Some Mental Notes on Mental Addition


Popular descriptions of how children securethe answers to addition operations may be contributing toconfused thinking. Distinctions appear to bemade between adding ‘on paper’, ‘with acalculator’ and ‘with concrete materials’.Such distinctionsare real only in the sense that they distinguishbetween the trappings of addition. This maywell be deflecting us from the more essentialissue, which is the nature of the mentalstrategies children use when adding.


There are at least two characteristics of arithmetic whichcan contribute to difficulties in learning about number.

The first of these is that arithmetic is an abstract systemof ideas and symbols, which has been developed by successive generations of learned persons. What thismeans, as Skemp (1971) points out, is that arithmetic cannot be learned directly from the everyday environmentbut has to be learned indirectly, through the mediationof teachers. The second, and related, characteristicis that within the system, many of the ideas are hierarchically tied to each other. Thus, learning to addtwo-digit numbers depends on mastery of some number bonds which, in turn, depends on a knowledge of counting.When basic ideas are poorly understood, the more sophisticated ideas which build on the basic ideas willhave little meaning for learners.

Because of these particular characteristics of arithmeticthere is, of necessity, a need for the teacher to sequence and pace the arithmetical ideas such that learners canmake meaningful and confident progress. While it is, of course, desirable for all learners to make good progress,it is particularly important that learners who have been identified as having specific difficulties do not experiencepoor teaching that can add to their difficulties.

There is nothing particularly radical in what has beenclaimed so far: those of us with interests in special educational needs have always been concerned to structure the learning tasks, materials and environment to obviate learning difficulties where possible and toameliorate those which have become entrenched.

Paradoxically, however, in our enthusiasm to portraythe power and utility of arithmetic as a means of understandingand participating in the world, we are on theverge of believing in, and becoming confused by, therhetoric which has emerged to describe learners’ achievementsin arithmetic. One fairly potent example of thisconfusion is associated with the concept of addition.It is ubiquitously expressed as desirable - during informalconversation, in curriculum policy statementsand in school textbooks - that learners should be able to‘add mentally’. The phrase ‘add mentally’ is probablyso entrenched in every teacher’s thinking that few maythink to question it. But what does it mean to ‘addmentally’? This is actually quite a difficult question tograpple with, though popular attempts to answer itcontrast adding which is done ‘in the head’ with addingwhich is done ‘on paper’, ‘with a calculator’ or ‘usingconcrete materials’. Let us consider each of these inturn.

Adding ‘in the head’ against adding ‘on paper’

Such a simplistic distinction fails to recognise that thepoint of adding ‘on paper’ is torecord the steps which are being carried out ‘in the head’ and so help to keepcontrol over what might otherwise be an unmanageabletask. Recording the computation on paper does notmake the task non-mental or indeed less mental.

The traditional emphasis put on recording (in thecontext of school mathematics) raises the interestingquestion, ‘For whose purpose is the recording beingdone?’ If the recording is being done by the individual‘computer’ because he/she finds such recording useful,it is likely that such activity is relieving workingmemory’s load and monitoring capacity (Baddeley, 1976)and so is an integral and meaningful part of thebeing done because the teacher requires of the learnersome evidence of the product (and possibly the processes)of the assigned computation, the value of suchactivity may be suspect, at least to the learner. It iscommon in the rhetoric of teachers to hear them complainthat learners do not, but should, ‘show their working’.It is almost as common, and indeed entertaining,to hear tales (for example, Skemp,1971;Ginsburg,1977; Resnick,1982) of learners who, not realising the importof visible working, effect the computation by one meansand then record the working according to the teacher’srequirements whilst somehow excusing the teacher’sidiosyncratic predilections!

Adding ‘in the head’ against adding ‘with a calculator’

This is a variant of the confusion of adding ‘on paper’.The point of using a calculator is to relieve working memory of load and of the tedium which can attendrepeated calculations. Again, using a calculator does not make the task non-mental or less mental. Indeed,fairly sophisticated mental powers of estimation are required in order to judge whether the sum of theaddends is a reasonable one. Without this interfacing mental activity, the calculator’s contribution to learningis about as valuable as leafing through a book in whichthe text is inaccessible: there may be some learning butits nature and incidence are unclear.

