August 10, 10:00 A.M.
Copper Room
East Senate Building
AttendeesLt. Governor Cox, Chair
Jonathan Hardy, Co-Chair
Jon Pierpont
Mayor Ben McAdams
Mayor Jackie Biskupski
Pamela Atkinson
Mickie Douglas
Angelica Rosa
Lou Goramon
Christine Nguyen
Rob Weseman
Michael Green
Bryan Nalder
Dan Schuring
Victor Kersey
Lana Stohl (for Ann Williamson)
Bill Hulterstrom
Craig Burr
Kathy Bray
Jennifer Steele
Robert Roltz
Angelica Rosa
Michael Gallegos
Kathy Luke (for Patricia Sampson)
David Litvach
Jonathan Hanks / Robert Snarr
Kelly Jorgensen
Jeff Ojeda
Joseph Miner
Bill Hulterstrom
Duncan Evans
Shawn Johnson (for Jennifer Steele)
Dan Adams
Kathy Bray
Gail Miller
Kris Mecham
Hector Zumaeta Santiago
Pauline Zvonkovic
Phillip Hill
Elizabeth Buehler
Matt Melville
John Bennett
Michelle Flynn
Shauna Spencer
Tara Rollins
Stephen Lefevre
Tony Allred
Shauni Gee
James Morgese
London Stromberg (for Rollin Cook) / Staff
Tamera Kohler
Katherine Smith
Ashley Barker-Tolman
Patrick Frost
Andrew Gray
Michele Kennington
- Welcome and Approval of Minutes (Lt. Governor Spencer J. Cox)
Lt. Governor Spencer J. Cox welcomed everyone around the table and asked for a motion to approve the minutes.
Bill Hulterstrom made and ______seconded the motion to approve the minutes from the May 11, 2016 State Homeless Coordinating Committee meeting.
It was noted that a correction was needed on page two of the minutes. It shows “the State of Utah was awarded$10,119.72.” It should show “the State of Utah was awarded $10,119,752.” The correction was noted and no other corrections were noted. Bill Hulterstrom made and ______seconded the motion to approve the corrected minutes from the May 11, 2016 State Homeless Coordinating Committee meeting. The corrected minutes were approved unanimously.
Introductions were made around the table.
- H2H TANF Recommendations – Voting Item (Tamera Kohler)
Tamera Kohler presented to the State Homeless Coordinating Committee (SHCC) members the FY17 Homeless to Housing (H2H) TANF Statewide Allocation Plan as a voting item. She explained that funding opportunities were available to new and/or expanding services, an RFP was published, an application training was held, and the SHCC Allocation Committeefinalized their recommendations. Fifteen organizations applied for funds (16 projects), and the SHCC Allocation Committee recommended eleven organizations to be funded (12 projects). Tamera handed the SHCC Committee members the details of the FY17 Allocation Plan, which states $1,050,000.00 was available for funding, $764.557.48 was allocated, and $285,442.52 was unallocated. It was that the SHCC vote on these recommendations.
Jonathan Hardy explained that only committee members who are representatives of a state department are permitted to vote on awards.
Jonathan Hanks made and Joseph Minerseconded the motion to approve the FY17 H2H TANF Allocation recommendations. The motioned was approved unanimously.
- H2H Report out to Legislative Management and Executive Appropriations
(Jonathan Hardy)
Jonathan Hardy reported on the Homeless to Housing presentation to the Legislative Management Committee and the Executive Appropriations Committee to gain their advice, recommendations and approval of the awards. The following awards were presented before and approved by the committees:
- $100,000 to Salt Lake County for facilities programming design
- $100,000 to Salt Lake City for the new homeless shelter site selection process
- $500,000 to Midvale City for capital infrastructure improvements to their shelter
- $52,000 to Midvale City for peace officer costs
- $1.2 million to Salt Lake County to support operations and maintenance of the Midvale shelter
The committees advised that Jonathanreport more details on September 20, 2016. He will first present the details to the SHCC on September 7, 2016 as a voting item.
