Higueras 106 y Costanera
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Telephone (593-4) 881011, (593-4) 885991
Email :
EXPERIENCE: Executive Director and founder 1992-present
Instituto Ecuatoriano de Economia Politica
The institute is an independent non profit
organization focused on analysis of public
policy, to study socio-economic problems
affecting Ecuador, to promote free market ideas.
Regional Director (Ecuador) 1993
Central American Institute of Business
Administration (INCAE)
Organize seminars for business people and
Sub-Director 1989-1991
Center for Economic Development
Fairfax. Virginia.
Economic Advisor 1976-1978
Minister of Finance
Quito, Ecuador
EDUCATIONPh.D. candidate in economics 1991
M.A. in economics 1990
Fairfax, Virginia.
B.A. in economics 1979
University of Guayaquil, Ecuador
B.A. in sociology 1957
Shorter College. RomeGeorgia.
AWARDS:Fulbright scholarship recipient
Georgia Rotary student Fund scholarship recipient
Medal of Recognition for Civic Merits
Atlas Economic Research Foundation Fellow
Institute of Human Studies Fellow
Member of The Mont Pèlerin Society
Professor of The Foundations of Freedom and Development the Universidad del Pacífico.
Teaches intensive Economic Courses for High School students and teachers. This is a project sponsored by the Earhart Foundation.
Directs an educational radio program “Liberal Counterpoint” transmitted once a week in Radio Atalaya de Guayaquil.
WRITINGSBooks, articles and essays
Books in the series Evolution and Change of IEEP
These are the memoirs of conferences and debates
on specific topics where international and Ecuadorians
Intellectuals are invited. Dora Ampuero is the editor.
Examples included:
Cost and benefits of the structural adjustments
InLatin America
Critical analysis on the cost of social and economic
public policies
Reforms on social security in Ecuador
Economic and social impact of constitutional
Independence of the judiciary system in Ecuador
Property rights: requisites for innovation and economic development
Constitutional limits to the power of the state
Articles on the series Ideas on Liberty
Politics without benefactors
Property rights
Limits to the power of the state to tax
Economic freedom and prosperity: the situation of Ecuador
Writer on economic topics for the largest newspapers
and magazines of Ecuador
MEETINGS Attended meetings in Latin America, United States, Europe and
ATTENDEDAsia organized by Atlas Research Foundation and the Think Tanks net work.
As a member of the Mont Pelerin Society attends regularly the meetings of the Society held in different parts of the world.
Participated in the Relial Meeting in Costa Rica, as well as the meetings in Porto Alegre (Brasil, 1-4 Abril 2006) and the one held in Cancun (April 28-30 2007)
Invited to attend the Universidad Francisco Marroquin-Liberty Fund seminars on Explorations on Liberty on several occasions.
SKILLSRead, speak, and write English; Know Microsoft,Word, Excel
OTHEREcuadorian citizen