Adding ‘in the head’ against adding ‘using concretematerials’

The emphasis on concretisation in primary school arithmeticis largely derived from orthodox and neo-Piagetiantheory. Such theory builds on the constructivist assumptionthat arithmetical knowledge, like all knowledge, isnot directly absorbed by the learner from the teacherbut is actively constructed by each individual learner.The realisation that for learning to be effective, it had tobe active, manifested itself in a veritable explosion of‘activity methods’ and ‘learning by doing’ in the(mistaken) belief that unless children were physicallybusy they could not be learning. However, as SchwebelRaph(1973)and Finn (1992)point out, in Piagetiantheory the nature of the activity is critical. For theactivity to facilitate learning, it must cause intellectualchangein the learner. According to this criterion, theactivity could be one of reflection, advanced abstractionor verbal manipulation (Finn,1992). The use of concretematerials can only contribute to learning then, if, inaddition, there is some attempt to strip the ‘noise’ fromthe activity and extract the underlying mental meaning.

Itis not being argued that the use of pencil and paper,calculators or concrete materials is wrong or undesirable.What is being argued is that these adjunct aidsmust not take on a life of their own. This is very easy tosay but probably much more difficult to honour. Itiseasy to understand how the hard-pressed teacher can bedeflected by the plethora of superficially attractive tasksand materials which for any one particular learner mayturn out to be meaningless,disembedded or purposeless.With the best of intentions the teacher will bringsuch tasks and materials into service in order to offerthe experiences from which the learners will abstractthe concept(s), to enable learners to develop usefulalgorithms, and to assist each learner to co-ordinatealgorithmic skill with conceptual understanding. However,that algorithmic skill and conceptual understandingare not the same thing (Bell, Costello Kuchemann, 1983)is a significant point which we may easily overlookin the daily frisson of classroom life. Furthermore,trying to institute both pieces of learning simultaneouslymay be difficult, if not impossible (Smith,1987).

It is precisely this lack of co-ordination between algorithmicskill and conceptual understanding which is reflectedin the perceived tension between adding ‘in thehead’ and adding ‘on paper’. As Plunkett (1979) pointsout, written algorithms are of a permanent and standardisedform (which renders them ‘correctable’), areefficient and automatic (which renders them amenableto use even if they are not understood), and are generalisable(which renders them capable of application to anydomain of number but need not have any articulationwith the way(s) in which people think about number). Conceptual understanding, on the other hand, may befleeting and flexible and has to be achieved by each individual learner (Cockcroft,1982).This in turn meansthat at any one time, understanding, far from being an all-or-nothing affair, may be partial, incomplete andincorrect. Thus the desire or intention to achieve amatch between conceptual understanding and algorithmicperformance may not find a correspondence: if the written algorithms have themselves not been learnedthey are not available for the individual to use; conversely,if the algorithms have themselves been learnedbut are not tied to any conceptual structures, theirpotential for use will not be recognised by the individual.If it is not helpful to consider addition in dichotomousterms, as something which happens with or withoutparticular adjunct aids, how should we be viewing it?The real issue is the sense that children make of additiontasks.Above all else, it is with this that teachers shouldbe concerned if they are really working from the beliefsand orientations ofconstructivism.

While the end product of learning to add is being able toretrieve ‘addition facts’ or ‘number bonds’ from memory, this is very much an adult strategy to whichnormally developing children move only gradually(Resnick,1989). Until children can make full use of theretrieval strategy (and for some, perfectly normal, children this may not be until they are 11or 12 years ofage), they deploy the only other strategy which willenable them to find the sum of addends: that of counting(Groen Parkman,1972,Fuson, 1982;Secada,Fuson Hall,1983).Counting is not to be thought ofas a mechanistic rehearsal of number names but analtogether more sophisticated activity of being able tomatch each one of a collection of entities with a stableseries of number words and knowing that the lastnumber name represents the total numerosity of thecollection (Schaeffer, Eggleston Scott,1974;GelmanGallistel,1978).Because counting is itselfcomposed of a number of component skills, the activityof counting is susceptible to error and children withlearning difficulties seem prone to making countingerrors (Baroody,1986;McEvoyMcConkey,1990).

An intermediate position between making exclusive useof counting and being able to retrieve addition factsfrom memory is to derive new facts from one’s existingrepertoire (Fuson,1982;FusonFuson, 1992).Thus,for example, the child might calculate that the sum of4 and 5 is 9 because 5 is one more than 4 and the factthat 4 and 4 are 8 is already in memory. Progress towardsthe mature strategy of retrieval, then, is a process of thegradual abandonment of counting with a complementarygradual institution of the number facts. Whilemany children at the end of primary education will usethe retrieval strategy predominantly when they areperforming addition operations, it is, nevertheless,perfectly possible for others to spend the entire periodof primary education using a counting strategy to obtainsolutions to addition operations. It follows that childrenwho have difficulty with number operations may wellrely on a counting strategy for an even longer period oftime.

