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Instructor Sisir Ray, Ph.D. Office GJ 611
Telephone (410) 951-3463 Email:
On-Campus Access to Teaching Materials: CSU Network T: Drive è T:\SISIR RAY\COSC 406
Off-Campus Access to Teaching Materials:
Web Site http://faculty.coppin.edu/pages/sray (Use Browser: Internet Explorer Only) è TEACHING SPRING 2006
BlackBoard è CSU Blackboard Link: bb.coppin.edu è COSC 406 SEC 001
Class Time: MW: 2:00 - 3:20 PM
Location GJ 218
Office Hours MW: 10 AM – 12 & 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM
TU: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM & 2 PM- 3 PM,
Other Time: By Appointment
Final Exam Date & Time: WEDNESDAY, 05/24/2005; 2-3:50
Required Text(s)
1. Computer Networks and Internet with Internet Applications, 4th edition; Douglas E. Comer; Prentice-Hall, 2001.
2. Nortel’s NetKnowledge Lessons in pdf format available from my T: drive folder & in Blackboard site: Selected Topic Sections – as will be indicated time to time in the class.
Nortel Networks' Web page: http://www.nortelnetworks.com/
NORTEL does not support anymore the above Nortel’s NetKnowledge Lessons. However, you may visit their new site for “EDUCATION SOLUTIONS” from the following Website: http://www2.nortel.com/go/solution_content.jsp?segId=0&catId=0&parId=0&prod_id=48660&locale=en-US
NORTEL supports their “Networking Certifications.” Details for Nortel’s Certification and Training could be found using “SUPPORT & TRAINING” button: http://app97.nortelnetworks.com/cgi-bin/teds/cs/maintc.jsp?level=0&category=12&subcategory=
Course Description (as provided by Coppin State College Catalog 2000-2002)
COSC 406 Data Communication Systems (3 credits)
The basic theory of data communications, network design, and computer communications architecture: data transmissions, data encoding, digital data communication techniques, data link control, multiplexing, communication networking techniques, circuit and packet switching, local and wide area networks, protocols, internetworking, ISDN. Prerequisite: COSC 201 or COSC 220.
Course Learning Objectives and Students Competencies upon Completion:
The purpose of this course is to show students how the computer networks and Internets operate in the broader sense. The course will provide a tour through all of networking from the lowest levels of data transmission and wiring to the highest levels of application software. Students will get broad understanding of fundamental concepts in networking technologies including connectivity devices and transmission media, protocols, system designs, planning and management factors, and applications.
The goal of this single networking course in computer science degree is breadth, not depth. Students should understand the importance of concepts and principles, and not the knowledge of any vendor-specific technology or protocols. Specific technologies may become obsolete in a few years, but the principles will remain.
Because programming and experimentation are crucial to helping students about networks, laboratory experience is an important part of any networking course. If possible, emphasis will be also given to teach some simple hands-on labs, such as to install a network card, to create a peer-to-peer network, to setup an Ethernet LAN and WAN etc.
Students will be assigned with at least 4 to 5 term papers on specific Computer Network topics.
Students also will be assigned with several Homework Assignments
Each Student will also prepare an assigned chapter topic from the textbook that is not covered in the class and give a class presentation (15 to 20 minutes) of the topic.
