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COUNCIL / Document C04/10-E
12 March 2004
Original: English
GENEVA — SESSION 2004 — (9-18 JUNE)
Report by the Secretary-General
1 Subject: / ITU-T DRAFT operational plan for 2004-2007
2 Purpose
This document presents the Operational Plan of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector for the period2004-2007. / Ref. doc.
3 Background
Under Article15, No.205A of the Convention, the Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau is requested to prepare annually, for review by the telecommunication standardization advisory group, and then for review and approval by Council, a four-year rolling operational plan of activities to be undertaken by the staff of the TSB. / CV 205A
4 Recommendation
The Council is invited, after having reviewed the Operational Plan of activities of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector for the period 2004-2007, to approve the attached draft Resolution in Annex A.
5 Implications


Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau

ITU-T Operational Plan for 2004,2005, 2006, 2007.
Linkage between Strategic, Financial and Operational Planning

(Resolution 72; Rev. Marrakesh, 2002)

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ITU-T Operational Plan for 2004,2005, 2006, 2007.
Linkage between Strategic, Financial and Operational Planning.(Resolution 72; Rev. Marrakesh, 2002)

[Update 10 March 2004]

History of the document

At the TSAG meeting 10-14 November 2003, TSB presented TD 226, “ITU-T Operational Plan for 2004 and 2005 – Linkage between Strategic, Financial and Operational Planning. Outlook for 2006-2007.” TSAG endorsed the Operational Plan 2004 and took note of the Operational Plan for 2005. The current document presents an update of the ITU-T Operational Plan and takes into account the decisions of the Additional Council (27-29 October 2003) and the advice received from TSAG in November 2003. The most significant changes and additions are:

-  A much more detailed plan for the years 2006 and 2007 (Annexes 5 – 8 are new) has been given to fulfill the requirement for a 4-year rolling Operational Plan, even though forecasts are difficult before knowing the results of WTSA 2004. The plans for 2006 and 2007 are based on the status quo.

-  Appropriations for TSAG have been amended in order to be able to finance a second meeting in 2005.

Budget for the biennium 2004-2005

The ITU-T budget for the biennium 2004-2005 is CHF 25,795,000, compared with CHF 28,813,000 in 2002-2003. Nominally, the decrease amounts to 10.47 %, but taking into account the programme variation due to the venue of WTSA-04 (budgeted with 566.000 CHF), the cost increase due to UN-salary increases and the rise in the consumer index price, in real terms the decrease corresponds to 15.76 %.

To reach the financial target, a combination of savings and efficiency measures is being implemented:

o  Reduced postal document dispatch costs: – 628.000 CHF

o  A decrease of the variable appropriations for Study Group documentation by – 1.812.000 CHF due to increased use of electronic document handling (this part is entirely in the ITU-T budget), comprising a reduction in translation (–17% in volume for English, French and Spanish documents), typing (–54% in volume) and reprography (–63% in volume).

o  A cut of 10 % in TSB staff-months capacity. TSB-staff foreseen for 2004 is 23 P-staff and 40.5 G-staff, yielding a total 63.5.

o  A cut of 50 % (= –100.000 CHF) in fellowships granted to attend Study Group 3 meetings (a cut of 90% was initially forecast in February 2003 but not accepted by TSAG) and holding three Study Group 3 meetings per biennium instead of four.

o  Reductions in TSAG, Study Group and Bureau expenditure items of –1.044.000 CHF.

In the ITU-T budget for 2004-2005, Sector Members’ financial contributions have dropped. Their number of contributory units is foreseen at 175 (22.050.000 CHF) as against 206 ½ (26.019.000 CHF) in the 2002-2003 budget (-15%).

On the contrary, there is an important increase in the contributions from Associates, 56 units (1.176.000 CHF) in the proposed 2004-2005 budget as compared to 3 units (63.000 CHF) in the 2002-2003 budget (+1767%).

Operational Plan 2004

The budget for 2004 is 13.199.000 CHF. Details of the Operational Plan 2004 are contained in Annex 1 and 2.


Brazil will host WTSA from 5-14 October 2004 in Florianópolis. The agreement was signed on 24 September 2003 between the Federative Republic of Brazil and ITU. Subsequently, an invitation letter dated 27 October was sent out. In addition, the relevant TSB Circular 221 of 25 February 2004 was also sent out.

TSB will organize or participate in “WTSA Regional Consultation Sessions” in the regions in the first half of 2004, with the goal to improve the participation in, and effectiveness of, the Assembly in accordance with Resolution 25, “Strengthening the regional presence” (Rev. Marrakesh,2002).

