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INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE – conférence internationale
ORIGINAL: français / English
DATE: 22 avril 2016 / April 22, 2016

The Global Digital Content Market

Geneva, April 20 to 22, 2016

Le marché mondial des contenus numériques

Genève, 20 – 22 avril 2016

list of participants/

liste des participants

prepared by the International Bureau

préparée par le Bureau international


(par ordre alphabétique) / (in alphabetical order)

ABDI Denny, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Indonesia, Geneva

ABOU MRAD Carla, Technical Assistant, World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva

ABUHASSAN Zeid, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Jordan, Geneva

ADAMS Christina, Independent Consultant, Geneva

ADRIANO Anselmo Ferdinand, Chairman, Optical Media Board, Manila, Philippines

AHMETI Edmond, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Culture, Tirana, Albania

AKDAG Asli, Lawyer, Akdag Law, Istanbul, Turkey

AKOPYAN Karina, Student, University of Geneva (UNIGE)

AL MARDHOOF AL SAADI Mohamed, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Oman, Geneva

ALABI Biola, Managing Partner, Biola Alabi Media and Consulting, Lagos, Nigeria

ALBERT Rebecca, Global Social Observatory (GSO), Geneva

ALMARSHADI Ahmed, Patent Information Specialist, Patent Information Unit, Patent Office, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

ALNIAÇIK Burcu, Digital Licensing and Distribution Manager, Musical Work Owners Group (MSG), Istanbul, Turkey

ANDRIKOPOULOU Maria-Melina, Intern, Permanent Mission of Greece, Geneva

AQUIQUE PINEDA Irely, Directora Divisional de Protección a la Propiedad Intelectual, Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial (IMPI), Ciudad de México, México

ARANA VIZCAYA Jenny, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Nicaragua, Geneva

ARDELIUS Gunnar, President, The Swedish Writers’ Union, Stockholm, Sweden

ARMSTRONG Tracey, Panelist, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Copyright Clearence Centre (CCC), Danvers, Massachussets, United States of America

ASENA Ahmet, General Secretary, Muyap Phonogram Producers Collecting Society of Turkey, Istanbul

ATIKER Zeynep, Foreign Relations Officer, Publishers Copyright and Licensing Society (YAYBIR), Istanbul, Turkey

AXENTUŢĂ Tatiana-Irina, Legal Counsellor, Romanian Standards Association (ASRO), Bucharest, Romania

AZAMI SARDOUEI Nabiollah, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Geneva

BADIANE Massamba, ingénieur informaticien, chef du Bureau des téléservices, Direction des technologies de l’information et de la communication (DTIC), Ministère des postes et des télécommunications, Dakar, Sénégal

BAKHOUM Cheikh, directeur général, Agence de l’informatique de l’État, Dakar, Sénégal

BALASUBRAMANIAM Thiru, Representative, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI), Geneva

BAMMEL Jens, Publishing Industry Consultant (EPC, IPA, IFRRO), Geneva

BANO Elona, Lawyer, Ministry of Culture, Tirana, Albania

BARBOZA Juan, Consejero, Permanent Mission of Uruguay, Ginebra

BARENZUNG Eric, Senior Consultant, NAGRA, Cheseaux, Switzerland

BARRY BAUD Adjidjatou, président, ONG Solidarité Suisse-Guinée, Genève

BARUCH Robbert, Manager Public Affairs, Bumra/Stemra, The Hague, Netherlands

BASHIR Salma, Senior Legal Advisor, Contracts Department, Ministry of Justice, Khartoum, Sudan

BECKER Ann, Senior Adviser, European Publishers Council, Brussels, Belgium

BEDI Bobby, Director, New Delhi, India

BENNOUAR Lakhdar, Trainer, Commercial, Djezzy, Oran, Algeria

BERANANDA Usana, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Thailand to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva

BERASNEVICIUTE-SINGH Gyta, Intellectual Property in the Digital World Service, Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), Alicante, Spain

BERGER Edgar, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) International, Sony Music Entertainment, Wolfsburg, Germany

BICHURIN Aleksei, Head, Copyright Collective Management Department, National Center of Intellectual Property, Minsk, Belarus

BIDE Mark, Chairman, CLA/PLS, London, United Kingdom

BIELANSKA-STONE Agnieszka, Senior Associate, Lexstone Lawyers, St. Helier, Jersey, United Kingdom

BIESTERBOS Wouter, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Netherlands, Geneva

BIZUMUREMYI Edouard, Commercial Attaché, Permanent Mission of Rwanda, Geneva

BLISS Elye, International Labor Office (ILO), Geneva

BLIZNETS Ivan, President, Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (ROSPATENT), Moscow, Russian Federation

