Scholarly works using data from the European Media Systems Survey
Last update: Laura Trandafir, 15 May 2016
Do you know of any work omitted from this list? Please email
Aalberg, Toril, van Aelst, Peter, & Curran, James. (2010). Media Systems and the Political Information Environment: A CrossNational Comparison. International Journal of Press/Politics, 15(3), 255–271. doi: 10.1177/1940161210367422.
Ariely, Gal. (2015). Does Commercialized Political Coverage Undermine Political Trust?: Evidence Across European Countries. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 59(3), 438-455. doi: 10.1080/08838151.2015.1055000.
Ariely, Gal. (2015). Trusting the Press and Political Trust: A Conditional Relationship. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 25(3), 351-367. doi: 10.1080/17457289.2014.997739.
Artero, Juan P. (2015). Political Parallelism and Media Coalitions in Western Europe. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford.
Banducci, Susan, & Hanretty, Chris. (2014). Comparative Determinants of Horse-race Coverage. European Political Science Review, 4, 621-640. doi:
Brüggemann, Michael, Engesser, Sven, Büchel, Florin, Humprecht, Edda, & Castro, Laia. (2014). Hallin and Mancini Revisited: Four Empirical Types of Western Media Systems. Journal of Communication, 64(6), 1037–1065. doi: 10.1111/jcom.12127.
Ceron, Andrea, & Memoli, Vincenzo. (2015). Trust in Government and Media Slant. A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Media Effects in Twenty-Seven European Countries. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 20(3), 339-359. doi: 10.1177/1940161215572634.
Ceron, Andrea. (2015). Internet, News, and Political Trust: The Difference Between Social Media and Online Media Outlets. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 20(5), 487–503. doi: 10.1111/jcc4.12129.
Curran, James, Iyengar, Shanto, Lund, Anker Brink, & Salovaara-Moring, Inka. (2009). Media System, Public Knowledge and Democracy A Comparative Study. European Journal of Communication, 24(1), 5-26. doi: 10.1177/0267323108098943.
Deirdre, Kevin. (2003). Europe in the Media: A Comparison of Reporting, Representation, and Rhetoric in National Media Systems in Europe: Routledge.
Fraile, Marta, & Iyengar, Shanto. (2014). Not All News Sources Are Equally Informative. A Cross-National Analysis of Political Knowledge in Europe. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 19(3), 275-294. doi: 10.1177/1940161214528993.
Gosselin, Tania, Nistotskaya, Marina, & Lapuente, Victor. (2015). Media and Corruption: We Need to Talk about Television. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, Montreal, Quebec.
Hanretty, Chris. (2012). Public Service Broadcasting's Continued Rude Health.British AcademyPolicy Centre, London.
Hanretty, Chris. (2014). Media Outlets and Their Moguls: Why Concentrated Individual or Family Ownership is Bad for Editorial Independence. European Journal of Communication, 29(3), 335-350. doi: 10.1177/0267323114523150.
Herrero, Laia Castro, Hopmann, David Nicolas, & Engesser, Sven. (2013). Parties, Ideology, and News Media in Central-Eastern and Western Europe: A Comparison of Media Bias 20 Years after the Iron Curtain Fell.Äpfel, Birnen und Osteuropa: Vergleichsdesigns und-befunde zu einer divergenten Region.Beiträge für die 21. Tagung Junger Osteuropa-Experten. Available at:
Freedom House. (2009). Freedom of the Press 2008: A Global Survey of Media Independence: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Lelkes, Yphtach. (2013). Loser’s Consent and the Partisan Press: The Effect of Political Parallelism on the Political Legitimacy Gap. Amsterdam: Amsterdam School of Communication Research.
Lelkes, Yphtach. (2014). Winners, Losers, and Partisan News: The Effects of Political Parallelism on the Legitimacy Gap. doi: Available at SSRN:
Lelkes, Yphtach. (2016). Winners, Losers, and the Press: The Relationship Between Political Parallelism and the Legitimacy Gap. Political Communication. doi: 10.1080/10584609.2015.1117031.
Lisi, Marco. (2015). Party Change, Recent Democracies, and Portugal. Comparative Perspectives. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
Markov, Vsevolod. (2013). Why Not Censor the Internet? A Case Study of Russian New Media.Central European University.Department of Political Science. MA in Political Science.
Meulemann, Heiner. (2010). Information and Entertainment in European Mass Media Systems: Preferences for and Uses of Television and Newspapers. European Sociological Review, 28(2), 186–202. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcq058.
Müller, Lisa. (2014). Comparing Mass Media in Established Democracies. Patterns of Media Performance.Palgrave Macmillan.
Pereira, José Santana. (2015). Variety of Media Systems in Third-Wave Democracies Media and Politics in New Democracies. Europe in a Comparative Perspective (pp. 231-247). Oxford University Press.
Peruško, Zrinjka, Vozab, Dina, & Čuvalo, Antonija. (2013). Audiences as a Source of Agency in Media Systems: Post-socialist Europe in Comparative Perspective. Medialni studia, 14(2), 137-154.
Petring, Alexander. (2015). Die drei Welten des Gerechtigkeitsjournalismus? Text Mining in FAZ, taz und SZ zu sozialer Gerechtigkeit und Ungleichheit.Text Mining in den Sozialwissenschaften (pp. 369-393).
Popescu, Marina, & Toka, Gabor. (2012). How Can Mass Media Help Citizens Make Sense of the Political World? Media Systems and Citizens’ Cognitive Political Engagement in Europe. Paper presented at the ECPR workshop on Advancing Comparative Political Communication Research: New Frameworks, Designs and Data, Antwerp, Belgium.
Shehata, Adam. (2010). Pathways to Politics: How Media System Characteristics Can Influence Socioeconomic Gaps in Political Participation. International Journal of Press/Politics, 15(3), 295–318. doi: 10.1177/1940161209360930.
Stetka, Vaclav, & Örnebring, Henrik. (2013). Investigative Journalism in Central and Eastern Europe Autonomy, Business Models, and Democratic Roles. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 18(4), 413-435. doi: 10.1177/1940161213495921.
Toka, Gabor, & Popescu, Marina. (2012). Cross-National Patterns in Political Bias in European News Media. Paper presented at the ECPR workshop on Advancing Comparative Political Communication Research: New Frameworks, Designs and Data, Antwerp, Belgium.
Valeriani, Augusto, & Vaccari, Cristian. (2015). Accidental Exposure to Politics on Social Media as Online Participation Equalizer in Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom. New Media & Society. doi: 10.1177/1461444815616223.
Zubascu, Vasile Florin. (2013). Media Independence and Democracy: Influential Relations Between Journalists, Politicians, Ownership, and Advertisers in Romania. Central European University. Department of Political Science. MA in Political Science.