Cybersecurity Symposium

A “Cybersecurity Symposium” will take place on 4 October 2004 in Florianópolis, Brazil, i.e. one day prior to WTSA-04. A Steering Committee is currently planning the details of the event. The event will center aorund the following themes: “Cybersecurity threats – what are the issues?”, “Experiences with and responses to Cybersecurity Threats”, and “Standards, policy, regulatory, and legal aspects”.

ITU-T’s “Security Manual”

ITU-T has been active in security in telecommunications and information technology for many years. However, it may not have always been easy to find out what has been covered, and where it can be found.

To remedy this situation, TSB has issued, in collaboration with some experts of ITU-T, an 88-page “Security Manual”. The purpose of the manual is to highlight and offer a bird’s eye view of the numerous Recommendations developed by ITU-T to secure the communication infrastructure and associated services and applications. The manual focuses on completed work, not on work in progress or upcoming work.

The entire Security Manual (1st Edition) may be found at http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/edh/files/security-manual.pdf.

A 2nd Edition, updated and enhanced, is in the making for the Cybersecurity Symposium on 4 October 2004.


Appropriations allow for three TSAG meetings in 2004-2005.

Study Groups

2004, the number of ITU-T Groups is the same as in 2003 (12 Study Groups, 1 Special Study Group and TSAG), generating with close to 200 Questions and around 300 ITU-T texts (recommendations, amendments, corrigenda) about the same output as in 2003. The plan includes support to Study Groups by applying leading-edge formal methods to normative text in ITU-T Recommendations.

Workshops and Seminars

The ITU-T Workshop Program is being molded into an integral part of ITU-T’s activities. Workshops disseminate expert knowledge on state-of-the-art technologies and address an audience that reaches beyond pure standardization people. Workshops not only attract new attendees, but also explore new standardization areas for ITU-T. We are optimistic that the success of the workshop program 2003 (e.g., several new Questions were created and new Rapporteurs recruited as a consequence of workshops) will be continued in 2004.

Among the workshops in 2004 (past and confirmed) are:

o  ITU Seminar on Standardization, Cambodia, 11-13 February 2004

o  High-level workshop on International Standards for Medical Technologies, a joint workshop of ISO, IEC and ITU-T in partnership with WHO (World Health Organization), Geneva, 26-27 February 2004.

o  Workshop on use of UML for ODP and ITU-T languages, Geneva, 14 March 2004.

o  Workshop on H.350 Directory services for multimedia networks, Purdue University, USA, 25 March 2004.

o  ITU Seminar on Standardization, Ghana, mid-April 2004

o  Workshop on convergent regulation – is it becoming technology-neutral?, Geneva, 17 May 2004.

o  All Star Network Access Workshop, Geneva, 2-4 June 2004.

o  Home networking and home services workshop, Japan, 16-18 June 2004

o  Cybersecurity Symposium, Florianópolis, Brazil, 4 October 2004.

The latest updates and all presentations of previous workshops can be found at www.itu.int/ITU-T/worksem.


Promoting the strengths of ITU-T will continue to receive special attention in 2004 to maintain the momentum ITU-T has built up in its promotion activities (the fruits of which could be seen, for example, in the press take-up of the 2003 Informal Forum Summit). Promotion activities are geared towards refurbishing the image of ITU-T; attracting new work areas for standardization; attracting new members; and retaining current members. In 2004, TSB has started a monthly newsletter, the “ITU-T e-flash”, reaching already a worldwide audience of several thousand (to subscribe, send “subscribe" in the subject to . Previous editions are available at www.itu.int/ITU-T/e-flash.)

Regional Presence

Regional presence will continue in accordance with Resolution 25, “Strengthening the regional presence” (Rev. Marrakesh,2002) and Resolution 123, “Bridging the standardization gap between developing and developed countries” (Marrakesh, 2002) through promotional activities in the regions, workshops and WTSA Regional Consultation Sessions.

Coordination on Domain Names and International Domain Names (IDN)

Special attention will be brought to this field according to Resolution 102 (Rev. Marrakesh, 2002) on Management of Internet domain names and addresses and Resolution 133 (Marrakesh, 2002) on the Role of administrations of Member States in the management of internationalized (multilingual) domain names.


We continue to pre-publish all Recommendations not only within the required 4 week-delay, but to pre-publish 80% of the Recommendations within 2 weeks after the announcement of their approval in the AAP-notification.

Numbering Services

The Operational Bulletin, first published more than 35 years ago, continues to provide all administrations, operators and service providers as a favoured medium for the exchange of essential information on changes in international telecommunications networks and services.

The website on numbering issues is among the most frequented pages of ITU-T. The number of UIFNs (Universal International Freephone Numbers) is expected to stabilize at about 3000 registrations for 2004.

