High Gear Archives – 07072004 -12292004
High Gear - December 29, 2004
Walking into the Memorial Clubhouse and turning right, into the large conference room, gave one a sudden fright. Looking at the measly spread of dishes on the tables gave cause for alarm. Gadzooks! Is this our buffet lunch? Happily, the next objects in view were wine and champagne glasses already topped off with - you guessed it - wine and champagne. And a wave of relief passed quickly over us all with the realization that the "buffet lunch" was actually a spread of appetizers set out to go with the afore-mentioned liquid refreshments. The noise level was noticeably raised in concert with the consumption of the aforementioned liquid refreshments. And we were off to a good start on the last meeting of 2004. When the noise level had reached the appropriate level, Pres. Dan ushered us in to our dining tables, calling upon George Stewart for the Invocation.
Good thing we had no speaker scheduled for today, because George took his own time and a speaker's time and then some. However, in fairness, the Blessing that George delivered was excellent, meaningful and most appropriate to the place of Rotary in the World (in spite of the fact that some Rotarians, veterans of the "eat your lunch asap" philosophy, had finished their lunch before George had completed the Blessing) . Another Amazing Feat of E. H. Rotary hard to beat anywhere.
If any of us who were a bit drowsy after a few sips of the fruit of the grape, Pres. Dan got EVERYONE'S attention with a powerful swipe at the Bell that woke up some off duty firemen at the new safety center.
Thus Pres. Dan moved us into the business of the day calling upon Larry Frazier to introduce our only guest, the venerable former member Fred Campbell, and then asked Larry to lead us in the Welcome Song, a strong rendition despite the somewhat reduced cast of characters (characters? characters? What does he mean by that?).
Special thanks to Sgt. Jack Ghagan for his fine compliments on the undersigned's identification of new grandfather(s), singular and/or plural, to which I now add congratulations to all the Club grandfathers (and grandmothers, too). I don't want to leave anyone out. That does it, Jack, so you can pass the Badge of Office on to the next Sergeant and rest on your laurels. And always remember that the High Gear editor has the last word. But before resting, Jack announced anniversaries for Bill Saunders (43) and Fred Campbell (54). They have very understanding wives! And lest we forget, Larry Churchill lost a century somewhere, dating his lunch card 1905. Or was he simply honoring the significance of that date to Rotary? Larry? Or is that the forgetfulness you were talking about?
Sad notes: George Schoen's father-in-law died this morning. Scotty Howatt is not doing well at the Hospital. Still, no calls or cards.
With best wishes for a happy and successful New Year to all,
High Gear -- December 22, 2004
I have it on good authority that Pres. Dan opened the meeting on time and that Rev. Ted Mosebach gave the Blessing.
With experienced Rotary Chow Hounds getting to the Buffet table first, each one exhibiting their talents at bumping line buckers back where they belonged, it was quite a display of fancy foot and hipwork. Today we had only a few injuries and nothing more serious than a bloody nose. It was worth the the battle though, since the Kraus gang put on a very good buffet lunch. Many good comments today. And a good day for the Club to celebrate the good service Kraus gives us, coming to the Ridge each week as they do, and Pres. Dan presented each of the ladies with a Christmas remembrance.
Sgt at Arms Jack Ghagan nicked me for a late charge, but that was only the beginning. It seems that last week I was giving away grandchildren (rather generously, I thought, but possibly to the wrong grandfather). At least that's what everyone claimed when Sgt Jack came by with Jim Sheehan in tow and Dave Amberg a half a step behind. Wrong I was, they claimed, that all the applause should have been for Grampy Dave. So, I congratulated both of them figuring I couldn't be wrong that way. And with this Club and this Sergeant, how is an innocent party to know - - when these announcements are scratched out on a torn-off piece of fine linen table cloth made of cheap paper?
And speaking of Sergeants, Carol Krantz announced that Celia Collins was her choice to head the Sgt at Arms Committee next year. Yeah, Ceil - and remember the cheers next Rotary Year when the boos (not booze) begin to be heard.
Peter Klock had more fruit this week. He reported that the Club made over $100.00 on last week's orange grove. This week it's grapefruit and just as good. Call Peter if you wish to add more to your stash.
