Minister's Day Off

Please be advised that Temukisa


Sunday, 23 April


9.00 am Portarlington Lay Team, Lorraine and David Hughes


9.00 am Jenni's Team

10.45 am Portarlington Lay Team, Lorraine and David Hughes

St Leonards

5.00 pm Anglican Led

Monday, 24 April

1.30 pm Drysdale KYB, @ Lynda's

2.00 pm St Leonards UCAF

7.15 pm Portarlington Seekers @ the Hughes's

Wednesday, 26 April

9.30 am - Drysdale mainly music

1.00 pm Drysdale Communal Prayer

1.30 pm Drysdale UCAF

1.30 pm Portarlington G&L, COER meeting

Thursday, 27 April

9.00 am Portarlington Choir practice

9.30 am Drysdale Choir practice

10.30 am Drys Coffee & Chat, Zoo Cafe'

Friday, 28 April

9.15 am Drysdale Friday School

Sunday, 30 April

All Congregations

10. 15 am Combined Service at Drysdale, Rev Temukisa

Followed by a shared lunch


Annual Dinner

Mark the date in your diary now!

Saturday, 27 May, 6.00 pm for 6.15 pm serving.

All are encouraged to come along and support this major fund raiser and have a great night out. Bring your neighbours, bring your friends!

A three course meal, all dietary requirements provided for, will be followed by community singing led by our own John Rule and friends.

Adults $20, Children under 12 $10, under 6 $7. Tickets available next week from Val Lestrange.


Fellowship Breakfast

The May meeting will be held on Saturday 13 May, commencing at 7.30am. Guest Speaker will be Mr. Ian Morris of Indented Head. Ian is a professional Mediator and will tell us something of his work in this field. All members of the Linked Congregations and their friends are warmly invited to attend. Acceptances please to Barry Ruler on 5259 3304 by Thursday evening 11 May.


Seekers will meet at the Hughes’ home on Monday 24 April at 7.15 pm for a

cuppa and chat followed by our final “Lent through Artworks” program.

Everyone welcome. Enquiries to Lorraine on 5259 2364.

Rosters July to December

It will soon be time to start putting together Rosters for the second half of 2017. As it is becoming more difficult to fill the general duties rosters for the congregation, it would be appreciated if more members of the congregation would volunteer. We really appreciate the efforts of our current team and are looking for extras to share the load.

Availability forms for the next six months are in the Church Foyer. Please take one and update your preferences, especially if you want to make changes to what you volunteer for. Could those who are going away during the second half of the year advise of their unavailability.


St Leonards UCAF

The next meeting of St. Leonards UCAF will be at 2.00 pm Monday 24 April.

This month Merilyn Bertram will be speaking on Refugees. All welcome.


Linked Congregations Combined Service

Next week is the Linked Congregations Combined Service which will be held at Drysdale at 10.15 am. All are invited to bring a plate to share for lunch.

Retreat - for all congregations!

This year the annual Retreat run by Drysdale is to be a Linked Congregation day with Rev Sue Withers from CTM as the guest speaker.

It will be held on Saturday 20 May at the Portarlington Guide Hall 9.30 am -

5.00 pm.

The theme this year is "Leadership" and is open to all withall leaders (elders, church councillors, pastoral carers and team conveners) strongly encouraged to attend.

There is no cost. More details later but please mark the date now.

Essendon Choral Society and Singularity present a pleasant Sunday afternoon of choral music Sunday, 7 May at 2.30 pm. The musical score of 'The Merry Widow'.” Uniting Church Hall, Newcombe Street, Portarlington.

Tickets $15 per head, includes cuppa and home made biscuits and slices after.

Tickets from Barry Ruler 5259 3304 or at the door.

We always have questions, O God, even when we don't want to admit it. There are things with which we struggle, things that confuse us, things that make us wonder. Yet you are with us through all of that - not condemning us, but continuing to love us.

Thank you. Amen.