BOGATYREV Arsen, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation, Geneva

BOKANGO NGOBILA Jean-Baptiste, magistrat, Parquet général, Conseil supérieur de la magistrature, Kinshasa, République démocratique du Congo

BORGHINO José, International Publishers Association (IPA), Geneva

BORIBOONSRI Sudkhet, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Thailand to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva

BORODAVKIN Alexey, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation, Geneva

BORZAN Alexandra, Head of Delegation, ELSA, Brussels, Belgium

BOSKIN Petra, Secretary, Legal Department, Intellectual Property Office, Ljubljana, Slovenia

BOUBA Djamaa, directeur de la normalisation et de la coopération, Agence nationale des technologies de l’information et de la communication (ANTIC), Yaoundé, Cameroun

BOYD Caroline, Copyright Hub Foundation, London, United Kingdom

BRAITHWAITE Julian, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom, Geneva

BREUIL Marie, LLM Candidate, Queen Mary University of London, Saint Genest Lerpt, France

BUTLER Bernadette, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Bahamas, Geneva

CABILI Jeff, Managing Director, How2Captivate, Palo Alto, United States of America

CARBONE Irene, International Trade Centre (ITC), Geneva

CASSIANO Bruno, Permanent Mission of Brazil to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva

CASTANHEIRA Vera, Head, Legal and Licensing, Association for the International Collective Management of Audiovisual Works (AGICOA), Geneva

CHALMERS Nady, President, Ferney Model United Nations (FerMUN 2017) General Assembly, Gex, France

CHI YoungSuk “YS”, Chairman, The Elsevier Foundation, New York, United States of America

CHICHEPORTICHE Alexandra, juriste sénior, Société pour l’administration des droits des artistes et musiciens interprètes (ADAMI), Paris, France

CHILLIER Guillaume, journaliste, étudiant, Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS), Université de Neuchâtel, Suisse

CHIROSCA Dorian, Associate Professor, State University, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

CHOPRA Shaili, Moderator and Panelist, TV Anchor, Mumbai, India

CHYZHOVA Yuliia, Counsel, AEQUO Law Firm, Kyiv, Ukraine

CLAUSEN Marion, Trainee, World Economic Forum (WEF), Geneva

COBOS Luis, Conductor, Composer, Madrid, Spain

COCOROCCHIA Claudio, Content Lead and Associate Director, Media, Entertainment and Information Industries, Centre for Global Industries, World Economic Forum (WEF), Geneva

COLLETT Neil, Head, Copyright and Intellectual Property Enforcement Directorate, United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (UK IPO), Newport, United Kingdom

COLTART Ian, Manager Copyright, World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva


CRUZ Jerónimo, Freelance Graphic Designer, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia

CSERBA Veronika, Senior Advisor, Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO), Budapest, Hungary

DAVIDOVSKA DOVLEVA Magdalena, Head, Department for Strategic Planning and Copyrights, Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services, Skopje, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

DE LIMA BEZERRA Rosana, Researcher, University of Geneva, Joao Pessoa, Brazil

DE TERLIZZI Leonardo, Legal Advisor, International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC), Paris, France

DE TULLIO Michele Elio, Lawyer, De Tullio and Partners, Rome, Italy

DEDEWANOU Charlemagne, attaché (Affaires économiques), Mission permanente du Bénin, Genève

DELAPREE Frédérique, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Canada, Geneva

DEPOULAIN Iris, expert, Office de la propriété intellectuelle, Ministère de l’économie, Luxembourg

DERKSEN Daniela, Legal Communicator, European Communities Trade Mark Association, Brussels, Belgium

DIDUSHKO Iryna, Chief Expert, Department of Copyright and Related Rights, Ukrainian Institute of Intellectual Property, Kyiv, Ukraine

DIOP Bara, conseiller technique, Ministère de la promotion des investissements, des partenariats et du développement des téléservices, Dakar, Sénégal

DIYCHENKO Sergey, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation, Geneva

DJUISSI SEUTCHUENG Nadine Yolande, chef, conseiller en propriété intellectuelle, Division des politiques scientifiques et de la planification (DPSP), Ministère de la recherche scientifique et de l’innovation (MINRESI), Yaoundé, Cameroun

DLODLO Nolwandle Simiso, Corporate Strategy Division, TelecomWorld, International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Geneva

DMITRIEV Maksim, Director General, First Music Publishing, Moscow, Russian Federation

DONNER Marcia, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Brazil to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva

DUKSIN Nikolai, Director General, National Register of Intellectual Property, Moscow, Russian Federation

DUQUE M. Gabriel, ambassadeur, représentant permanent, Mission permanente de la Colombie auprès de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC), Genève

