From Fr. Jim
Memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, parents of Mary: Liturgical Grandparents Day
Tuesday of this week, July 26, is the Memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, the parents of Mary and the grandparents of Jesus. I like to call it a “Liturgical Grandparents Day.” Today is a good day to celebrate, honor and show appreciation to our grandparents, both those still alive and among us and those who have passed over through death to eternal life. What can we do?
1. Pray for our grandparents.
Thank God for them and their presence in our lives.
Ask God to care for them.
If they have already gone to God, thank God for them and ask them to intercede on our behalf with Jesus.
2. Send an email or a card or make a phone call to tell them that you are thinking of them.
3. Visit them, or take them out for lunch or dinner. Being with them can be such a treat. One of the greatest gifts that we can offer one another is simply being together.
4. If there is any hurt that needs healing, ask the Holy Spirit to help you discover what might help that healing to happen and then act on what you hear in prayer.
Happy Liturgical Grandparents Day to all grandparents on the Feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, July 26.
Pope Francis Year of Mercy Quote of the Week
“Vanity of vanities! All things are vanity!” we hear in our reading today. Jesus tells us to guard against all greed so that we can be rich in what matters to God. Easier said than done, isn’t it? Yet, having put on Christ in baptism, we are to live in ways that reflect following Jesus and his teachings help us become rich in what matters to God. In a meeting with sick and disabled children, Pope Francis said: “St. Francis was a rich young man, he had ideals of glory, but Jesus, in the person of a leper, spoke to him in silence, and he changed him, he made him understand what truly mattered in life: not wealth, nor power of weapons, nor earthly glory, but humility, mercy, and forgiveness.” (Address, Meeting with Sick and Disabled Children, October 4, 2013). What really matters to God? Put your trust there and become rich in God’s eyes.
Congratulations to those who were recently baptized:
Benedict Clement Collins
Grace Elizabeth Young
A new RCIA program begins in September. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiations of Adults) is the process in which unbaptized and baptized Christians become members of the Catholic Church. It is also the process by which baptized Catholics who never received the sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation receive those sacraments. Do you feel God calling you to have a deeper relationship with Him? If so, please call the Parish Office at 410-398-1100 to learn more about this process and set up a meeting with Mrs. Pat Kosman, the RCIA Coordinator. RCIA is a wonderful way to have a greater understanding of the Catholic faith and become closer to God as well.
Friday Adoration & Holy Hour for the Year of Mercy
This Friday, August 5th, is the First Friday of August. As has been our custom for the Year of Mercy on First Fridays, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed at the end of the 8:30 am Mass on Friday. Exposition will again take place in the Chapel. School is still out, so our school children will not be spending time in adoration and prayer like they do during the school year. We need you to come spend time in prayer from 9:00am until our Holy Hour begins at 7:00pm.Please sign up by using one of the sign-up sheets on stands at the entrances to the Church at ICC and SJ or by calling the Parish Office for a time during those hours. Come for one hour and pray for the guidance of Holy Spirit to lessen violence in our world and to give us wisdom as we enter more intensely into the election cycle. Join us in the Chapel for the Holy Hour that begins at 7:00pm and concludes with Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament.
Plans are underway to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Catholic education on Bow Street! If you are interested in helping to plan, please contact us at 410-398-1100! So far, the committee has worked on the following activities:
Friday, September 9
· Wine & Cheese Social at State Line Liquors 7:00pm
· 3-on-3 Basketball challenge for those under 21 7:00pm
Saturday, September 10
· ICS Open House (time T.B.D.)
· Mass celebrated by Bishop Malooly 5:00 pm
o Reception to follow Mass in the gym
Sunday, September 11
· Coffee & Donuts following Masses at ICC
August 1, 2016 St. Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop & Dr. of the Church
8:30 AM Anna Sniadowski
August 2, 2016
8:30 AM Corazon Sanchez (Living Intention)
August 3, 2016
8:30 AM Romilia Romero
August 4, 2016 St. John Vianney, Priest
8:30 AM Joseph Dong Nguyen and all the souls in purgatory
August 5, 2016
8:30 AM Edward, Naomi, and Gus Kellmyer
August 6, 2016 The Transfiguration of the Lord
8:30 AM Ernest D. Brown
5:00 PM Barbara Criscuolo
August 7, 2016 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 AM People of the Parish
8:30 AM Edward and Anne Weber
9:00 AM SJ William Nelson
10:15 AM Anthony Trasatti
12:00 PM Hugh, Eleanor ,and Christopher Reilly
Readings for next week: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Wisdom 18:6-9
The Israelites are reminded that they were warned before God sent an angel to slay the first born of the Egyptians. God called them to have courage, and rewarded them by punishing their enemies and leading them from captivity.
Second Reading: Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19
Faith is described as true belief even toward things we cannot see. Abram's faith in God was so deep that he wandered through a foreign land, convinced God's promise of a homeland was sincere. God honored his promise to give Abram many descendants, and was proud of the deep faith Abram and his people possessed.
Gospel: Luke 12:32-48
Jesus encourages us to be prepared for his return at all times, for he will come when we least expect him. He tells of a master who entrusts his home to his servants, and fully expects them to be awaiting his return. In the same manner, Jesus can arrive at any moment and expects us to be prepared for his return.
Daily Readings: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Eccl 1:2, 2:21-23; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21
Jer 28:1-17; Mt 14:13-21
Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Mt 14:22-36 or 15:1-2, 10-14
Jer 31:1-7; Mt 15:21-28
Jer 31:31-34; Mt 16:13-23
First Friday
Na 2:1, 3, 3:1-3, 6-7; Mt 16:24-28
First Saturday
Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Lk 9:28b-36
In the Gospel this week Jesus teaches us to pray the Our Father. He reminds us to ask so we will receive & seek so that we will find. Bring It Home this week by being persistent in prayer. Gather as a family and pray the Our Father together each night asking for a specific intention.
