Chairman Ian Pollock
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12th December 2017 in the Village Hall
Present Cllrs Brierley Lister Gothard Walker , County Councillor Zoe Metcalfe and Councillor David Goode
17/082 Apologies from Cllr Pollock and Smith. Cllr Brierley to Chair Meeting
17/083 Declarations of interest as necessary
17/084 Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 14th November 2017 accepted as a true and accurate record
17/ Public Questions. No public present.
County Councillor Zoe Metcalfe was welcomed acting in place of Nick Duxbury who is still ill, and updated Council on matters including the District Plan, proposed Northern relief road and the situation regarding development at Flaxby
Councillor David Goode (Mayor of Knaresborough) spoke to Councillors at length and with great enthusiasm about the setting up of a village plan and the procedure and pitfalls he experienced while setting up the Knaresborough Town Plan. He was warmly thanked and the subject to be on the agenda in the New Year
17/086 planning Matters
1)17/05165/FUL Change of use from paddock land (use class sui generis) to residential cartilage(use class C3) and erection of fencing. Lingerfield Barn
No objections
2)17/04789/FUL Retention of outbuilding to be used for massage therapy business Miresyke Grove
No objections
17/087 Parish Matters and Accounts
Current Account £2,214.18 Reserve Account £54,690.24
a)Update into working party looking into provision of play area on Recreation Field New Road. Councillor Brierley gave a report on the work done so far including liaising with the School and looking at various suppliers of play equipment. The next meeting early in the New Year would draw things together ready for a presentation to Council.
b)Update on Village car park off Havikil Lane. Cllr Walker. A comprehensive quotation had been received from HACS which included all matters which would be required for planning application. Cllr Walker to contact other contractors for quotes.
c)Provision of grit bin at the School car park at Lingerfield. Clerk explained it could be obtained and serviced by NYCC at a reasonable cost. Council agreed a safety matter. Clerk to progress
d)Request from Friends of Percy Field for a final strim on the nature park area of PercyPark. Quote received from Farm and Land for £100 plus vat.
Doubts were expressed at the efficacy of this action but Council agreed.
e)The Parish Precept was discussed. This had not been raised for several
Years and stood currently with grant at £3250. While the Council had alternative sources of income the basic running costs were within the Precept. Resolved to continue with the same rate.
f)Chair had requested that a Council member replace Cllr Lister as PC
Representative on Village Hall Committee. Discussion followed and no volunteer forthcoming.
g)Ongoing issue regarding Kids at Heart. Request had been made to HBC to
Increase length of lease to 125 years and same applied to HBC lease to SPC. Agreed
17/088 Correspondence. Letter received from Knaresborough Links Project regarding winding up and disposal of funds to individuals between 11 and 21 who had need for particular projects. Details with Clerk
17/089 The next Meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 9th January 2018 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall
Graham Ashmore Clerk to the Parish Council 14th December 2017