Career Education

Course Syllabus

2012 – 2013

Instructor: Mr. Steve St.Clair Feel free to contact as needed.

Office: CMS Technology Lab EMAIL-

Phone: 706-236-1856 Hours available- 7:50am – 4:00pm

Office hours- Thursday 3:30pm– 4:30pm

8th Grade Textbooks

Kelly Plate, Voltz Patton (2007). Exploring Careers

New York: Glencoe - McGraw-Hill


6- In this course, middle school students will experience a variety of activities that promote self-awareness, self-management skills, leadership, teamwork, career exploration, and educational planning related to students’ future educational and career plans. At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to analyze personal characteristics and apply these characteristics in the career planning process.

7- In this course, middle school students will gain an understanding of career program concentrations and career pathways offerings in Georgia. Students will develop insight in how educational performance enhances career opportunities. Also, students will be exposed to work ethics and societal issues as they relate to educational and career goals

8- In this course, middle school students will increase awareness of resources available to support educational and career planning. Students will develop a personalized individual Peach State Pathways: Education and Career Plan, explore management skills, and investigate employability skills.


6- The goal of this course is to promote essential skills and knowledge students need to develop a positive self-concept. This course will provide students with opportunities to identify interests, abilities, aptitudes, values, and personality traits as they relate to career planning, to develop a keen understanding of the value and benefit of work, and to differentiate between jobs and careers.

7- The goal of this course is to promote essential skills and knowledge students need to apply self-assessments and decision-making skills while examining career concentrations and pathways. This course will expose students to positive work ethics, the importance of educational achievement, and the impact of societal issues on career choices. These essential components are necessary for educational and career planning success.

8- The goal of this course is to promote essential knowledge, skills and attitudes students need to make key decisions about career options, high school curricular offerings relating to a pathway of their choice, as well as, postsecondary and workforce opportunities. Instructional focus will address interpersonal skills, management skills, employability skills, self-awareness, educational and career planning.

Career Education - Georgia Performance Standards

MSCA6-1: Students will understand the personal nature of work and how it relates to them as individuals and as integral parts of society.

MSCA6-2: Students will demonstrate an understanding of how to build and maintain a positive self-concept and a positive self-esteem.

MSCA6-3: Students will describe, develop, and evaluate how positive interpersonal skills affect their ability to work successfully.

MSCA6-4: Students will illustrate effective personal management skills.

MSCA6-5: Students will participate in career-related assessments.

MSCA6-6: Students will utilize the planning process to assist in the achievement of personal, social, financial, educational, and career goals.

MSCA6-7: Students will analyze the relationship between societal issues and career options and opportunities.

MSCD7-1: Students will identify and evaluate work ethics and behavior characteristics needed for success in a career and in life.

MSCD7-2: Students will investigate Georgia’s Career Program Concentrations that align with their personal assessments and identify possible career pathways.

MSCD7-3: Students will understand the importance of attaining educational achievement and performance levels needed to reach personal and career goals.

MSCD7-4: Students will recognize the impact of societal issues on their ability to function effectively in a diverse and changing world.

MSCM8-1: Students will develop and demonstrate positive interpersonal skills.

MSCM8-2: Students will develop management skills that lead to academic and career success.

MSCM8-3: Students will examine and demonstrate an understanding of employability skills to enhance career success.

MSCM8-4: Students will personalize a self-selected Pathway that meets educational and career goals.


All students will participate in class activities studying and researching careers.

Students must complete the following: Daily assignments, reports, vocabulary, spelling, study questions, pre/post test, class projects, and a portfolio of their work.

Students will explore careers by observing video clips of workers in various work environments; they will research career biographies, and must accurately fill out a job application. They will create a career portfolio of their research, select a top 10 list of careers, list their personal skills, abilities, interests, and achievements. Develop a education plan that will confirm classes, training, and the extent of education they will need to pursue their career goals.


Grades will be based on daily assignments, reports, vocabulary, spelling, study questions, post test, class projects, and a portfolio of their work. Each will be worth 100 points. Grades will be averaged for final grade. Students must demonstrate objectives with a minimum 70% proficiency.


A = 90 – 100%

B = 80 – 89%

C = 71 – 79%

D = 70%

F = below 70%

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