Upon completion of this course, students will be competent to apply their knowledge in their professional fields and to pursue advanced studies in the computer networking. In particular, the course will focus on:
· Signals, Media, and Data transmission;
· Packets, Frames, Parity, Checksums and CRCs;
· Local Area Networks (LANs)
· Extending Networks (Repeaters, Bridges, Switches)
· Long Distance and Local Loop Digital Connection Technologies
· Wide Area Networks (WANs), Routing, and Shortest Paths
· Network Properties (Ownership, Service Paradigm, Measures of Performance)
· Protocols and Protocol Layering
Course Content and Outline:
Communication Basics
Media and signals
Asynchronous and synchronous communication
Relationships among bandwidth throughput and noise
Frequency-division and time-division multiplexing
Networking and Network Technologies
Packet switching
Framing, Parity, and error detection
Local and wide area technologies
Network addressing
Connection and extension (repeaters, bridges, hubs, switches)
Topologies and wiring (star, ring, bus)
Next-hop forwarding
Shortest path computation
Measures of delay and throughput
Protocol Layers
Internets and Internetworking
Motivation and concept
Internet Protocol (IP) datagram format and addressing
Internet routers and routing
Address binding (ARP)
Internet Control messages (ICMP)
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
Protocol Ports and demultiplexing
Network Applications
Client-server paradigm
Domain name system (DNS)
File transfer protocol (FTP)
Remote login (TELNET)
E-mail transfer (SMTP)
Web technologies and protocols (HTTP, CGI, Java)
Modes of Evaluation:
Test 1: 10%
Mid-Term Exam: 15% (includes Test 1 materials)
Test 2: 10%
Final Exam 25% (comprehensive)
Class Activities & Quizzes 05%
Lab Assignments 15%
Term Papers + Homework: 15%
Topic preparation & presentation 5%
Total 100%
This distribution of weights is tentative.
Problem sets will be assigned from the text as well as from other sources. You are allowed to discuss with other students on problem sets, but you must not copy the work of others. In order to save grading time, only a few problems will be selected randomly from a problem set.
Lab and/or Programming Projects: details will be available later.
Grading: Each assignment for grading must be turned in at the beginning of the class on the day it is due. Late penalty is 10% per class-day. No assignment will be accepted after the cut-off day or once the solution is made available to the class. In case of some emergency or university-sponsored activity, you must make a special arrangement with the instructor preferably prior to the due date.
Examinations: No makeup exam will be given. If you cannot attend the class to take the test due to some emergency or some unavoidable situation (such as serious illness, death in the family, participation in university sports and so on) you must notify me before the test and also you must validate your absence by providing me a document. However, for the valid test absence, the percentage weight of the test will be added to the percentage weight of the final exam.
Attendance Policy:
Regular and punctual attendance is required. The College policy will be strictly adhered to--i.e., a maximum of six unexcused absences is allowed for a three-credit course, four for a two-credit course, and two for a one-credit course.
College-wide Writing Standards:
The Mathematics/Computer Science adheres to the College's policies on writing standards.
Plagiarism Policy:
It will be taken for granted that any work that a student does for this course is her/his original work. Any violation of this rule constitutes plagiarism. Plagiarism includes any form of cheating on examinations, tests, or quizzes, or any unacknowledged/undocumented use of another's writings or ideas, published or unpublished. A student who plagiarizes will receive an F for the project.
Course Itinerary: coming very soon.
Other Sources: Textbooks related to Computer Networking are going outdated (not the fundamental concepts) very fast and new topics are adding in New Editions. So, always check for the new addition for any specific reference listed below.
Nortel Networks' Web page: http://www.nortelnetworks.com/
Web page of the Textbook's Author: http://netbook.cs.purdue.edu and accompanied CD-ROM.
The Internet Book, Third Edition by Douglas E. Comer, Prentice Hall, 2000, ISBN: 0-13-030852-8.
Hands-On Networking with Internet Technologies by Douglas E. Comer, Prentice Hall, 2002, ISBN: 0-13-048003-7.
Computer Networks, Fourth Edition or Current by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall PTR.
Local & Metropolitan Area Networks, Fifth Edition or Current by William Stallings, Prentice Hall.
Business Data Communications, Fifth Edition by David A. Stamper, Addison-Wesley.
Local Area Networks, 2nd Edition or current by James Martin, Prentice Hall PTR.
Communication Networks Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures by Leon-Garcia and Widjaja, McGraw Hill.
Introduction to Data Communications and Networking by Behrouz Forouzan, McGraw Hill.
A Guide to Designing and Implementing Local and Wide Area Networks by Michael Palmer and Robert Bruce Sinclair, Course Technology.
Network+ Guide to Networks by Tamara Dean, Course Technology, 2000, ISBN: 0-7600-1145-1.
Network+ Lab Manual for Guide to Networks by Todd Meadors, Course Technology, 2000, ISBN: 0-619-01521-7.
Microsoft Windows 2000 Networking Lab Manual by Ron Carswell, Course Technology, 2002, ISBN: 0-619-01504-7.