Tuesday 31 January 2017
Dear Parents/Carers
I am pleased to inform you that Key Stage 3 has the opportunity to attend a residential trip at the Kingswood Centre which is located in Staffordshire. The residential will take place from Wednesday
3 to Friday 5 May 2017. The cost of this trip will be £125.25.
The Kingswood Centre is an exciting venue for outdoor adventure and learningwith a wide range of adventure activities available, from team building challenges and indoor activities, to high adrenaline experiences in the outdoor adventure apparatus. The cost of the residential includes accommodation in purpose-built dormitories, transport to and from the venue, meals and travel insurance.
If your son/daughter would like to participate in the residential trip please complete the slip at the bottom of this letter and return to school by Friday 10 February. Places will be issued on first come, first served basis. We are requesting a non-refundable deposit of £50.25 which is required from all pupils, to reserve a space. If your child is in receipt of Free School Meals and requires assistance with the remaining balance please indicate below.
To help you spread the remaining cost of the residential, staged payments can be offered of three payments of £25.00, with final payment being due 28th April.
Please contact me at the school if you require any further information about the residential at this stage.
*If sufficient funds are not received then we may have to cancel this trip.
Yours Sincerely
Claire Walsh
Key Stage 3 Co-ordinator
Reply Slip – Key Stage 3: Residential Trip to Kingswood – Wednesday 3 to Friday 5 May 2017
I ...... give consent for my son/daughter
...... to visit Kingswood from Wednesday 3 to Friday 5 May 2017.
I enclose a voluntary deposit of £50.25 (Please make cheques payable to WCC) OR
I have paid online using Payments 4 Schools – Ref no……………………………… OR
My child is in receipt of free school meals (not universal) and will require assistance with the remainder of the cost ¨
My child is eligible to Free School Meals and I would like to request a packed lunch. ¨
Signed: ...... Date: ......