Operational Plan 2005

The year 2005 will be the first year of the new ITU-T study period 2005-2008. Activities and meeting schedule are subject to decisions and changes that might occur at WTSA-04. The proposed budget for 2005 is 12.596.000 CHF.

For this draft of the Operational Plan 2005, the number of ITU-T Groups is taken to be the same as in 2004 (12 Study Groups, 1 Special Study Group and TSAG), generating about the same output as in 2004 and 2003. Details are contained in Annex 3 and Annex 4. The number of TSB-staff is assumed to be the same as in 2004.

Outlook for 2006-07

The budget forecast for 2006-2007 is very close to the budget of the 2004-05 biennium in order to achieve the limit of CHF 50,994,000 for 2004-2007 set by Decision 6 (Marrakesh, 2002). The ITU-T budget for the biennium must therefore not exceed 25.199.000 CHF. The budget is slightly less than in 2004-2005 since there is no WTSA in the second biennium. Details are contained in Annexes 5-8.

Annex 1: Summary of TSB staff resources in 2004

Annex 2: Linkage between Strategic, Financial and Operational Planning for the Operational Plan 2004

Annex 3: Summary of TSB staff resources in 2005

Annex 4: Linkage between Strategic, Financial and Operational Planning for the Operational Plan 2005

Annex 5: Summary of TSB staff resources in 2006

Annex 6: Linkage between Strategic, Financial and Operational Planning for the Operational Plan 2006

Annex 7: Summary of TSB staff resources in 2007

Annex 8: Linkage between Strategic, Financial and Operational Planning for the Operational Plan 2007

Annex 1: Use of TSB resources in 2004 - Overall recapitulation

ITU-T activities / P
staff-months / G
staff-months / Primary costs
(Draft ITU-T budget) / Document costs CHF
(Draft Gen. Sec. Budget)
– WTSA-04, 8 working days / 11 / 8 / 566,000 / 461,000
– WTSA Regional consultation sessions / 3 / 1 / 258,000 / 64,000
– TSAG (Telecommunication Standardization
Advisory Group)
1 planned meeting, 5 working days / 8 / 6 / 88,000 / 79,000
– Chairmen’ meetings:
1 planned meeting, 3 working days / 1 / 1
– Study Group meetings: / 73 / 124 / 1,361,000 / 4,029,000
17 planned meetings, 112 working days
5 post WTSA meetings, 38 working days
12 Study Groups + Regional tariff groups
1 Special Study Group
196 Questions under study
265 new ITU-T Recommendations,
11,770 pages of text
13,545 pages of translation in F, E, S
19,444 pages of typing pool in F, E, S
11,600,000 pages of reprography
– Seminars and technical workshops organized by ITU-T:
12 planned workshops / 23 / 7 / 50,000
– Regional presence:
Study Group meetings in the regions
Workshops in the regions / 5 / 10 / -
– Promoting ITU-T activities / 18 / 9 / 46,000
– External cooperation / 9 / 11
– Study Group publications:
12,000 pages of Recommendations to be published per language (x3) / 22 / 151 / 275,000 / 175,000
– Operational Bulletin:
24 issues a year / 17 / 16 / 19,000 / 20,000
– Databases accessible to public / 5 / 3
– UIFN registrar
(Universal International Freephone Numbers)
3,000 UIFN / 2 / 13 / 156,000
– UIPRN/UISCN registrar
(Universal International Premium Rate Numbers)
(Universal International Shared Cost Numbers)
400 UIPRN/UISCN / 1 / 1 / 16,000
– Bureau support / 32 / 19 / 212,000
– EDH (Electronic Document Handling)
Documents & information posted on ITU Website / 25
- Cost of TSB 230 P staff-months & 405 G staff-months / å = 230 / å = 405 / 10,364,000
– Total of allocated resources / 13,199,000 / 5,040,000

Assumption: 10 staff-months per person per year

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Annex 2: ITU-T - Linkage between Strategic, Financial and Operational Planning - 2004
Operational Activities
Objectives andPerformance Indicators
/ Allocated Resources
from the 2004 budget /
Relationship to StrategicPolicies and Plans / PP-02
World Telecommunication
Expected results:
Constitution Art. 17:
Standardization Assembly
/ / 1 Assembly /
Functions and structure
Definition of future orientations
/ 8 working days /
of the Sector
Constitution Art. 18:
/ /
World Telecommunication Standardization
Structure and functioning review
/ 11 P staff-months /
/ / 8 G staff-months /
Achievement indicators:

Convention Art. 13:


Enhanced efficiency of the Sector

/ 566,000 F primary costs /

World telecommunication Standardization


Attractive to membership

/ 461,000 F document costs /