Dean Roland brought us upsetting news about Scotty Howat. He's at St. Francis - no cards or calls - but plenty of prayers are in order.
Steve Jacoby reported a turn-out of over 300 for the Holiday Dance Festival with over 100 on the dance floor - led, of course, by Twinkletoes Herbie, accompanied by his bride and partner, Regina. Special thanks go to Dunkin" Donuts and Shaw's Market for their support.
Dick McCarthy bears watching. He won the Raffle AGAIN! How does he do that??
Barall, J. introduced our guest speaker, Willa Westbrook, who spoke to us about "Crooks and Cads" - or - how to spot crooks from their handwriting. As a handwriting specialist, she reminded us of the necessity for extra care with our records and identification cards, plastic and otherwise. Shredders are no longer limited to office use. So keep your identity protected. There are a lot of crooks and cads out there. Interesting program but better projection facilities would have helped it a lot.
In closing, we Decked the Halls in song.
gwb (aka Gerry Brady)
Addendum to High Gear, Wednesday, December 21, 2004
The following information is added:
Birthdays: Jackie Danise, Dan Larson and Doug Willett
Anniversary: Dan Firestone - 41 years married.
Guests: John Mozzicato - a grandson.
High Gear -- December 15, 2004
If one needed a reminder that Ole' Man Winter is on his way, today was it. Cold and Windy it was on the top of the Hill.
Pres. Dan gonged us to attention for The Pledge, The Song, The Test, and Rev. Ted's fine invocation reminding us of our many blessings and further reminding us to keep our men and women in uniform in our prayers.
After a forgettable meal (never could get any flavor in the meat), Pres. Dan called for introductions.
Guests today: Herb Barall introduced Alisa from the Rockville Club and Loretta Dienst was introduced by the person to whom she is married. And Herb then responded to Pres. Dan's call and led the Welcome Song.
Sgt at Arms Jack Ghagan, bemoaning a slow beginning for fines, came on strong with announcements. Anniversaries: Steve Tamiso, Jim Fallon, Bill Saunders, Carol Krantz. Birthdays: Kathy McCabe, Ted Mosebach and Carol Krantz. Grandson: Steve and Mary Tamiso. Photos: Herb B. for 3 photos and a nice article in the paper on Herb's bench activities as wellas his teaching dancing to kids at a dance studio. All in all, a good day for the Tax Man.
Make-ups: Lionel ("the Train") Lesard (Rockville x 3), Gail Greaney (NB Club) and Sue Klock (eClub One).
Notes (in the order of importance): (1) Scotty Howatt is in St. Francis Hospital for back surgery. Cards welcome. calls. No calls. No visitors.
(2) Dues go up by $5 next year.
Peter Klock announced a mini fruit sale of guaranteed quality at cost of $13.00 and change, with anything you wish to add going to the Club. If Peter sells out, he will do it again next week.
Today was the day set for the Annual Meeting. Because a program was also scheduled, the required election of officers took place. The meeting was then adjourned to January 26, 2005 so that the program for the day could begin.
Jim Fallon introduced the music staff of Emil Kopce (Supr. of Fine and Performing Arts - Don H's old job), Chris Mientus (Dir. of Chorale) and Candy Guastamachio (Dir. of Orchestral Studies). This year we had for our entertainment the chorale and instrumental performance of the combined sixth grade students of the all the E.H. grade schools. The group is made up of two sections, the Chorale Group and the Flutes and Fiddles group. They perform both singly and together. This select group gave a performance of Christmas Carols, interspersed with some jazzy versions of "Barbershop Blues", "Oh, You Beautiful Doll"and "Hello My Baby".
The Carols included "Jingle Bells", "Three Ships", "Deck the Halls" "Here we come a Wasseling" "Silent Night". etc. Most of the kids in these groups will keep on working on their musical talents and continue to perform through their high school years. Hopefully we will hear them again in the future.
Programs for the rest of the month: December 22, 2004 - Willa Westbrook: Graphologist - "Crooks and Cads".
December 29, 2004 - Wine and Cheese - No speaker.
