Starting Points
Quarterly Department of the Shenandoah Valley Medical System, Inc.
From the Director
As I'm writing this, 2011 is coming to a close. It has been an amazing year and a hectic last quarter at Morgan County Starting Points.
Personnel changes included Shelley Dickerson, exiting her VISTA position in August. We appreciate her fantastic effort with projects like: backpacks for homeless students and Books under the Tree. Then during the summer, Misty Stallard came to us as a volunteer and signed on as a VISTA. Misty did an outstanding job with Empty Bowls and Books Under the Tree. I'm excited to see what the New Year will bring for her. Sharon Abdelaal returned to Starting Points in the fall to start a new initiative - In Home Family Education. In her wonderful - go with the flow, accepting attitude - Sharon is creating relationships by providing home visits and center activities for families with children birth to five. It has been great having her back. Hannah Stewart and Lisa Cox have continued to bring new ideas and energy to existing programs and start many new initiatives. Miss Shirley and Miss Kerry hold us all together with their wisdom and stability.
Because of all these dedicated people, we have been successful in keeping up with the growing number of individuals
visiting the soup kitchen - 19052 meals in 2011, helping families move toward financial self-sufficiency, promoting early childhood literacy, reducing the potential for child abuse and neglect through parent/community education and advocating for the homeless.
Those of you receiving this newsletter have supported us through in-kind donations, volunteering with a program, or monetary donations. We thank you for assisting us in this work that we feel is of utmost importance to our community - Helping Families - Help Themselves.
Audrey Morris
Holiday Helpers
The Holiday Helpers project spearheaded by Starting Points helped over 236 families have a special Merry Day this Christmas by providing food, clothing and toys.
Family Partnership Program
I would like to start by thanking everyone for their well wishes and congratulations on Caden’s birth! He is a wonderful baby and I’m excited to see where our journey takes us. Our family is doing well. I will be back in the office full time starting with the New Year. As the cold weather sets in it is important to remember that there are families in our county who are not spending their winter warm and cozy. If you have extra coats, heaters or would like to help out this winter please let me know and I will place your name on a list with what you have to offer. This way when a need arises there are resources readily available.
For the upcoming year there are few new things that will be happening. In October we held a 4-part Job Skills series titled “Let’s Get Working!” Jeri Mahan and I will be facilitating this again in March. This is a great learning opportunity and very beneficial to anyone looking for work. I will also be setting up a parent support group for families who have children with health challenges. If you or someone you know may benefit from this group, please contact me for registration.
As always we will continue with our monthly financial education classes on the second and fourth Thursday of every month and our Job Skills/Resume Writing class on the third Thursday of every month. For times or more information please call the office and ask to speak with me.
Hannah Stewart
Starting Points is always in need of additional financial contributions. We realize that some supporters are unable to write a check. Here are ways to support us through "Painless Pledging"
January is usually a time for house cleaning and reorganization. Remember when donating items to the Rag Shop to designate Starting Points as the benefactor of their resale. The more that is donated in our name, the greater percentage we receive.
Participate in Food Lion’s Community Rewards Program. Log onto foodlion.com and click on MVP rewards (under community outreach) to link your card to Starting Points account number 252448.
Bring your spent printer cartridges to our office and see me so I can return these to our supplier (Quill) for additional credit toward purchases at Starting Points.
For the 15th consecutive year, Alan Shawn Feinstein will divide $1 million among hunger fighting agencies nationwide using it to help them raise funds this March and April. Starting Points will be participating again this spring. If you are considering making a donationof food and money to the Meal Time Community Kitchen March 1st thru April 30 is a great time to do so.
Kerry Noon
Adolescent Initiative
Did you know that in Morgan County, there are over 23% of our teens who are in a non-traditional family situation? As a response to a crying need to address issues of these at risk teens, Lisa Cox is working with a peer support group that meets monthly. The group averages 8-10 monthly teen participants and their recent activities include roller skating, a Christmas party, a visit to the local nursing home and on January 22nd, a Karaoke night at Earth Dog. Teens 12+ are being further empowered by learning emergency preparedness measures. Spread the word about the special programs that are being planned for teens in Morgan County.
Lisa Cox
Board Recruitment
Special People needed!
To fulfill Starting Points' mission, to serve as a community resource center that strengthens and nurtures Morgan County families by providing information, programs and access to needed resources, we are actively recruiting parents for our Advisory Board and Executive Committee. The Starting Points Advisory Board works closely with other agencies/non-profits/school system in Morgan County to assess family needs, offer programs and facilitate family centered events. The Starting Points Executive Committee gives over-site to Starting Points programs, personnel, grant contracts and finances. If you or someone you know have the skills, talent and time to participate on either the Advisory Board or Executive Committee, please contact Audrey.
Starting PointsFamily Resource Center provides direct services, information and resources to families with children. These voluntary services that are available to all families in the community include:
- Meal Time Community Kitchen—3-6P Mon, Tues & Fri
- Developmental screenings and referrals
- In Home Family Education
- Financial and Job Skills Workshops
- Parenting Education Classes
- Parent and Child Lending Library
- Playgroup 2x per week
- Baby Pantry
Up and Coming Events
Playgroup –Held at 9AM on Wednesday and Thursday is now cooking during the last week of every month
”Let’s Get Working” Seminars
Watch for Publicity in March
Volunteer Lunch-April 12th
Baby Shower – April 26th
United Way Day of Caring – September 11, 2012
These programs are being presented with financial assistance as a grant from the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources.’”
These programs are being presented with financial assistance as a grant from the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources.’”