Table 1 – Cover Crop Characteristics

Crop / Growth / Planting Date
N/S of I-70
Seeding Rate / Germ temp / Emerge / Weeks to Grazing / Yield
tons / Acre / Soil Tolerance / Termination / Benefits / Cautions
Annual Ryegrass / Upright winter an. Or weak perennial bunchgrass
12-24 in. / N=8/2-9/15
Inter-seed into cash crops
Drilled 12-20 lbs/A
Depth ¾-1 ½
Broadcast. 13-22 lbs/A
Aerial/surface 14-24lbs/A / 40 deg. F
7 days / 8-12 / 2-4 / Poorly drained to well drained, pH 6-7, tolerant to low fertility / Multiple tillage passes, herbicide / Nitrogen scavenger, Soil builder, sub-soiler, loosens top soil, erosion preventer, grazing / Weed potential, beyond vegetative stage before termination
Choose improved Winter Hardy Var
Grass tetany
Cereal Ryegrass / Upright cool-season annual, requires vernalization to head,
3-6 feet tall / N=8/1-10/30
Inter-seed into cash crops
Drilled 50-90 lbs/A
Depth ¾-1 ½ in.
Brdcst. 55-99 lbs/A
60-108 lbs/A / 34 deg. F
5-8 days / 5-7 / 3-5 / Poorly to well drained soils, pH 5.0-7.0 Tolerant to low fertility / Multiple tillage passes, herbicide, mow in milk or dough stages / Nitrogen scavenger, soil builder, sub-soiler, loosens soil, erosion preventer, residue, weed fighter, grazing / Terminate at least 14 days before planting corn or when cover crop 6-8 inches tall.
Grass tetany
Barley / Upright winter annual 1.5-3 feet tall / N=8/1-10/30
Inter-seed into cash crops
Drilled 50-75 lbs/A
Broadcast w/incorporation 55-83 lbs/A
Aerial 60-90 lbs/A / 38 deg. F
6-8 days / 5-7 / 2-3
Higher yields when planted in the spring / Poorly to well drained
pH 6.0-8.5
Tolerant to low fertility / Multiple tillage passes, mow milk or dough, / Nitrogen scavenger, soil builder, loosens topsoil, erosion preventer, lasting residue, forage/graze / Harmful insects, nematodes, diseases follow cash crop. Mature -may limit N availability
Grass tetany
Japanese Millet / Upright summer annual 2-4 feet tall / N=7/1-8-1
Drilled 12-15 lbs/A
½-3/4 in.
Brdcst. Shallow incorp. 13-17 lbs/A / 65 degrees F 3-5 days
. / 4-6 / 3-5 / Poorly drained to moderately well drained soils pH 4.6 – 7.4 Tolerant to low fertility / Freeze, apply herbicides, till / Nitrogen scavenger, Erosion preventer,
Forage/grazing / Incorporation when mature can be a problem
Oats (spring) / Upright cool-season annual that grows 2-5 feet tall / N=8/15-9/15
Inter-seed into cash crops Drilled 30-60 lbs/A
depth ½ - 1 ½
Brdcst. Shallow incorp. 33-66 lbs/A
Aerial seeding 36-72 / 38 degrees F
5-8 days / 5-7 / 2-3 / poorly drained to excessively drained
pH of 4.5-6.5 Tolerant to low fertility Low drought, heat and shade tolerance / Freeze, till, herbicides / Erosion preventer, weed fighter, grazing value / Use cleaned or certified seed
Grass tetany
Crop / Growth / Planting Date
N/S of I-70
Seeding Rate / Germ temp / Emerge / Weeks to Grazing / Yield
tons / Acre / Soil Tolerance / Termination / Benefits / Cautions
Pearl Millet / Upright summer annual bunchgrass 2-4 ft. tall / N=7/1-8-1
Drilled 10-15 lbs/A
depth ½-1 inch
Brdcst. Shallow incorp. 11-17 lbs/A / 65 degrees F.
7 days / 4-5 / 4-6 / Poorly drained to well drained, pH 5.5-7.5 tolerant to low fertility / Till, herbicides, freeze / Nitrogen scavenger, erosion preventer, grazing/ forage value / Problem with incorporation when mature.
Sorghum Sudan-grass / Upright summer annual, up to 8 ft. tall / N=7/1-8-1
Drilled 15-30 lbs/A
depth ½-1 ½ in.
Brdcst. Shallow incorp. 17-33 lbs/A / 65 degrees F.
10 days / 4-5 / 5-6 / Somewhat poorly drained to excessively well drained, pH 6.0-7.0 heat and drought tolerant / Freeze, till, herbicides / Nitrogen scavenger, soil builder, erosion preventer, weed fighter, forage value / Prussic acid, nitrate w/ drought. Don’t graze till 18” tall. Problem with incorporation at maturity
Triticale Spring/ winter
Resembles wheat / rye parents / Upright winter annual requires vernalization to head
3-5 ft. tall / N=8/1-10/15
Drilled 50-90 lbs/A
depth ¾-1 ½ in.
Brdcst. 55-90 lbs/A
Aerial 60-108 lbs/A / 38 degrees F.
6-8 days / 5-7 / 3-4 / Somewhat poorly drained to well drained, drought tol. Low heat tol. / Till multiple pass, herbicides, mow milk or dough stages / Nitrogen scavenger, Erosion preventer, lasting residue, grazing value / Insects or nematodes problem for following cash crop,
May limit N avail.
Wheat (winter/spring) / Upright winter annual
3-4 ft. requires vernalization to head / N=Fly free date-10/15
S=Fly free date- 11/15 Drilled 50-90 lbs/A
depth ¾- 1 ½
Brdcst. 55-99 lbs/A
Aerial 60-108 lbs/A / 38 degrees F.
6-8 days / 5-7 / 2-4 / Poorly drained to excessively drained, pH 6.0-7.5 tolerant to low fertility / Till (several passes may be needed) mow in milk or dough stages / Nitrogen Scavenger, Erosion preventer, lasting residue, grazing value / Same as above. Terminate 14 days before planting corn or when cover crop is 6-8 in. tall

