/ 6Report to Transport Panel 16 November 2004
Author: Dave Humby 01992 556112
- Purpose of Report
To consider the draft A5 Route Management Strategy published by the Highways Agency and agree the consultation response.
- Background
The Highways Agency (HA) have recently published for public consultation a draft Route Management Strategy for the A5 between M1 Junction 9 (Flamstead) and M1 Junction 18. A response is required by 17 December 2004.
The A5 ( M1 Junction 9 to M1 Junction 18) Route Management Strategy (RMS) is a plan for the management and development of the A5 from just south of Luton/Dunstable through Milton Keynes and northwards past Daventry. The RMS process is a means by which the HA can identify and collate existing problems and concerns along a route, including development issues. It can then link these with agreed route objectives and functions that identify and prioritise what the HA wants the route to do now and in the future and prepare a vision for the improvements that will make better use of the road.
The aim of the RMS is to provide an open and optimum way of planning future investment in the maintenance, operation and improvement of the network, which integrates local and regional spatial planning and transport interests in the decision-making process. The Highways Agency consider that the RMS process will:
- Provide a consistent approach to the maintenance, operation and improvement of a route over a period of about 10 years, which addresses the whole route including all individual problem areas
- Enable a public consultation process to ensure the views of local road users and residents are fully taken into account.
- Provide route objectives and management plan for improvements to be progressed within the strategy period.
3.Route Description
The A5 is a trunk road, and the section under review was originally a Roman road known as Watling Street. It links the major local communities of Milton Keynes, Dunstable and Towcester as well as forming the main local north-south distributor route through Milton Keynes. Its strategic function has however been superseded by the provision of the parallel M1.
The section in Hertfordshire is part of the single carriageway section from M1 junction 9 (near Harpenden) to Dunstable Lane at the southern limit of Dunstable. This section is 8.5km in length. Annual average daily traffic (AADT) counts recorded in 2002 are close to 9700 northbound and close to 11,000 southbound. The Congestion Reference Flow (CRF) is 127%.
4.Development of the A5 RMS
The main features to-dates of the RMS development for this route have been:
- Data collection and compiling the performance indicators.
- Drafting the Strategic, Regional and Local route functions and the route objectives.
- A thorough investigation of the committed schemes and current studies on the route.
- A study of existing and likely future condition of the route, including a review of potential developments that may impact on the route.
- A meeting with stakeholders such as Local Authorities, County Councils and the Police to agree on route functions and objectives, discuss problems and issues and assess potential solutions and measures to be included in the initial RMS.
The detailed proposals are now subject to public consultation and comments will be taken into account before the final strategy is agreed, adopted and published.
The Route Management Strategy and Route Outcomes will form the basis for planning future works along the A5. The Route Management Plan will be subject to annual update and will be reviewed as necessary as particular circumstances change. It is anticipated that the initial Strategy will be published by the Highways Agency in spring 2005, following the public consultation on these draft proposals. All outcomes will be subject to the availability of funds, more detailed appraisal and the outcomes of statutory and other procedures.
- Current Schemes and Maintenance Work
There are a number of on-going schemes along the route, including regular maintenance work. The proposed Strategy assumes that this programmed work will go ahead as planned.
The proposed and committed improvement schemes on the route in Hertfordshire are tabulated below.
Committed Schemes Location
/ ImprovementsFlamstead / New culvert (flooding) – deferred post stakeholders meeting
Watery Lane Flamstead / Safety improvement
Markyate / Junction improvements
- London to South Midlands Multi-modal Study
In his response to the London to South Midlands MMS, the Secretary of State announced in July 2003 plans for the M1 to A5 Link Road (Dunstable Northern Bypass), and the widening of M1 to dual four-lane standard between M25 and Milton Keynes (Junction 13).
The Dunstable Northern Bypass aims to reduce congestion on the A5 trunk road through Dunstable by enabling through traffic to use the M1 motorway as an alternative. In addition, the new route will aim to reduce traffic wishing to reach Junctions 11 and 12 from the local road network in Dunstable, Houghton Regis and the surrounding area.
The proposed M1-A5 Link consists of a new all-purpose dual two-lane carriageway approximately 3 miles (4.5km) long, running west from a new Junction 11A on the M1 to join the A5 as its junction with the A505. The line of this link will approximately follow the protected corridor included within South Bedfordshire’s Local Plan. The estimated cost of the scheme is approximately £48 million.
