Brisbane City Council
GPO Box 1434
Brisbane Qld 4001
Dear Sir / Madam,
Submission: 645 Seventeen Mile Rocks Road, Sinnamon Park (DA # A004814571)
Thank you for providing the opportunity to provide a submission regarding the proposed development of a childcare facility at Sinnamon Farm, 645 Seventeen Mile Rocks Road, Sinnamon Park.
I have reviewed the proposal for a childcare facility at Sinnamon Farm and I recommend that the proposal is not approved due to an unacceptable level of impact on the heritage significance of the site and its setting, and because it is an incompatible scale for the site.
Sinnamon Farm has heritage significance for historical, associative, representative and architectural values, and for its rarity. The site is significant for its strong association with the Sinnamon family and with the development of farming and the rural industry in the area. Avondale demonstrates the principal characteristics of rural building and infrastructure of the late nineteenth century and the evolution in the style and form of rural building and design. The setting of the house and its outbuildingsis important as is its contrast with the surrounding development.
The rural landscape of Sinnamon Farm has been eroded since the mid-1990s. Consequently, the remnants of Sinnamon Farm that survive, and their surrounding landscape and setting, are even more significant as the evidence of a rare Brisbane farming landscape.
The landscape of open space surrounding the farmhouse and outbuildings, the relationship between the buildings and the views into and out of the site, are extremely important elements of the Avondale’s significance. The various Conservation documents prepared for the site all reiterate the fundamental importance of this setting, the views and the rural nature of the site.
The Proposed Development
The proposed development, which includes the re-siting of Avondale from its current location to a new position within the site, is incompatible with Avondale’s level and type of significance. The proposed development incorporates an extremely large, two storey building which covers nearly 50% of the site and will visually impact the setting, landscape and historic structures of Avondale.
The Heritage Impact Statement for the development does not adequately addresses its impact on the visual setting of the State Heritage Place. I recommend that the Heritage Impact Statement be reviewed to properly consider the level of adverse impact the proposed development will have on the site and the incompatible nature of the proposed design with the site’s significance.
The proponents held pre-lodgement meetings with Brisbane City Council and with the referral agency, the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DILGP). Both agencies offered a number of recommendations and advice to be amalgamated into the final design.
On reviewing the minutes of these meetings, the recommendations and advice of the agencies have been properly addressed in the Heritage Impact Statement or in the proposed development’s
The current layout of the proposed development necessitates the relocation of the heritage Farm House Avondale closer to the Seventeen Mile Rocks Road frontage of the site, which is considered to be to the detriment to its setting.
The scale and bulk of the proposed two-storey childcare facility would dominate the heritage site and would appear out of context with the site’s remnant rural landscape.
The site area is insufficient to accommodate the proposed scale and form of the proposed development without significant detrimental impacts on the significance of the heritage place (in particular against Criterion B and D) and its setting.
The Heritage Impact Statement prepared for the project does not properly consider the recommendations made by SARA or BCC at the pre-lodgement meetings.
The proposed development is fundamentally incompatible with the site, its size and most importantly, with its significance. We recommend that a more appropriate re-use be considered.
I recommend that:
- A subsequent re-design of the proposed childcare facility is needed.
- Specifically, I recommend that the Heritage Impact Statement and the proposed development be reviewed to properly consider the level of adverse impact the proposed development will have on the site and the incompatible nature of the proposed design with the site’s significance. It should also address the recommendations and advice of Brisbane City Council and SARA.
- An assessment of the significance of the existing trees and retention of the existing mature trees should be implemented.
- A new design should be proposed which does not involve the relocation of buildings or an alternative more sympathetic reuse should be found.
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