Considered the higher seeding rates when used for grazing. Early planting dates are essential for grazing cover crops, and for much of the Midwest that means August or early September to get enough tonnage produced. Following winter wheat harvest in July is an excellent time to plant to maximize growth. Seeding after corn silage is also a great place for cover crops. Aerial seeding in standing crop can only be done after the stand crop has reached physiological maturity (USDA rules). An observed guideline is that most cover crops need 50% sunlight on the ground to grow after germinating. Moist soil and predicted rain also raise the success of establishment.

Crops / Growth / Planting Date
N/S of I-70
Seeding Rate / Germ temp / Emerge / Yield
tons / Acre / Soil Tolerance / Termination / Benefits / Cautions
Crimson Clover / Upright to semi – upright winter annual that grows 12-20 in. tall / Drilled 10-20 lbs/A
depth ¼-1/2
Brdcst.11-22 lbs/A
Aerial 12-24 lbs/A / 42 degrees F.
7-10 days / .75-1.5 / Somewhat poorly drained to well drained, pH 5.5-7.0 very good tolerance to low fertility / Till, multiple passes may be needed, herbicides / Nitrogen source, soil builder, grazing/ forage value / Bloat hazard, attract meadow voles
Hairy Vetch / Climbing winter annual 3-7 ft. tall / N=7/1-9/1
Inter-seed into cash crop at maturity
Drilled 10-15 lbs/A
depth ½-1 ½
Broadcast. 17-22 lbs/A Aerial 18-22 lbs/A / 60 degrees F.
14 days / .75-2.0 / Somewhat poorly drained to well drained pH 5.5-7.5 fair tolerance to low fertility / Till, multiple passes may be needed, herbicides, mow full bloom / Nitrogen source / Potential weed due to regrowth and hard seed. Bloat hazard/poor grazing
Slow ground cover
Seed and vegetation potentially poisonous
Field/Winter Pea / Climbing winter annual 2-4 ft. tall / Drilled 50-80 lbs/A
Depth 1-1 ½
Brdcst. Shallow incorp. 55-88 lbs/A
Aerial 60-96 lbs/A / 41 degrees F.
9 days / 1-2 / Somewhat poorly drained to well drained soils pH 6.0-7.0 Not tolerant to low fertility / Till, mow, herbicides / N source, Forage value / Don’t rotate/w legumes diseases: sclerotinia, fusarium root rots
Sweetclover / Upright annual or biennial
1.5-7 ft. tall / Seeded into cash crop at maturity
Drilled 6-10 lbs/A
Depth ¼-1/2 in.
Broadcast. 7-11 lbs/A
Aerial 7-12 lbs/A / 42 degrees F.
7 days / 1.5-2.5 / Poorly to excessively drained
pH 6.5-7.5 Tolerant to low fertility / Till, multiple passes may be needed, herbicides / Nitrogen source, soil builder, subsoiler, loosens top soil / Some consider invasive. Volunteer establishment.
Incorporating when mature could be prob. Bloat hazard
Moldy hay can cause internal bleeding.

