Level 3 Checklist for 3.CS.1 (Listening Skills)
Demonstrate understanding of oral French messages in limited questions, statements, courtesy requests, instructions and accolades.
Date:Name / Matches words to pictures / Associates words with actions or concrete items / Follows instructions / Responds to questions in various ways / Responds to requests in various ways / Responds to accolades in various ways
4 – Meets expectations
3 – Meets expectations most of the time
2 – Sometimes meets expectations
1 – Does not meet expectations
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 3 Checklist for 3.CS.2 (Speaking Skills)
Provide limited information on familiar topics supported by a range of prompting as required.
Date:Name / Replies to a courtesy response with merci or de rien / Answers questions / Replies to farewells / Gives descriptions / Gives instructions / Makes lists / Indicates preferences and non-preferences, feelings / Participates in an oral language activity
4 – Meets expectations
3 – Meets expectations most of the time
2 – Sometimes meets expectations
1 – Does not meet expectations
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 3 Checklist for 3.CS.3 (Reading Skills)
Demonstrate understanding of key words and main idea in a series or repetitive sentences supported by illustrations or photos.
Date:Name / Locates key words and cognates / Matches key words to illustrations / Sorts key words by criteria / States the content in a text / Responds to questions
4 – Meets expectations
3 – Meets expectations most of the time
2 – Sometimes meets expectations
1 – Does not meet expectations
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 3 Checklist for 3.CS.4 (Writing Skills)
Produce a simple and repetitive text on a familiar topic based on a model.
Date:Name / Writes a sentence by substituting one word in a modeled sentence / Writes a repetitive four-five sentence text based on a model / Makes a poster of items labeled with sentences
4 – Meets expectations
3 – Meets expectations most of the time
2 – Sometimes meets expectations
1 – Does not meet expectations
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 3 Checklist for 3.LK.3 (Language Knowledge)
Demonstrate acquisition of French language concepts related to themes.
Date:Name / Numbers to 50 / Questions
où, qui, que / Personal possessive
ma / Verbs avoir, être / -er verbs
chercher, aller / -re verbs
faire / Imperative
1st person
singular / Key vocabulary words and phrases for themes
4 – Meets expectations
3 – Meets expectations at most times
2 – Sometimes meets expectations
1 – Does not meet expectations
Level 3 Checklist for 3.C.1 (Culture)
Compare basic elements of francophone, First Nations, Métis and Inuit family cultures in communities.
Date:Name / Recites a comptine or sings a song / Identifies typical Francophone, First Nations, Métis or Inuit foods / Names elements of French culture in the classroom / Describes housing types in Francophone, First Nations, Métis or Inuit communities / Names meals in Francophone communities / Describes mythic animals in
Francophone, First Nations, Métis or Inuit cultures / Discusses authentic picture books / Participates in activities
4 – Meets expectations
3 – Meets expectations most of the time
2 – Sometimes meets expectations
1 – Does not meet expectations
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 3 Self-Evaluation for Listening/Viewing
Name: ______Date: ______
Listening/Viewing in French / RatingsI can… / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Not rated
Show I understand by drawing a picture.
Show I understand by making a gesture.
Show I understand by following instructions.
Show I understand by answering questions in a lot of different ways.
Show my appreciation when someone tells me I have done well.
Match oral words to pictures or things.
Name listening/viewing strategies I use to help me understand spoken French.
4 – I can do this and am able to demonstrate it.
3 – I can do this most of the time and am able to demonstrate it.
2 – I can sometimes do this but I may have difficulty demonstrating it.
1 – I cannot do this.
Goals for next time:
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 3 Self-Evaluation Checklist for Speaking
Name: ______Date: ______
Speaking in French / RatingsI can… / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Not rated
Say merci to show thanks.
Answer questions.
Say good-bye.
Describe people, animals, and things.
Give instructions.
Make a sentence that has a list of things.
Tell what I like or don’t like.
Tell my feelings.
Participate in an oral language game.
Evaluate my participation in oral language activities with a French phrase.*
Name the strategies I use to help me speak French.
4 – I can do this and am able to demonstrate it.
3 – I can do this most of the time and am able to demonstrate it..
2 – I can sometimes do this but I may have difficulty demonstrating it.
1 – I cannot do this.
Goals for next time:
*Participation: ça va très bien, ça va bien, ça va assez bien, ça va comme-ci comme-ça, ça va mal
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 3 Self-Evaluation Checklist for Reading
Name: ______Date: ______
Reading in French / RatingsI can… / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Not rated
Find key words and mots-amis in a group of sentences.
Match words to pictures.
Sort key words into groups.
Answer questions about what the teacher read to the class using gestures, French words, or English.
Name the strategies I use to help me read in French.
4 – I can do this and am able to demonstrate it.
3 – I can do this most of the time and am able to demonstrate it.
2 – I can sometimes do this but I may have difficulty demonstrating it.
1 – I cannot do this.
Goals for next time:
Level 3 Self-Evaluation Checklist for Writing
Name: ______Date: ______
Writing in French / RatingsI can… / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Not rated
Write a sentence by substituting one word into a model.
Write a text with repeated sentences.
Make a poster of items that are labeled with sentences.
Name the strategies I use to help me write in French.
4 – I can do this and am able to demonstrate it.
3 – I can do this most of the time and am able to demonstrate it.
2 – I can sometimes do this but I may have difficulty demonstrating it.
1 – I cannot do this.
Goals for next time:
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 3 Self-Evaluation Checklist for Culture
Name: ______Date: ______
Cultural Knowledge / RatingsI can… / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Not rated
Recite a comptine or sing a song.
Pick out typical Francophone, First Nations, Métis and Inuit items in a collection.
Find examples of Francophone culture in the classroom and the school.
Describe housing types in Francophone, First Nations, Métis and Inuit cultures.
Describe mythic animals in Francophone, First Nations, Métis and Inuit cultures.
Participate in cultural activities.
Evaluate my participation in cultural activities with a French phrase.*
4 – I can do this and am able to demonstrate it.
3 – I can do this most of the time and am able to demonstrate it.
2 – I can sometimes do this but I may have difficulty demonstrating it.
1 – I cannot do this.
Goals for next time:
*Participation: ça va très bien, ça va bien, ça va assez bien, ça va comme-ci comme-ça, ça va mal
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)