GSB 3OCT11 14


ResearchStudentLiaison Committee

Terms of Reference

1.Regulation 17(c) University Executive Liaison Committees

The Research Student Liaison Committee is a University Executive Liaison Committee governed by Regulation 17(c).

Regulation 17(c) states that:

The purpose of University Executive Liaison Committees (ELCs) is to focus on an area of activity which operates across the spectrum of the University as a whole, including academic and non-academic matters. Issues may be raised which are relevant to different committees, both Senate and Council, or which may be taken forward without any further approval.

The constitutions of ELCs should be such that those actually working within the area of activity covered by the ELC are members, and so far as possible should be able to agree actions to take forward as part of their executive operational activities. Where further approval is needed for proposed actions, procedures or policies, the ELCs have the right to seek such further approval as appropriate, whether from a Senate or Council committee or from the University Executive Committee.

2.Terms of Reference

The terms of reference for all Executive Liaison Committees are as follows, within the scope of their remit:

1. To facilitate liaison between relevant staff and students.

2. To ensure communication between those involved.

3. To agree coordinated actions.

4. To make recommendations about University strategies.

5. To propose policies and procedures to take forward actions as necessary.

6. To take forward actions, directly or as agreed, which fall within the agreed policy of the University and which either do not require additional funding or for which funding has been agreed.

3.Principal Information Needs

The Committee shall be supported by information to include:

  1. Report from the Keele Postgraduate Association
  2. Report from Student Support & Development Services
  3. Report from Commercial & Facilities Management
  4. Report from Independent Advice Unit

4.Frequency and Timing of Meetings

The Committee will meet at least 3 times per year, with the dates to be reviewed and published annually in the University Diary.

5.Reporting mechanisms

All Executive Liaison Committees have the right to put forward recommendations and proposals to any appropriate University Committee for consideration, following discussion with the Directorate of Planning & Academic Administration about procedures.

Irrespective of any other reports and recommendations put forward to University committees, all Executive Liaison Committees are required to submit an annual report to the first meetings of Senate and Council each year, briefly setting out the nature of its discussions and actions in the previous year.

6.Membership 2011/12


Prof Mark Ormerod, PVC for Research & Enterprise (Chair)

Prof Marilyn Andrews, PVC for Education & Student Experience

Dr Simone Clarke, Director of Planning & Academic Administration

Dr John White, Deputy Director, IT Services

Dr Jacqui Potter, Head of the Learning & Professional Development Centre

Paul Reynolds, University Librarian

Ian Munton, Head of Student Support & Development Services

Sue Underwood, Head of Accommodation Services, CFM

Fay Harris, Head of IAU

Oliver Wakefield, President of KPA

OlanrewajuSanni, Finance Secretary of KPA

Lisa Ironside, Association Secretary of KPA

1 representative from each Research Institute

PGR Directors (5)

In attendance:

Jo Sylvester, Committee Secretary, Planning & Academic Administration

As business arises:

Emma Kitley, Head of Planning & UK/EU Admissions