· Jane suggested we wait until we hear from III to make changes to holding attachment.
· The group was asked to keep exploring preferences in the meantime to see if you can find anything else that would be helpful in the holdings discussion.
008 in Holdings Records
· There is a lot of "pink" (empty subfields) in the 008 field when you expand it; you can click to change; mostly useful for ordering (Ctrl+R or right-click expands this field).
· The group talked about if there was any harm in selecting "unknown" in the pink fields?
· The 008 gives you a basic framework for what can be filled in for what you want.
· We are not really worrying about it right now because it doesn't seem to be affecting anything.
· We want to wait until the orders come in (Sept. 27) to see if it made any affect.
866, 867, 868
· Units seem to be this as opposed to MARC.
· This is fairly low in priority in the scheme of things.
· The 85X/86X pairings is MARC21 standard in Millennium nomenclature.
· We need flexibility so they are going to keep with 866, etc.
· 1999 documentation says "v.1-5" or "v.1-v.5" is okay, but simpler is better if you can get away with it for less complex holdings.
· Opinions on standards for this: "v.1-v.5" regardless of whether it is bound together or not; should we do this for new records – Per 10-20-2005 meeting, this is official now.
Copy from MARC tag - skipped
TC/PC call numbers
· 049 field – List the record owner(s) at the bottom of a group of multiple 049s.
Deleting identical fields
· We should do this only if we're comfortable, and only in the bibliographic record.
Multi-volume sets/Multi-volume monographs
· You have to create a Holdings record, but not linking items and not creating a card; always look at the Public view afterward.
· Longer code is for item (e.g. CAXX), shorter is for bib (CAX).
· 092s display as 082 from migrations; same problem with 050/090, question if there is a global replace for this?
· We should run a report to catch these.
7XX $w problem
· OCLC number was showing up in the public view which is odd.
· It was observed that 130s and 240s are real problems with III – they only display the first title that matches, not all of the individual titles.
· We need to talk about analytics at some point in the future, possibly devote a substantial part of a meeting to them.
· Date 1, Date 2 in the 008 - expand in edit mode - which date does it choose for the OPAC display? It looks at Date 1 for a publication date.
· When you click on the URL from OPAC, the link brings up the linked page within the OPAC window; the URL doesn't display when page is opened.
· This is going to be a whole separate issue to deal with this, and could affect whether we are going to do $z notes or not for this field.
· It is misleading to have the Catalog frame with external web pages linked from the OPAC.
· It was proposed that if you need to add clarification for the URLs, do it for the time being until we come up with a more permanent decision.
· We should address the 856 problem unit by unit; Gov. Docs. gets tapeloads that already have the $z notes and we are not changing those at the moment. He also suggested that we bring Govt Docs into this discussion.
· Asked for clarification on the holdings records 843 field: have we decided that we are going to use this for new titles, suppress it for the public, and use it for our own purposes?
· Law doesn't want to suppress the 843; they use it a different way. People in circulation there would like to see the 843 (used for copy number, floor number, and professor's names for office).
· They want to use the 843 instead of Public note because it shows in the holdings record in the client version and saves a lot of time.
· To suppress the Identity, put $i in front of the caption.
· You can still see it in the staff mode of the OPAC when suppressed.
· If we are going to be using our own, why should we all have to do the same thing with the 843?
· If we use this tag, we can use "Create list" to find things (e.g. "how many e-books do you have?").
· If you use this for "Create list", you're going to have problems with large lists of terms with inconsistent use of terms.
· It was suggested that we have a controlled vocabulary for terms if we are going to use this field, and have them match the order records.
ACTION: It was proposed that we table this until necessary staff return and talk more about this. The discussion was tabled by consensus.
· We are using call numbers in the holdings records.
· It was asked about training for holdings records (MFHDs) and if we are going to have any formal instruction in using them.
· The group opined that we need to have a contact person for holdings, maybe?
· If we do holdings, use 866, 867, 868 – (which will be internal unit choice) - for multi-volume monographic and serials, NOT 85X/86X pairings. We will revisit pairings later.
· It was asked if we would do pairings for serial orders. We would not do pairings for anything at this time.
· Instructions for sent out a "Create holdings and items in Millennium" this morning and we should consider these approved.
· We can't control the order of OPAC holdings displays, but that she will bring it up with III.
6XX Indicators
· Passed out two sheets about exporting the 600s. 655 genre is not coming over from Connexion.
· It was suggested bringing all indicators over.
· It was said that everything would probably display if we wanted to display a few of them; it would be difficult to only specify a few indicators to display.
· There would be duplication of very similar headings.
· We will continue with current practice whether they are public or suppressed and we will deal with this at a later date.
· We will set export to "+" so that the 655s come over from OCLC.
Suggested Additions to Millennium Indexing
· The most helpful fields for public indexing are 300 $a and $b and 310. What should we do with 777 (Issued with), 787 (Nonspecific relationship) for indexing?
· Example: International Journal of Linguistics for the 777; Wisconsin Magazine of History
· If it was indexed by titles, it would have the same problem as the 130/240, Millennium would only pull the first title.
· Indexing 787 probably won't be all that useful.
· Oct. 12 is the deadline for III indexing changes.
· What 069s were and that perhaps we should find out what these are because Millennium shows them in red.
· 900 fields are starting to come over from OCLC that do not necessarily relate to this library like our Blackwell orders. This can be misleading.
· Loads from Blackwell from 6/27/2005 forward have OCLC numbers, but we don't know if there will be any BNA records that will NOT have OCLC numbers.
Other information - Round Robin
· Instructions will need to be rewritten to address the 866/867/868.
· Sheet music is being entered into Music’s sheet music database in the absence of new materials. He should talk to Law about Reserves and about uncataloged bib. records "on the fly".
· Is any way to do "universal search" for indexing. Laurel will ask III about this (NOTIS equivalent "fi jx").
· TEST server is going down from 2-4 PM Friday Sept. 9.
· Can we find out how to get character map for diacritics into III client.
· Clarification was reiterated for: serial holdings using "v.1-v.X" format; she has not started Annex processing and is holding off on that for a while, gifts can be processed, we're still waiting on the order records.
· Writing the call number only on first volume in multi-volume set is PC's practice; she is calling other SC Millennium libraries and Pat Bower about the labeling program problems.
· Law is caught up with their cataloging and she is trying to get to her piles of things that she wants to edit; going through on-demand list; wants to work on bound-withs but she doesn't think she will be able to link those the way we want it.
Meeting Adjourned at 11:50 AM.
Submitted by Scott Phinney, Secretary.
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