Skeletal Hoodie Rubrics

1.  Long Sleeved plain Hoodie – the choice of color is yours. Note: Many students recommend a white hoodie (uses less paint, easier to trace).

2.  All bones and connecting cartilage must be shown.

3.  The back of the Hoodie must have the following bones labeled:

4.  The back of the shirt must have the following bones, they should be labeled.

·  Clavicle

·  Scapula

·  Vertebrae (Cervical C1-7), Thoracic T1-12, Lumbar L1-5, Sacrum and Coccyx.)

·  Ribs (True, False, and Floating)

·  Humerus: Only label the right arm.

·  Radius

·  Ulna

·  Pelvis

·  Femur and Carpals, Metacarpals, and Phylanges if the shirt is large enough to include them.

·  Skull

5.  Use pg. 114 to show the cut-away of the left Humerus. This should be done on the back of the shirt. Labels on the Humerus must include the following:

·  Distal and Proximal Epiphysis

·  Diaphysis

·  Compact bone

·  Spongy Bone (should be red)

·  Periosteum

·  Epiphyseal Plate

·  Medullary cavity

·  Yellow Marrow

·  Blood vessel in red and blue

6.  The front of the shirt must have the following bones, they should not be labeled.

·  Clavicle

·  Scapula

·  Sternum and Xiphid Process

·  Ribs (True, False, and Floating)

·  Humerus

·  Radius

·  Ulna

·  Pelvis

·  Femur and Carpals, Metacarpals, and Phylanges if the shirt is large enough to include them.

·  Skull

·  Vertebrae

7.  All bones must be outlined and colored. The choice of colors is yours, but the shirt will be judged on attractiveness as well as having all of the above components. Cartilage must be a different color than the bones.

8.  All supplies are due October 1st. You may wish to get your supplies over break. Pick out your paint colors at this time as well. Michaels and Wal-Mart have run out in the past. 3-4 of the larger cloth paints should suffice.

9.  Student recommendations:

·  Do not put labels on the front!

·  Get a sharpie to outline.

·  Get a white hoodie.

·  Start painting from top to bottom and from left to right. Take your time. If you do this you will not get into your paint.

·  Do not wear nice clothes while painting and use a fan to increase dry time.

·  Two hour dry time between coats.

·  If you choose to use glow in the dark paint use opaque fabric paint first than paint over with a thin layer of glow in the dark.