DUTRA Fernanda, Communications, International Labor Office (ILO), Geneva

DUUS André Nikolaj, Director, Information Technology, Danish Patent and Trademark Office, Taastrup, Denmark

EDUARTE Michelle, Permanent Mission of the Philippines, Geneva

EJEMBI Simon Owoicho, Journalist, Hindustan Times, Lagos, Nigeria

EMEJULU Daniel Akinmade, Graduate Institute, Geneva

EMUZE Peters, Chargé d’Affaires, Permanent Mission of Nigeria, Geneva

ENGELHARDT Tim, Humboldt Law Clinic Internetrecht (HLCI), Berlin, Germany

EPIÉ Clément, Co-Founder, Cellabz, Paris, France

ESCOBAR BAUTISTA María del Pilar, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Mexico, Geneva

ETOUA Guy Leo, conseiller, Mission permanente du Gabon, Genève

EVSEEVA Olga, doctorante, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, Paris, France

FEIJÓ SAMBO Joe Luís, Tercer Secretario, Misión Permanente de Angola, Ginebra

FELDMAN Jo, Permanent Mission of Australia, Geneva

FELICIANO Mario, Permanent Mission of the Philippines, Geneva

FELITTI Guilherme, Digital Journalist, São Paulo, Brazil

FELIX BORQUEZ Alma, Intern, Misión Permanente de Chile ante la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC), Ginebra

FILATOVA Alissa, Travel Agent, Vickyh Destinations, Geneva

FISCHER Gunter, Geneva

FONDO Maureen, Copyright Officer, Copyright Directorate, African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO), Harare, Zimbabwe

FOURTICQ Anissia, doctorante en propriété intellectuelle (Droit d’auteur dans l’Union européenne), Institut de recherche en droit européen, international et comparé (IRDEIC), Université de Toulouse, France

FULENA Yasmine, Intellectual Property Assistant (Economic and Science Affairs), Permanent Mission of the United States of America, Geneva

FURMANOVA Ekaterina, Intellectual Property Legal Counsel, Nestlé Legal, Nestec Ltd., Vevey, Switzerland

GARCIA DIAZ Flor de Maria, Consejero, Misión Permanente de Guatemala ante la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC), Ginebra

GARRARD Murray, Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom, Geneva

GEORGES Didier, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Haiti, Geneva

GJURKOVIK Lucija, Head, Author’s Rights Protection Unit, Аgency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services, Skopje, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

GOBAT Sharon, Chief Executive Officer, Bel-Air Intellectual Property, Auvernier, Switzerland

GOBIND DASWANI Arti, Consultant, Geneva

GODDARD Kimani, Faculty of Law, University of Geneva

GODIS Oreka, Actress, Lagos, Nigeria

GOETHALS Peter, Legal Advisor, Geneva

GOKTURK Osman, Second Secretary (Intellectual Property), Permanent Mission of Turkey, Geneva

GRABUS Halim, Counsellor, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Geneva

GUIMARÃES Alberto Samy, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Angola, Geneva

GUVEN Emek, Attorney at Law, Turkekul Law Firm, Istanbul, Turkey

HABTEMARIAM Yanit Abera, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Ethiopia, Geneva

HAGEN Katherine, Executive Director, Global Social Observatory, Geneva

HALL-ALLEN Oliver, First Counsellor, Permanent Delegation of the European Union, Geneva

HAMAMOTO Pamela, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the United States of America, Geneva

HARVIMA Hanna, Policy Officer, UNI MEI, Nyon, Switzerland

HASBUN Diana, Ministra Consejera, Misión Permanente de El Salvador ante la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) y la OMPI, Ginebra

HASSAN Azza Mohammed Abdalla, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Sudan, Geneva

HATTON Ger, Principal, International Confederation of Music Publishers (ICMP), Brussels, Belgium

HEAP Imogen, Singer, Songwriter, London, United Kingdom

HIERSEMENZEL Katharina, Copyright Advisor, Motion Picture Association (MPAA), Brussels, Belgium

HOLMAN Samantha, Chief Executive Officer, Irish Copyright Licensing Agency, Dublin, Ireland

HOOPER Meredith, Writer ALCS and CAL, London, United Kingdom

HOOPER Richard, Chair, The Copyright Hub Foundation, London, United Kingdom

HOWELL Simara, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Jamaica, Geneva

HRABLIKOVA Olga, Programme Officer, Norlha, Geneva

HUMAYUN Hira, Intern, Global Social Observatory (GSO), Geneva

HUSAIN Mishal, Broadcast Journalist, London, United Kingdom

IBBOTSON Janet, British Copyright Council, London, United Kingdom

ISHIDA Yoshiaki, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Japan, Geneva

ISIKO STRBA Susan, Senior Research Fellow, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

