Friarswood Primary School
AbbotsWay, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs, ST52ES.
Telephone 01782 694580
Dear Parents / Carers,
Well done to Year 2who achieved100% attendance last week.
KS2 Summer Show
WOW! What a performance! I think everyone will agree who came to watch, our children were absolutely amazing. They performed so well and looked great. They sang their hearts out and so did many of the parents who came along to watch. Thank you especially to the Wednesday night audience – you really did help to raise the roof. I’ve never heard our parents sing so loud before, but you certainly joined in with a lot of enthusiasm.
Thank you again to our children for putting in so much effort. It really is nerve racking when you have to stand in front of so many faces and speak loudly or sing beautifully. But they did it so well.
Thank you to all of the parents for their help with the outfits. The children really did look the part.
A huge thank you to the staff and Miss Potter who helped to put the performance together. The staff have spent a lot of hours getting everything ready for our children and I really do appreciate all of their hard work and dedication.
Summer Festival
A huge thank you to the PTA for putting on a fabulous festival on Friday evening. The weather was lovely, the families had a great time, especially the picnic friends. We raised a massive £1,448.72. Thank you to everyone who came along and joined in the fun.
Lost Property
We have started to empty the cloakrooms. All clothes, shoes, coats, bags etc have been put on a table under the veranda by the library. Any items, which are left there on the last Friday with no name in, will be taken to the local charity shop. Please can I urge you to have a look through the clothes etc if you know your child is missing something. Thank you.
Dinner Money
If you are still owing money for school dinners, please ensure the outstanding amounts are paid by Monday 17th July. We have to ‘balance the books’ for the end of term and unfortunately, due to some parents still not paying for their child’s lunches, we are unable to do this.
Due to the above issue, from September, all school dinner money MUST be paid in advance. If you have not paid by 9am on the Monday, your child will be unable to have school dinners for the rest of that week.
Summer Reading Challenge
On Monday morning, we are being visited by a member of the Newcastle Library. They are coming into speak to the children about this year’s Summer reading challenge. Every year, we have lots of children who take part in this challenge. It’s a fun way to help your child keep up with their reading skills as well as take part in other activities along the way. For more information please visit
If your child completes the challenge, please remind them to bring their certificates into the first Friday Celebration Assembly.
Year 6 Parents
A reminder that the Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly is at 9:15am on Thursday 20th July. We expect it to last for approximately an hour …. ish! It really does depend on the emotional state of both family and children, oh and staff.
All reports are going home today with your child or are being sent to your home address. It was a pleasure reading them this year. The school data shows that our children have made super progress this year. We hope you find the new format easier to follow. There is a letter in with the report to explain national expectations and where, in relation to these expectations, your child is. Please know that every teacher will know exactly where your child is with their learning and what their next steps are, ready for the start of the new school year.
Happy reading, I’m sure you’ll be thrilled with your child’s report.
Team Treat
The winning team this term was Scotland. The scores were very close this term as every child was out to get the most team points. The Scotland team went to Jumbo for the morning. Jumbo very kindly kept the children fed and watered throughout our time there. The children had a fantastic time playing. Their manners were lovely. Their behaviour was super. We had a brilliant time. There may be some very tired children tonight!
SATs & Phonics Results
This year’s SATs results have been very impressive. We are so pleased with the children and their performance. You may have seen on the news about the controversy over some of the Year 6 marking criteria; commas not curved enough, semi-colons not the correct height, decimal points not pointy enough etc. (I kid you not!) Unfortunately it does seem that we do have a few children who have fallen into this category. Nonetheless, we are really pleased with our results.
Our phonics results have been the best ever. 97% of children passed the phonics test in Year 1, which is amazing.
Year 6 / Below(below 100) / Expected +
(100 +) / Greater Depth
(110 +)
school / National
2017 / 2016
school / 2017
school / National
2017 / 2016
Reading / 12% / 88% / 71% / 57% / 25% / unknown / 10%
Writing (TA) / 21% / 79% / 76% / 63% / 8% / unknown / 0%
GPS / 19% / 71% / 77% / 77% / 33% / unknown / 17%
Maths / 25% / 75% / 75% / 60% / 21% / unknown / 3%
Year 2 / Expected + / Greater depth
Reading / 84% / 26%
Writing / 74% / 16%
Maths / 74% / 21%
Not all of the national data is out yet. As soon as we find out more, I will let you know and put the information onto the website.
Future Dates
Wed 19th July – 11am – Nursey class assembly
Thu 20th July – 9:10am – Year 6 Leaver’s assembly
Fri 21st July – Last day
Back to school – TUESDAY 5th SEPTEMBER 2017
Thank you for your continuing support.
Mrs Wilmer