Direction of Intention from Father Paul:
Those who went to Salesianum or Mt. Aviat are familiar with praying The Direction of Intention. It is part of daily prayer experience in schools staffed and sponsored by the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. I have used it in a few homilies and was asked to put it in the bulletin:
My God, give me the grace to perform this action
with you and through love for you.
In advance, I offer to you all the good that I may do
and accept all the difficulty I may meet therein.
Adoration for Vocations The parish has Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on the First Friday of the month of 2016 in association with the Year of Mercy. Those who come to pray for vocations are encouraged to come pray for vocations during the first Friday exposition. Any questions please call Dermott Mullan at 410-398-3368.
42nd Annual Christmas Bazaar
November 12-13, 2016
“An Irish Christmas”
The Christmas bazaar is just 3 ½ months away! The Committee is busy planning another fun-filled event! Please check this column in the bulletin each week to find out how you can help.
We have begun soliciting donations for theme baskets and silent auctions. If you have items you would like to donate, please contact Gail Jusiewicz at or 302-547-2777.
The next Christmas bazaar committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 23 at 6:30pm in the Parish Center. Please feel free to join us if you'd like to help plan the bazaar. If you have any questions, please contact co-chair, Terry Gustafson at , or 443-553-2324, or call the Parish Center at 410-398-1100.
For more information or to volunteer please call the office at 410-398-1100. Thank you!!
Pregnant? Have a Newborn? Does your child need to be Baptized? You’re Invited! Baptism Preparation Classes are held four times a year: Sept. 19, 2016 and Jan. 9, March 20, May 15 and August 21, 2017. All classes are on Monday evenings, 7:00-8:30 PM in our Parish Center. It’s never too early to take the class and prepare for the Baptism of your child. Parents are required to take part and Godparents are encouraged to take part in these classes. Please contact the Parish Office in advance to register for the Baptism Preparation Class and to arrange the date of Baptism during Mass or at 1:30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at IC and at 10:30 am on the 3rd Sunday at SJ. Call 410-398-1100 for information or to register
Faith Formation
Immaculate Conception School News
God’s blessings on everyone through the summer!
As we make preparations for the coming school year, we have identified a need with which perhaps you can help. The school is in need of six 32” flat-screen TVs to replace existing equipment. Any donation you can make is tax deductible. Thank you for your help with this!
The school office will be open throughout the summer. The hours will be 9:00 - 1:00. We will resume full hours the week of August 15. Feel free to email, phone, or stop in over the summer. If you need to reach the school, please call 410-398-2636. You may also email the staff member you need, we will respond as quickly as possible. For the secretary: ; for the principal: . Teachers are not required to check email during the summer, so if there is a timely request, send your email to one of the above addresses.
Please look for the notice about the upcoming anniversary for the school! 60 years of Catholic education on Bow Street is quite an accomplishment! We’re hoping that all alumni and friends of ICS will join in the celebration at some point that weekend.
There is still time to enroll your child in our school for the next school year. If you have any questions about our school, or if you would like to set up a tour, please contact the school office at 410-398-2636.
Faith Formation
Religious Education & Sacraments
Do you have a child that needs to register for our Parish Religious Education Programs?
Time is running out to register! Letters will be sent to all registered families in August about the start of classes.
Go to parish website and you will find the link for registration or contact the religion office for a hard copy.
Financial Concerns? Contact the Religion Office! No one is to be denied religious education.
Note: A child must have attended 1st grade Rel. Ed and be in 2nd grade to receive First Communion. A student must have completed 7th AND 8th gr. Rel. Ed to enroll in the Confirmation program.
Contact the Religion Office with any questions.
Volunteers are needed for the upcoming year: An Assistant is needed for the Wed. evening program: 6:15-7:45pm for Grades 1, 2, & 6. To be in compliance with the Diocesan mandate: For the Sake of God’s Children, two people are required for each class. Contact 410-392-3551 or for more information or to volunteer.
Catechist & Assistant Meeting:
A meeting for K-6 Catechists & Assistants will be held Thurs, Aug. 18th at 6:30pm in the Parish Center.
Youth Ministry & Confirmation
Visit the parish web site at See the News, Faith Formation and Ministries pages for more information on YM events and opportunities. Contact the YM office at 410-392-3551 or .
High School & older Weekly Gatherings
Students in grades 9-12 and college-age young adults are welcome to join our Sunday gatherings in the Parish Center from 6-8 PM. Drop-ins welcome. Parents: Please donate soda or water bottles for our teens. Pizza gift cards are welcome, too! Thanks!
During the summer we do not meet every Sunday. We WILL meet on:
July 31-6-8PM work camp slide show, stories & pizza!!
Service Hours
If ever you are in need of service hours, please scroll through the pictures on the parish website home page at Click on “Service Opportunities” and see the contact person listed
Adult Education
Interested in a study group? Many opportunities are available. Call 410-398-1100 for more information.
Adult Enrichment Program to begin in the Fall:
Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come.
Have you ever wondered about the Book of Revelation? This program shows how the kingdom established by Christ in his church is intimately connected with the kingdom of heaven, especially through the celebration of the Mass. You will learn what all the mysterious figures and images of Revelation represent, what will happen during the Second Coming of Christ, what has already happened, and what is happening now in salvation history. This 11 week Bible Study will be offered on: Mondays: 6:30-8:30pm and repeated on Tuesdays 9:15-11:15am in the Parish Center beginning Sept. 12th & 13th. Registration Form can be downloaded from Parish Website or pick one up in the Parish Center. Call Sr. Grace at 410-392-3551 with any questions.