Proponents of the ‘calculator lobby’ (such as Plunkett, 1979;Graham, 1985)might argue that this is just the evidence that they need: if children cannot retrieve theaddition facts from memory, they would be better employed in using a calculator to provide the answers.The reasoning underlying such a position is that calculatorsobviate the need for the individual to performcomputational procedures which, if not linked to themathematical concept, are of questionable educationalvalue.

Now, while electronic calculators are viewed positivelyin that they can remove the difficulties associated withapplying algorithms and, further, can lead to improvementsin attitudes towards, and understanding of, mathematics(Cockcroft,1982;Szetela,1982),the psychologicalreality of the learner is a little more complex.According to SieglerShrager(1984),children preferto retrieve addition facts from memory, if they possiblycan. Retrieving addition facts is not a cognitively difficultthing to do and it can yield a speedy response. However,it seems that children, in trying to retrieve a response from memory, simultaneously prime themselvesthat acounting strategy may need to be invoked(Greeno, Riley Gelman,1984).If the child canquickly retrieve a response, the counting strategy will beaborted but if the child cannot retrieve a response withspeed and certainty, the back-up strategy of countingwill be used to obtain the answer. If the child is psychologicallypredisposed to obtain a response either throughretrieval or counting (in other words, through somemental mediation), use of the calculator should not,then, be viewed as some sort of alternative strategy butrather as a check on retrieval or counting. To accord amore enhanced status to the calculator (particularly inthe context of teaching learners who have difficulties) isto risk impeding the child’s attempts to make sense ofaddition.

The work of SieglerShrager might suggest that ifchildren prefer to use the strategy of retrieval, they couldbe best helped in this achievement by more time beingspent on drilling the number facts. Care is needed here,however, to determine whendrilling may be appropriate.Historically, the mathematics literature has tendedto suggest (Bell, Costello Kuchemann,1983)thatdrilling as a teaching strategy is an efficient and effectiveone; that the issue turns not on whether drilling shouldtake place but on how the drilling should be conducted.However, what such literature may have neglected tomake clear is that drilling either before or without someunderstanding of the meaning of the operations whichare being drilled is ineffective because the drilledmaterial is neither retained for any length of time noravailable for transfer to new tasks (AusubelYoussef, 1965;Ausubel,1968).Drilling that takes place aftersome meaning has been constructed, however, may verywell be appropriate. Both Williams (1971)and Case(1982)argue that when the understanding has beenestablished, the facts contained therein need to be availablefor immediate recall. If the facts cannot be immediatelyretrieved when needed, then the individualhas to give attention to working them out. In turn, theprocessing capacity being thus used is unavailable forthe mastery of more advanced conceptual material ormore sophisticated algorithms.

Drilling then seems to have a value. Perhaps, however,the real value of drilling lies in the opportunity it givesto practise the operation in question. In the case ofaddition, counting provides children with a reliablemethod of generating solutions for themselves: amethod which will be reinforcing to the children for thesuccess it brings them. Indeed, it may be on the basis ofrepeated and successful counts that the repertoire ofnumber facts becomes stable and available for more orless automatic access. In other words, counting leads toits own extinction through memory retrieval becomingthe dominant strategy.


In summary, adding as an arithmetical concept mustalwaysbe ‘in the head’. Unlike many everyday acts ofaddition (such as adding an egg to all of the other bakingingredients, which is a physical act of combining), the arithmetical act of addition is concerned with number.But number is a strictly abstract entity. It is the propertyof a set or collectionof items rather than the property ofthe individual items within the set or collection. So whenwe speak of a set of blue plates, the adjective ‘blue’describes the plates but when we speak of a set of fiveplates, the adjective ‘five’ describes the set, not theplates. The arithmetical act of addition requires us toreason about entities which themselves exist only asmental abstractions! Whether the physical embodimentsbe ‘on paper’, ‘with a calculator’ or ‘using concrete materials’, the concept which these embodiments illuminateis criterially mental.

What the research now seems to be showing is that inthe learning of addition children are using two fairly robust strategies: counting and the retrieval of additionfacts from memory. With the passage of time and theexperiences of learning, counting gives way to retrieval.It is probably through the experiences of counting thatretrieval becomes well established and developed. In anyevent, there will be a period of years during whichcounting and retrieval co-exist. For teachers thereseems, therefore, to be a need to focus on the strategiesthat their learners are using. When learners are heavilyreliant on counting, such counting needs to be errorfree. When learners are making use of retrieval, theoutcome of such mental activity may need corroboration.It is in the service and promotion of counting andretrieval that adjunct aids should be deployed. By givingprimacy to the strategies and recognising the adjunct aids for what they are, it may be possible to unpacksome of the confusion and difficulty that hamper learning.


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