ISLAM Md. Nazrul, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Bangladesh, Geneva

ITANYI Nkem, Commercial and Property Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Nigeria, Enugu,

IVASIKH Valeriia, Senior Associate, CIS London and Partners, London, United Kingdom

IVLIEV Grigory, Director General, Federal Service for Intellectual Property (ROSPATENT), Moscow, Russian Federation

JEDRUSIK Ania, Policy Advisor, Innovation Insights, Geneva

JESSOP Paul, Technology Adviser, International DOI Foundation (IDF), Dunstable, United Kingdom

JHA Alok, Permanent Mission of India, Geneva

JITTIDECHARAK Trasvin, Publisher, Silkworm Books, Chiang Mai, Thailand

JUNLT Daesoon, First secretary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea, Geneva

KADDOUR Anis, chef, Service de documentation et du dépôt, Organisme tunisien des droits d’auteur et des droits voisins, Tunis, Tunisie

KAPUR Ritu, Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Quintillion Media Pvt. Ltd., Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

KARATAS Metin, Treasurer, Board Member, Musical Work Owners Society of Turkey (MESAM), Istanbul, Turkey

KARKLINS Janis, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Latvia, Geneva

KAURANEN Soile, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Finland, Geneva

KAYONGA Yves-René, Chief Executive Officer, AfriContent, Geneva

KHANAL Lakshuman, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Nepal, Geneva

KHATIB Dima, Managing Director, AJ+, Doha, Qatar

KIM Myong Hyok, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Geneva

KINGA Szelenbaum, Specialist, Copyright Unit, Department of Intellectual Property and Media, Warsaw, Poland

KISELEVICH Victor, Film Director, Producer, Writer, Pupeystan Films, Moscow, Russian Federation

KISIN Aleksei, National Register of Intellectual Property, Moscow, Russian Federation

KOCH Malin, Legal Counsel, The Swedish Writers’ Union, Stockholm, Sweden

KOGAN Olga, Student, Geneva

KOLOKOLOVA Elena, Geneva Representative, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (CCIRF), Moscow, Russian Federation

KOMBO Sukayna, Student, School of Diplomacy, Geneva

KONG Johnson, Board Member, International Intellectual Property Commercialization Council (IIPCC), Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong

KOSA-AMMARI Katrina, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Latvia, Geneva

KOSKINEN-OLSSON Tarja, International Adviser, Olsson and Koskinen Consulting, Helsinki, Finland

KOTNIS Deepa, Geneva

KOUMBY MISSAMBO Edwige, premier conseiller, Mission permanente du Gabon, Genève

KOVTUN Olesya, Procurement Director, Spetstroy, Moscow, Russian Federation

KRICHEVSKY Andrey, General Director, Russian Union of Rightholders, Moscow, Russian Federation

KUMAR Ajit, Glow Well, Proprietor, Patna, India

KUMER Grega, Intellectual Property Adviser, Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom, Geneva

LANIER Jaron, Futurist, San Francisco, United States of America

LAPYGINA Olga, Operations, Palmali International, Geneva

LASHLEY-JOHNSON Deborah, Intellectual Property Attaché, Permanent Mission of the United States of America, Geneva

LI Luo, Senior Lecturer in Law, Coventry Law School, Coventry University, United Kingdom

LIEDES Jukka, Chairman, Finnish Copyright Society, Scenarum Ltd., Helsinki, Finland

LIKIBY Boubakar, secrétaire permanent, Comité national de développement des technologies, Ministère de la recherche scientifique et de l’innovation, Yaoundé, Cameroon

LIN Qinpei, Delegate, ELSA, Brussels, Belgium

LINDNER Brigitte, Chair, International Society for the Development of Intellectual Property (ADALPI), London, United Kingdom

LINDO Grace, School of Economics and Political Science, London, United Kingdom

LIU Shaoxuan, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of China, Geneva

LOTHERINGEN Amanda, Senior Manager Copyright, Intellectual Property Enforcement, CIPC, Pretoria, South Africa

LU Yan Ting, Director, Department of International Cooperation, China Shanghai Digital Content Industry Promotion Center, Shanghai, China

LU Ying Yan, Chief Representative, China Intellectual Property Magazine, Beijing, China

LUBIS Parlagutan, Director, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Directorate of Intellectual Property Cooperation and Empowerment, Directorate General of Intellectual Property, Jakarta, Indonesia

LUCAN-ARJOCA Irina, Deputy Director General, Romanian Copyright Office, Bucharest, Romania

LUND THOMSEN Charlotte, Legal Counsel, International Video Federation (IVF), Brussels, Belgium

LUQUER Dominick, General Secretary, International Federation of Actors (FIA), Brussels, Belgium