Tender Data Sheet (TDS)
The following specific data for the works to be procured shall complement, supplement, or amend the provisions in the Instructions to Tenderers (ITT). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in ITT.
TDS Clause Number / ITT Number / Amendments of, and Supplements to, Clauses in the Instruction to TenderersA. Introduction
1. / 1.1 & 2.1 / The PE is:[insert the name of the PE]
2. / 1.1 / Name of Project is:
[insert name and summary description of the Project]
3. / 1.2 / The expected completion date of the works is: [insert the expected completion date for the works].
4. / 2.1 / Name of financing institution is: [insert name if any]
Financial Year [insert FY]
Description of the Works [Describe works under the contracts]
5. / 2.2 / The loan/ credit number is:[insert number if available] and name of the financing Institution [insert name of the financing institution]
6. / 3.1 / Maximum number of members in the joint venture, consortium or association shall be: [insert the number] OR state that there is no limit.
Only Tenderers registered as [insert whether Civil Engineering or Building Contractors] in Class [insert relevant class of registration] with the Contractors Registration Board are eligible.
7. / 6.3 / Pre-tender meeting will take place at . [insert venue] on [insert date and time]
Pre-tender meeting shall not be held. [Delete whichever is not applicable]
B. Tendering Documents
8. / 7.2 / The number of copies to be completed and returned with the tender is: [insert number of copies - minimum number of copies should be three and maximum should be five].9. / 8.1 / Address for clarification of Tendering Document is [insert full address to submit request for clarification]
C. Preparation of Tenders
10. / 10.1 / Language of Tender and all correspondence shall be [Insert language]11 / 11.1h / Other information or materials required to be completed and submitted by Bidders :
12. / 12.4 / In the case of joint venture, consortium or association each partner shall submit information required under Clause ITT 12.4. In addition the Tenderer shall furnish the following ,
13 / 15.3 / List all duties, taxes and other levies payable by the Contractor under the Contract a)…………………b)…………….c)…………………..
14. / 15.4 / The price shall be[ insert “fixed” or “adjustable”]
15. / 16.1 / The currency in which the prices shall be quoted shall be: [Insert currency(s)]
16. / 16.2 / The authority for establishing the rates of exchange shall be Bank of Tanzania.
17. / 17.1 / The Tender validity period shall be [specify the number of days of tender validity] days.
18. / 18.1 / The amount of Tender Security shall be [specify the amount].
The currency of the Tender Security shall be:[Insert currency].
Indicate whether Bid Securing Declaration is applicable ……. [insert “Yes” or “No”]
19. / 18.3 & 18.3 c / The Tender Security shall be in the form of: [specify form of Tender Security]
20. / 19.1 / Alternative Tenders are [“allowed” or “not allowed”] in this Tender.
21. / 19.2 / Alternative time for completion [indicateif applicable/ or not applicable]
22 / 19.3 / Offer of technical alternatives to the requirements of the Tendering Documents are [“allowed” or “not allowed”] in this Tender. Select whichever is appropriate
23. / 20.1 / In addition to the original of the Tender, the Tenderer should submit [specifynumber of copies] copies of the Tender [minimum number of copies should be three and maximum should be five].
24. / 20.2 / Written confirmation of authorization to sign on behalf of the Tenderer is [specify]
[Normally an attested power of attorney is provided]
D. Submission of Bids
25. / 21.2 a) / Tenders shall be submitted to [Specify below]:
Street Address ………………………………………….…….
Building/Plot No. ……………………………………………
Floor/Room No. ……………………………………………..
City/Town ……………………………………………………
26. / 21.2 b) / Project name…………………………………………………
Tender title and number………………………………………....
Time and date for submission………………………………..
27. / 22.1 / The deadline for Tender submission is
a)Day ………………………………………
c)Time ……………………………………..
28. / 22.3 / The extension of the deadline for submission of Tenders shall be made not later than [insert number of days; normally not more than seven days] before the expiry of the original deadline.
E. Opening and Evaluation of Tenders
29. / 25.1 / The Tender opening shall take place at:
Street address ………………………………………………
Building/Plot No. ………………………………………….
Floor/Room No. ……………………………………………
City/Town …………………………………………………..
Country ………………………………………………………
30 / 30.2 / The currency that shall be used for tender evaluation and comparison purposes to convert all TenderPrices expressed in various currencies into a single currency is: ______
The source of exchange rate shall be: [insert the source]
The date for the exchange rate shall be: [insert date]
31. / 32.1 / Works has been [insert ‘’exclusively reserved for Local Contractors’’]registered by the Authority and other statutory bodies in Tanzania.
A joint venture, consortium or an association between a foreign and local firm in which the contribution of the local firm is [insert ‘’greater than 75%] qualify for national preference.
32 / 34.1 / post-qualification shall be performed or not performed [indicate whichever is appropriate]
33. / 38.1 / Percentage for quantities increase or decrease is (insert percentage)
[This should not exceed 15 percent]
F. Award of Contract
34. / 41.1 / The amount of Performance Security shall be [insert amount between 10% and 15% of the contract price]
35. / 41.2 / The Performance Security shall be in the form of: [Insert form of Performance Security]
36. / 42.1 / The Advance Payment shall be …………………… [Limited to a maximum of fifteen (15) percent of the Contract Price].
37. / 43.1 / The Adjudicator for the project shall be appointed by the Appointing Authority which shall be [Insert name of the appointing Authority].
G. Right to Review
38. / 47.1 / The address to submit copies of complaints:
Chief Executive Officer,
Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA)
PPF Tower 8th Floor,
P.O. Box 49,
Tel: 2133466, 2121236/7
Fax: 2121238
39. / 49.2 / The address for Appeal to PPAA:
The Secretary,
Public Procurement Appeals Authority,
Sukari House 1st Floor,
P.O. Box 9310,
Tel: 2120451
Sec II - 1