Annual Meeting Minutes of the Rotary Club of East Hartford, Connecticut
December 15, 2004
(through the time of adjournment)
The Annual Meeting of the Rotary Club of East Hartford was called to order by President Daniel Firestone at 12:45 P.M. on December 15, 2004 at the Veterans' Memorial Clubhouse. The following members were in attendance:
Agnelli, Amberg, Andreo, Barall, Belanger, Bradbury, Brady, Brown, Cecere, Churchill, Clarke, Collins,C., Collins, F., Cramer, Cunningham, Danise, Dienst, Fallon, Firestone, Frazier, Ghagan, Guillemette, Hallquist, Klock, P., Klock, S., Krantz, Larson, Leclerc, Lemieux, Leone, Martin, McCabe, McCarthy, McNaughton, Mosebach, Mozzicato, Peterson, Piscatello, Richmond, Roberts, Roland, Russell, Saunders, Schoen, Secord, Sheehan, Shemo, Spiller, Stewart, Stokes, Tamiso, Tischofer, Watts, Westbrook, Willett, Wishart, Wood.
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously adopted to waive the reading of the minutes of the December 13, 2003 annual meeting.
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously adopted to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2003 annual meeting.
The Nominating Committee reported that it had met in accordance with the by Bylaws and presented to the Club the following slate for 2005-2006:
Carol Krantz President
Dan Larson President-elect
Bill Saunders Secretary
Sue Klock Treasurer
Glen Peterson Director
Bill Secord Director
George Schoen Director
A motion was made, seconded and unanimously adopted that the nominations be closed and that the Secretary be directed to cast one ballot for the slate as presented by the Nominating Committee. So ordered.
There being a program scheduled for todays meeting, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously adopted to adjourn the meeting at this juncture to January 26, 2005.
There being no further business to be taken up at this time, Pres. Firestone called the meeting adjourned to January 26, 2005 at noon.
High Gear -- December 8, 2004
What a great night for the Rotary Holiday Party! Ninety-two Rotarians, spouses and friends journeyed to this Manchester restaurant for the annual yuletide bash. The weather was warm and pleasant, everyone was in a festive mood and the ambience was great at the Adam’s Mill Banquet Hall. Candle centerpieces adorned each table and the food was plentiful and excellent.
President Dan commenced the formal part of the evening by calling on Don Hallquist to lead in singing the welcome song. Art Bradbury gave the invocation and asked those assembled to remember those Rotarians not able to be with us this evening because of illness – Scotty Howat, Tom Galvin, and Bob Wood. He also suggested we keep Helen Davis’ daughter, Randy Davis Gagne, who is undergoing cancer treatment, in our prayers.
Sergeant-at-Arms Report:
Jack Ghagan, representing the illustrious Sergeant-at-Arms Committee, reported that in keeping with the holiday spirit all customary fines would be suspended for the evening. He further noted Bev Saunders was celebrating a birthday. Congratulations Bev!
Paul Harris Awards:
President Dan announced the selection of three Rotarians to receive the club sponsorship for Paul Harris Awards this year. They are: Dave Amberg, Sue Klock and Peter Klock.
He further announced that he was giving his wife, Hope, a Paul Harris Award.
Congratulations to each of you for receiving this high honor from Rotary. The actual awards ceremony will be held later in the year.
Special thanks go to Bob and Nancy Richmond who, as a committee of two, handled all details for the Holiday Party. It truly was a great event and we appreciate your time and efforts on our behalf.
The Annual Meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday, December 15, 2004 – for the purpose of electing officers and directors for the coming Rotary year, which commences on July 1, 2005.
Special thanks go to Frank & Ceil Collins for the beautiful table centerpieces.
The Rotary Club of Stuart, Florida, along with local Rotary Clubs, is sponsoring this Cookies4Heroes Program. The club asks anyone to identify Heroes among us such as Police Officers, Fireman, EMTs, Armed Services Personnel, etc. And arrange to send them a GiftPack of cookies. The cost for this GiftPack is $20.00 (plus S&H). In addition to providing a service to those Heroes in our lives, the designated local Rotary Club will receive $5.00 from each order. If interested, the Internet addresses is: Cookies4dough.com – then click on Cookies4Heroes – Local Community, or Cookies4Heroes – Armed Services.