1 Advice / Associated advice

Tourism and education

Churches Tourism Association

Ministry of Welcome Toolkit


Churches Tourism Association

Objectiveto promote among churches and others the need to welcome tourists
to educate churches and others about the benefits to individuals and communities which can arise from such a welcome

The Association encourages the sharing of good practice,assistsin the development of partnerships at national, regional and local level, and provides appropriate resources to assist members in their work.

AddressAssistant Secretary

c/o Churches Conservation Trust

1 West Smithfield

London EC1A 9EE


Ministry of Welcome Toolkit

This portfolio of resources and best practice was written by Jenny Bate in 2006for churches in the Diocese of Carlisle:

Jenny Bate describes the purpose of the Tool-kit thus:

This is not intended to be the definitive answer to how you develop such a Ministry of Welcome but it does collect together the experience I gained during the four years I was in post.

The contents are laid out in four sections, which develop a process from before a visit takes place, to arrival, then considering the actual visit, before looking at what to do at the end of a visit and afterwards. Appendices give practical help and point in the direction of useful resources.

I will be delighted if the contents spark you into coming up with other ideas, which I have not even considered. Jenny Bate (2006)


As churches in each community we have the opportunity to look at how we might help adults and children to understand and ‘read’ our churches, their social and spiritual significance in the life of our communities and nation.

  • Children

Our church building and churchyards provide a wealth of learning resources for the National Curriculum’s RE, history, geography, art and science.

We might consider how:

  • our local clergy and laypeople might welcome schools,
  • our church community might seek to deepen their links with localschools and colleges.
  • Life Long Learning

Our church building and churchyards also represent a rich learning and research resource for adults involved in local Continuing Education courses or who have become members of The University of the Third Age.

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