TIGERs Schema Review Checklist
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Schema package follows standard:
Outer folder name: xxIndYYYYvn.n or xxBusYYYYvn.n
Contains Common and StateIndividual or StateBusiness
Contains xxIndividual or xxBusiness
May contain xxCommon
State forms are located in folders xxCommon\xxForms and xxIndividual\xxForms or xxBusiness\xxForms
Type libraries are named appropriately. xxeFileTypes.xsd inside of xxCommon, xxIndividualeFileTypes.xsd inside of xxIndividual and xxBusinesseFileTypes.xsd inside of xxBusiness.
ReturnState and ReturnDataState files are located in xxIndividual or xxBusiness. ReturnState files are named IndividualReturnxxNNN.xsd and ReturnDataState files are named ReturnDataxxNNN.xsd and there is a corresponding ReturnDataState file for every ReturnState.
There is a separate schema for each form. Schemas for forms begin with "Form"; schedules begin with "Sch" and worksheets begin with "Wks". The name of the root element inside of each schema file matches the file name.
ReturnState schemas
All root (ReturnState) schemas (IndividualReturnxxNNN.xsd or BusinessReturnxxNNN.xsd) are valid and well formed and use the IRS namespace.
Structure of the return is as follows:
- ReturnState
- ReturnHeaderState
- ReturnDataState
- BinaryAttachment(optional)
- FinancialTransaction(optional)
- stateSchemaVersion(optional)
When present, ReturnHeaderState, BinaryAttachment and FinancialTransaction reference the TIGERs definition for these schemas.
The ReturnDataState element references an element that's defined in the corresponding ReturnDataxxNNN.xsd.
The StateIndividual and Common folders match the TIGERs release (except for the state enumerations file).
Sample instance document passes when validated against both the state-specific schema and the TIGERs IndividualReturnState.xsd or BusinessReturnState.xsd. Or the state-specific return state files adequately match the TIGERs IndividualReturnState.xsd or BusinessReturnState.xsd.
Element names follow rules defined in the standards:
Contain letters, numbers and characters except for spaces, underscores and XML reserved characters.
Does not begin with a number, punctuation character or any variation of "XML".
Element names are upper camel case and attribute names are lower camel case.
Names may not exceed 30 characters.
Names must be meaningful - no line number references.
Tier 1 Best Practices
Nested elements do not have the same name (i.e., Address with a child also named Address).
Duplicate fields within a form should only be defined once.
No element defined for fixed literals.
Elements are grouped based on the groupings on the form.
eFile types are prefixed with the state's jurisdiction code.
Complex types are defined appropriately.
Elements are well documented including form#, line# and description. Field number (reference back to legacy eFile) should also be provided during the transition period.
BooleanType, CheckboxType and enumeration lists are used appropriately.
Schema allows for maximum number of occurrences vs. limiting occurrences to the space provided on the paper form.
When utilized, referenceDocumentId is defined appropriately.