Subject: Weather Forecast for next 24 hours valid for 1800BST 18-04-2018.
/ ForecastDhaka / Sky: Partly cloudy to temporary cloudy.
Forecast: Rain/thunder showers accompanied by temporary gusty/squally wind with lightning flashes is likely to occur at many places over the area with hails at isolated places.
Temperature: Day temperature may fall slightly and night temperature may remain nearly unchanged over the area.
Today’smaximum temperature of Dhaka city 32.6°C
Today’s minimum temperature of Dhaka city 20.8°C
Mymensingh / Sky: Partly cloudy to temporary cloudy.
Forecast: Rain/thunder showers accompanied by temporary gusty/squally wind with lightning flashes is likely to occur at many places over the area with hails at isolated places.
Temperature: Day temperature may fall slightly and night temperature may remain nearly unchanged over the area.
Today’smaximum temperature of Mymensingh city 31.0°C
Today’s minimum temperature of Mymensingh city 20.6°C
Chittagong / Sky: Partly cloudy to temporary cloudy.
Forecast: Rain/thunder showers accompanied by temporary gusty/squally wind with lightning flashes is likely to occur at many places over the area with hails at isolated places.
Temperature: Day temperature may fall slightly and night temperature may remain nearly unchanged over the area.
Today’s maximum temperature of Chittagong city 32.3 °C
Today’s minimum temperature of Chittagong city 21.0°C
Rajshahi / Sky: Partly cloudy to temporary cloudy.
Forecast: Rain/thunder showers accompanied by temporary gusty/squally wind with lightning flashes is likely to occur at a few places over the area with hails at isolated places.
Temperature: Day temperature may fall slightly and night temperature may remain nearly unchanged over the area.
Today’smaximum temperature of Rajshahi city 33.8°C
Today’s minimum temperature of Rajshahi city 20.6 °C
Rangpur / Sky: Partly cloudy to temporary cloudy.
Forecast: Rain/thunder showers accompanied by temporary gusty/squally wind with lightning flashes is likely to occur at a few places over the area with hails at isolated places.
Temperature: Day temperature may fall slightly and night temperature may remain nearly unchanged over the area.
Today’smaximum temperature of Khulna city 31.5 °C
Today’s minimum temperature of Khulna city 20.0 °C
/ Sky: Partly cloudy to temporary cloudy.Forecast: Rain/thunder showers accompanied by temporary gusty/squally wind with lightning flashes is likely to occur at a few places over the area with hails at isolated places.
Temperature: Day temperature may fall slightly and night temperature may remain nearly unchanged over the area.
Today’s maximum temperature of Khulna city 33.9°C
Today’s minimum temperature of Khulna city 21.5°C
Barisal / Sky: Partly cloudy to temporary cloudy.
Forecast: Rain/thunder showers accompanied by temporary gusty/squally wind with lightning flashes is likely to occur at many places over the area with hails at isolated places.
Temperature: Day temperature may fall slightly and night temperature may remain nearly unchanged over the area.
Today’smaximum temperature of Barisal city 33.2°C
Today’s minimum temperature of Barisal city 20.0 °C
Sylhet / Sky: Partly cloudy to temporary cloudy.
Forecast: Rain/thunder showers accompanied by temporary gusty/squally wind with lightning flashes is likely to occur at many places over the area with hails at isolated places.
Temperature: Day temperature may fall slightly and night temperature may remain nearly unchanged over the area.
Today’smaximum temperature of Khulna city 32.2 °C
Today’s minimum temperature of Khulna city 21.2 °C