CDF “Presentation of Research” Proposals
(Jul 01, 2002 – Sep 30, 2002)

Second Call

Deadlines for Proposal:

Call For Proposals:For presentations Jul 1, 2002 – Sep 30, 2002

Deadline: Thursday, May 2, 2002 (12:00 noon)

Number of Copies Required: 4 hard copies to Chair of Research Committee, Room 304, Capers Hall (Attention: CPT Kathy Brown)


one electronic copy submitted via email attachment to:

Eligibility. Any tenured or tenure-track assistant professor, associate professor, or professor at The Citadel who maintains an electronically available (i.e., either a Gopher or Web version) current curriculum vita or provides a hard copy of his/her vita with their proposal, is eligible to apply.

Application Form. Applicants must follow the current application form and provide all information as indicated on the form. A copy of the current application form is available from the Research Committee's web page.

Funding Limits. All faculty members are eligible to apply for funding of trips during fiscal year 2002-2003 to present research findings. There is no limit on the number of applications, which can be submitted by an applicant during the grant year; however, the total funding limit for fiscal year 2002-2003 is $2500 per person. New faculty may also apply.

Review Process. In its review of CDF Presentation Grant proposals, the Research Committee will consider the clarity with which the proposed activities are presented, the nature of the conference at which the presentation is to be made, the apparent feasibility of the proposed presentation, evidence of certainty of inclusion on the conference program, and cost effectiveness of the proposed expenditures, especially in relation to requests for larger amounts, such as for international travel. If the presentation is related to research supported by the CDF Research Grants or other grants, a copy of the research proposal should be provided to the departmental representative for committee guidance. If the presentation follows from research not supported by grants, a detailed description of the research should be provided to the departmental representative for committee guidance.

2001-2002 Research Committee Members

Biology - Dennis Forsythe

Business Administration - Bill Woosley

Chemistry - Suzanne Mabrouk

Civil and Environmental Eng - Michael Woo

Education - Kathy Brown

Electrical Eng - Mark H. McKinney

English - Yvonne Bruce

Health and Physical Education - John Carter

History - Keith Knapp

Library Science - David Heisser

Math and Computer Science - Kanat Durgun

Modern Languages - Christopher McRae

Physics - Saul Adelman

Political Science - Gardel Feurtado

Psychology - Kerry Lassiter