Dear ______,

I hope you have been doing well! I want to take a moment to let you know what God has been revealing to me through my time attending Brentwood Church in Lynchburg, VA. I have been intently pursuing the mission of this church, which is to “go to new and deeper levels with Jesus Christ,” and in that journey the Lord has revealed to me a desire to serve through global missions. God is calling me specifically to Puerto Rico.

In September of 2017, Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Maria, the strongest hurricane to ever hit the island. This storm took the lives of over 500 people, destroyed many homes, damaged many others, and left the infrastructure completely decimated. Many people to this day still are without power and many homes are not livable.

The Mission

Brentwood Church is beginning a new partnership with an organization called World Changers. This organization has been working in Puerto Rico for over 20 years, building up the church, investing in people, and repairing / rebuilding homes that have been destroyed by hurricanes. World Changers has identified just under 50 homes that are in major need of repair within the town of Juanna Diaz, Puerto Rico. Our team is going to travel to Juanna Diaz in June of this year to help in this effort. Not only will we be rebuilding and repairing homes, but we are going to serve and love these people. It is our hope that the work we are allowed to do with our hands will earn us an opportunity to share our faith.

The Cost

The total amount of funds I will need to raise for this assignment is $900. All monies raised will go directly to my expenses for this trip as well as to cover the costs of outreach to the people of Juanna Diaz we will be serving. I humbly ask you to help me in accomplishing this goal. While I deeply desire for you to come alongside this mission, please know that I fully understand if this is not a time when you can financially assist in this opportunity. If you cannot offer financial support, please pray for the team and for the people of Puerto Rico. If you have any further questions or comments please feel free to call (______) or email (______) me at any time.

Thank you for prayerfully considering,


2 Modes of Giving: Online or Mail

-The preferred method for donations can be made online at

  • This link will bring you to the main homepage, simply scroll down and you will see a “give” tab.

-Alternatively, you can mail a check to my return address made out to Brentwood church. Please note in the memo… “Brentwood Church –Puerto Rico“ and put my name so we can track funds

-Your gift is tax deductible whether through the online portal or by check.

-If something beyond my control would prohibit me from participating in this work, the money you shared with me will go directly to the costs of helping the people of Puerto Rico.