Non-Legume Broadleaves (Brassicas)

Crop / Growth / Planting Date
N/S of I-70
Seeding Rate / Germ temp / Emerge / Weeks to Grazing / Yield
tons / Acre / Soil Tolerance / Termination / Benefits / Cautions
Oilseed Radish / Upright cool season annual that grows 12-18 tall rosette of leaves, white tap root / N=7/20-9/15
Drilled 2-5 lbs/A
Brdcst. With incorporation
6-10 lbs/A
Aerial 6-12 lbs/A / 45 degrees F.
3-5 days / 8-10 / 2-4 / Somewhat poorly drained pH 6-7.5 good heat, drought tolerance. Winter kill? / Freeze might not kill completely, till, herbicides / Nitrogen scavenger, subsoiler, grazing & grazing value / Odor of decaying crop. Kill or till 3 weeks before planting
Rapeseed/ canola / Upright cool-season winter annual 3-5 ft. tall fibrous roots / N=7/20-9/15
Rapid growth Drilled 2-5 lbs/A
6 lbs/A
Aerial seed
6-8 lbs/A / 41 degrees F.
4-10 days / 8-10 / 2-4 / Somewhat poorly drained
pH 5.5-8 tolerance to low fertility / Till, apply herbicide, freeze, some varieties might not freeze / N scavenger, topsoil loosener, grazing value / Veg.concerns alt. hosts for root lesion nematodes, flea beetles avoid rotations w/other brassicas. Kill or till 3 wks before planting. Mod. Weed Potential
Turnip / Upright cool season annual or biennial when areas lack winter kill / N=7/20-9/15
Inter-seed into cash crop at maturity.
Drilled 2-5 lbs/A
6-10 lbs/A
Arial 6-12 lbs/A / 45 degrees F.
4-10 days / 8-10 / 2.5-4 / Somewhat poorly drained soils pH 5.3-6.8 heat and drought tolerance / Till, apply herbicides, freeze / N scavenger, topsoil loosener , weed fighter grazing value / Alternate hosts for root lesion nematodes, flea beetles, kill or till 3 weeks before planting. <than 35% of livestock diet

Brassicas are members of the mustard family (crucifer) and are commonly used for sheep and cattle feed in Europe, Asia, and New Zealand. Brassicas can increase mid-summer forage availability but have a particular advantage for late fall-winter grazing. The leaves and stems have tested 17 to 25% crude protein and 65 to 80% digestibility.

Brassicas are very high in crude protein and energy, but extremely low in fiber. Their low fiber content results in rumen action similar to concentrate feeding; thus, proper roughage supplementation is necessary. They should never comprise more than two-thirds of the forage portion of the diet with the remainder provided by grass hay or stockpiled pasture. Adequate grass supplementation prevents animal health problems. Number of grazings depends upon planting date, rainfall and growth rate. No-tilling into sod or planting with cereal grains will help to prevent health problems when grazing brassicas.

Several hybrid brassicas are available for grazing: Turnip X Rape; Turnip X Kale; Turnip X Chinese Cabbage. These crops exhibit leafy tops with no large root. The tops only would be grazed. They can be planted spring, summer or early fall.