- Capital Funding Requests (Mayors Dan McAdams and Jackie Biskupski)
The details of the proposals by the County and City are in progress. The SHCC will make a vote on September 7, 2016. The proposals will then go before the Legislative Management Committee and the Executive Appropriations Committee for approval on September 20, 2016.
Mayor Ben McAdams handed out and presented the proposal made by Salt Lake County regarding the Midvale shelter remaining open year round. In compliance with HB 436, it is recommended that $337,000 be used to fund infrastructure, facility and public safety improvements to the shelter. The funding request includes:
- $35,000 per year to employ a part time UPD Crime Victim Advocate
- $110,000 to build a TRAX pedestrian crossing on 9th Avenue
- $104,000 per year to employ a full time UPD Resource Officer
- $6,000 to construct a playground fence
- $11,000 to construct a perimeter security fence
- $71,000 to remodel the playground and add shade
Mayor Jackie Biskupskihanded out and presented the proposal made by Salt Lake City regarding their shelter site selection process. In compliance with HB 436, it is recommended that $1,209,270 from the Homeless to Housing Reform Restricted Account be used for “securing rights to acquire sites for two Homeless Resource Centers, preparing materials for public outreach, and conducting due diligence on the final two sites” by December 31, 2016. After the completion of the due diligence for the two sites, the City will request additional funds from the Homeless to Housing Reform Restricted Account to help purchase land.
- Data Bill Update – Informational (Tamera Kohler)
Tamera Kohler handed out and presented to the committee the HB 328 Homeless Data Bill and Needs Assessment requirements. She explained that the Department of Technology Services (DTS) took the lead, with support from the Utah Homeless Management Information System Team and the SHCC. DTS is currently conductinghomeless data collection surveys throughout the State. Thus far, they found the State has varying definitions of homelessnessincluding clients self-identifying themselves as homeless. The purpose of the Needs Assessment is to support best practices, improve care of and maintain privacy of clients. The Needs Assessment is required to be completed before October 1, 2016.
- CABHI Grant Report – Case Management Certification (Robert Snarr)
Robert Snarr handed out and presented to the committee the Cooperative Agreement to Benefit Homeless Individuals (CABHI)-UTAH States and CABHI States Enhancement Grants report,dated August 9, 2016.The SHCC is the over site committee of the CABHI Grant. The report states that over the past 1.5 years, the Utah Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health has housed 139 chronic homeless individuals with mental illness and/or substance abuse disorders. The grant is a three-year grant funded with $5 million to house over 260 individuals.There are six teams across the Wasatch Front to provide these services: Weber Human Services, Davis Behavioral Health, Valley Behavioral Health, Volunteers of America, Wasatch Mental Health and Utah County Substance Abuse. The report shows the funding of each team including their outcomes from: mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment, housing stability, increased enrollment in mainstream benefits, increased income, increased earned income at exit, and individuals assisted with enrollment for third party networks and mainstream benefits. They are currently working on a sustainability plan and will report back at the SHCC meeting on November 15, 2016.
Robert Snarr also reported on the Case Management Certification process. The Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health has developed best practices guidelines for service providers statewide. They are currently developing a certification process for service providers receiving funding from the State. The SHCC will vote on approving the certification process once the details are finalized.
- Annual Homeless Veterans Stand Down (Shawn Johnson)
Shawn Johnson reported on and invited the SHCC to the Annual Homeless Veterans Stand Down at the Gallivan Centeron September 10, 2016, from 1 pm – 5pm, to engage homeless veterans in eligible services.
- Calendar
- Next scheduled SHCC Board Meeting - September 7, 2016
- 13th Annual Homeless Summit - October 12, 2016
Key Note Speaker: Nan Roman, Exec. Dir., National Alliance to End Homelessness
Submitted by Michele Kennington