Howards Grove PTO

Meeting Minutes

Thursday, January 31, 2014

6:30 NorthviewMediaCenter

Officers Present:

Co-President Kimberly Koll

Co-President Amy Miller

Vice President Sue Schueler

Secretary Mary Rosenthal

Treasurer Angelia Neumann


Principal: Diane Weiland

Teachers: Sara Demmon


Kristy Pahl

Heather Lilyquist

Darlene Korpi

Jennie Cassity

Julie Brunner

  1. Call meeting to order at 6:35
  2. Motion to approve the December 2013 PTO meeting minutes made by Diane Weiland pending changes to date of Pro Kids show (Feb 3rd) and the dates for Challenge Day (Feb 11,12 & 13). Seconded by Darlene Korpi.
  3. Treasurer’s Report reviewed. Motion to approve by Sue Schueler, 2nd by Diane Weiland.
  4. The first donations have started to come in from the letters sent out to the community from Kristy Pahl.
  5. $700.00 was withdrawn to set up money boxes and sell tickets for the Winter Carnival.
  6. Old Business
  7. Mrs. Weiland’s request for PTO to contribute towards a portable computer lab for Northview
  8. A grant request has been submitted by Mrs. Weiland to the Howards Grove Educational Fund.
  9. The Howards Grove Advancement Association is interested in contributing by looking out into community for those who would be able to donate.
  1. A question was raised as to whether or not other sources for the computers have been checked out. Mrs. Weiland stated that Dave Richards, the district’s computer person, felt that the quality of less costly computers would not be durable enough for the elementary school population therefore making the computers, priced out in the request, a better option.
  2. This year’s Winter Carnival will be designated toward technological improvements (i.e. the Portable Computer Lab).
  1. Battle of the Books
  2. Mrs. Schmidt has put together a wonderful display for Battle of the Books in the hallway at N.V.
  3. The middle school has already begun, with N.V. starting in February.
  1. Committee Reports
  2. Howards Grove Nights (Culvers, Papa John’s and Bummy’s Haus)
  3. Papa John’s had terrible weather with snow and cold, however we still received $336.86 from sales that night. Next Papa John’s night will be May 1st4-8pm.
  4. JB’s had a lock-in this past year and graciously donated $70.00 from that lock-in to the H.G. PTO.
  5. Bummy’s Haus donated $210.00 from a chili cook-off they had in January. Next Bummy’s nights will be April 8th, 9th & 10th from 4-9pm.
  6. Next Culver’s night will be March 11th from 4-8pm.
  7. Popcorn Days
  8. Next popcorn day is in March
  9. Market Days
  10. February-$2224.65
  11. Winter Carnival
  12. Tickets will be sold after the Pro Kids Family Show at Northview on February 3 by Darlene Korpi and Kim Koll.
  13. Tiles will be sold in place of the cupcake walk. The tiles will come in two sizes (2x2 with a magnet and 4x4) costing $5.00 each with a $10.00 max per family. Sue will check and see if the dance team would like to lead this area. The tiles will be colored by families with permanent markers (Mrs. Demmon will see if Ms. Kirschbaum would have any black markers to donate) and a display will be set up in the hallways of the school prior to the Winter Carnival to help create interest.
  14. Each child at N.V. will be given a ticket the day of the W.C. so that they can have a free chance to win a classroom basket.
  1. PTO members will be again selling advanced tickets
  2. 2/26 and 2/27 from 8:30-9:15 (Sue and Darlene) in the N.V. conference room; 2/26 from 2:45-3:30 and 2/27 from 3:30-4:15 (volunteers needed).
  3. They will also be sold from 4-7pm at Bill’s Piggly Wiggly on 2/26 and 2/27 (volunteers need).
  4. Sue will check with the dance team to see if they would like to perform.
  5. Kim is looking for volunteers to help fill balloons starting at noon on 2/28.
  6. The 4th grade teachers will pre-approve all games.
  7. The 6th grade student council will be holding a bake sale and selling bracelets to help raise money for Jerod. People wishing to contribute baked goods should bring them to the N.V. lunchroom prior to the 5:30 start of dinner.
  8. Amy has sent out over 100 letters for silent auction donations and she is starting to receive responses.
  9. Additional Winter Carnival meeting Tuesday, February 18 at N.V. at 6:30pm to firm up details. All interested parties encouraged to attend!
  1. New Business
  2. None
  3. Next regular meeting scheduled March 6, 2014 @ 6:30pm at N.V. M.C.
  4. Meeting Adjourned by Sue Schueler, 2nd by Kim Koll at 7:45.