LBEDN Minutes

January 8, 2010

Minutes of the Meeting of the

Louisiana Board of Examiners in Dietetics and Nutrition

January 8, 2010


Eve Dansereau Harmeyer, M.S., RD, LDN, Chairperson

Teena Doxey, RD, LDN, Public Member, Vice Chairperson

Paula Weeks, RD, LDN, Secretary/Treasurer

Debra L. Hollingsworth, Ph.D., RD, LDN, Board Member

Terry Compton, APRN, RN, MSN, CDE, Board Member


Robert Colligan, MD, Medical Advisor

Eve Harmeyer called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Board office located at 18550 Highland Road, Suite B, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Emily Efferson, Administrator, and Jolie Jones, Administrative Assistant, were present for the meeting.

Roll call was conducted by Eve Harmeyer. Terry Compton was welcomed to the Board. Dr. Robert Colligan was also recently appointed to serve as the Board’s Medical Advisor.


Motion was made by Debra Hollingsworth, seconded by Paula Weeks and unanimously carried, to add b. Complaint #2010-03 to Executive Session, and adopt the agenda as amended.


a.  November 13, 2009

Motion was made by Paula Weeks, seconded by Debra Hollingsworth and unanimously carried, to amend the minutes of the November 13, 2009 meeting, to include the description of the acronym NPDB-HIPDB.


There was no public present to make comments.


a.  Financial statement for the period ending September 30, 2009

Board members reviewed the financial statement for the month ending September 30, 2009.

b.  Financial statement for the period ending October 31, 2009

Board members reviewed the financial statement for the month ending October 31, 2009.


a.  Email dated December 14, 2009 from Cynthia Rachal regarding teaching insulin administration

The board will send a letter noting that the scope of practice in the Louisiana Dietetic/Nutrition Practice Act neither allows nor prohibits the teaching of insulin administration.


a.  LDA 2010 Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, April 18-21, 2010, L’Auberge Du Lac Resort, Lake Charles, LA

The LDA FNCE conference will be held April 18-21, 2010. The Board will give its annual presentation to the students and interns at LDA on Tuesday, April 20th from 9:15-10:15 a.m.

b.  Exhibit request

Motion was made by Paula Weeks, seconded by Teena Doxey and unanimously carried not to exhibit at the 2010 LDA Food and Nutrition conference and Expo this year due to financial reasons.


Motion was made by Debra Hollingsworth, seconded by Teena Doxey and unanimously carried by approval of Teena Doxey, to move to Executive Session at 1:55 p.m. for the following reasons:

to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of a person, provided that such person is notified in writing at least twenty-four hours before the meeting,

for discussion in regard to the report, development, or course of action regarding security personnel, plans or devices,

for investigative proceedings regarding allegations of misconduct, or any other matter now provided for or as may be provided for by the legislature.

Motion was made by Terry Compton, seconded by Paula Weeks and unanimously carried, to come out of Executive Session at 2:40 p.m. to make the following motions:

a.  Complaint #2010-08

Motion was made by Paula Weeks, seconded by Debra Hollingsworth and unanimously carried to send a letter to Complainant and a copy to employer, noting that RD or Culinary Nutritionist cannot be used without holding proper licensure.

b.  Complaint #2010-03

Motion was made by Paula Weeks, seconded by Teena Doxey and unanimously carried to send a letter to Thrive Magazine that Complainant is not an LDN and cannot be called a Nutritionist. Motion was also made to send another letter to Complainant advising that he cannot use the initials “A.C.N.” because the titles “Dietitian” and “nutritionist” are protected through the Louisiana Dietetic/Nutrition Practice Act.

c.  License Problems

No license problems were presented.

d. Review of Applications

Motion was made by Teena Doxey, seconded by Paula Weeks, and unanimously carried, to accept and approve the applications for the LDN License for the following:

Muller, Selene Varela 2214 Tussing-Humphreys, Lisa 2215

Schmidt, Mary Carolyn 2217 McAllister, Tiffany 2218

Clements, Brittany Lynn 2219 Lyles, Kimberly Rivers 2220

Curole, Sarah S. 2221 Dupuis, Desiree Denise 2222

Motion was made by Teena Doxey, seconded by Debra Hollinsgworth, and unanimously carried, to accept and approve the applications for the Provisional LDN License for the following:

Sloan, Jemma Guidry 2216

Motion was made by Peggy Bourgeois, seconded by Paula Weeks, and unanimously carried, to upgrade the following licenses to Dietitian/Nutritionist:

VonBodungen, Heidi 2181 Eastburn, Anna 2188

Abels, Carmela 2178 Cammack, Leah Jade 2191

Cox, Amanda Boyett 2185 Sloan, Jemma Guidry 2216

Motion was made by Teena Doxey, seconded by Debra Hollingsworth, and unanimously carried, to reinstate the following licenses:

Mitchell, Kathleen 530 Rehak, Jennifer 837

Thomas, Rena 874 Dumas, Nicole J. 2149

e. Personnel Matter

Motion was made by Teena Doxey, seconded by Terry Compton and unanimously carried, to allow Emily Efferson to use her best judgment in review not to exceed six percent.

Motion was made by Paula Weeks, seconded by Teena Doxey and unanimously carried, to adjourn the meeting at 2:45 p.m.


Eve Dansereau Harmeyer, MS, RD, LDN Teena Doxey, RD, LDN

Chairperson Vice-Chairperson