The scheme has been added to the Highways Agency’s Targetted Programme of Improvements.
The anticipated timetable is summarised below:
Public Consultation2005
Preferred Route Announcement2005
Draft Order Publication2006
Public Inquiry2007
Start of Works2008
Open to Traffic2011
The widening of the M1 from dual three lanes to dual four lanes between Junctions 10 and 13 is included in the TPI and pubic consultation is programmed to start later this month.
- Planning Policies
The section of A5 in Hertfordshire, and that part of Bedfordshire south of Dunstable is wholly within Green Belt or the Chilterns AONB, such that development is precluded. Policy 5 of the Hertfordshire Structure Plan proposes the extension of the Green Belt to include an area in the neighbourhood of Markyate through which the A5 passes.
Significant housing growth however is planned for Aylesbury, Milton Keynes and Northampton that will impact on A5.
The strategic function of the A5 has largely been supplanted by the M1 and the Highways Agency has no plans to carry out comprehensive improvements to it other than the M1 to A5 Link Road (Dunstable Northern Bypass). There may be some small-scale measures to improve reliability, safety and the environment.
- RMS Development
The A5 (from M1 Junction 9 to M1 Junction 18) Route Management Strategy development process began in March 2003 and has followed the process set out below:
- Data collection pertaining to the route, including features and facilities along the route; traffic and accident data; environmental data (including noise data, Landscape and Bio-diversity Action Plans); information about on-going and programmed schemes; Development and Local Plan reviews and related studies that are relevant to issues on the A5.
The data collected has been used to identify the performance of the A5 using pre-determined indicators, which will allow comparison of the route or route sections with other trunk roads. This information is presented in a route performance framework tabulated below.
- Problem identification, using information from the data collection, from the managing agent, stakeholders’ knowledge and comments, including responses from the local and national organisations. The Stakeholders Meeting in October 2003 provided a key input at this stage of the study. A report was produced of this meeting.
- Establishment of the route functions that the route must fulfil to meet strategic, regional and local transport requirements.
- Establishment of route objectives that will ensure that development of the route will support the Government’s transport objectives. Based on the agreed objectives, the initial Route Strategy has been prepared to provide an overview of how the route should be improved.
- Review of problem, route functions and route objectives as the stakeholders’ meeting held in October 2003.
- Assessment and prioritisation of possible Outcomes that could address the problems and issues identified and which would support the route objectives.
- The preparation of an initial Route Management Strategy.
Route Performance Framework
Performance Indicator (Core) /1A
Congestion – Time Delay IndicatorPeak average delay per vehicle kilometre (secs) / N/A
Accident RatePIA per 1000 million vehicle kms / 48.1
Severity Ratio
Noise exposureNoise severity index / 40.3
Biodiversity Action Plan
% of section for which a Biodiversity Action Plan exists / 100Landscape Management Plan
% of section for which a Landscape Management Plan exists / 100Traveller Care
A score reflecting quality of user facilities / 1ACCESSIBILITY
Hindrance to non-motorised usersA score reflecting the user needs and quality of facilities / 4
Opportunities for interchangeA score reflecting user needs and interchange facilities / 3
- A 12-week Public consultation on the initial Route Management Strategy, planned from September to 17 December 2004.
After completion of this current stage:
- Publication of the Route Management Strategy in February 2005, following assessment of comments received, and development of a 10-year route management plan to set out the planned implementation of Outcomes.
- Subsequent reviews of Route Management Plan at annual intervals.
- Route Functions
The route functions are described under the main headings of strategic, regional and local function.
Strategic Functions
The route performs the following strategic functions:
F1 – Provides a transport link between the Midlands and the south through Milton Keynes.
F2 – Provides a route for abnormal Loads – heavy, high and wide along the entire length of the route (high loads do not use the A5 through Milton Keynes
F3 – Provides a designated diversion for the motorway.
Regional Functions
In a regional role, the route:
F4 – Provides a north-south road transport link
F5 – Provides linkages between Dunstable, Milton Keynes and Towcester
Local Functions
The route also provides for local accessibility, in particular it:
F6 – Provides a distributor function within the Milton Keynes area.
F7 – Provides relief for traffic through towns and villages – Milton Keynes, Markyate, Little Brickhill
- Route Outcomes
Based on an analysis of the route functions, and through consultation, a number of Route Outcomes have been identified. These have been determined on the basis of the impact they are expected to have on the route functions, such as serving local businesses and communities or the route issues they address, such as provision of crossing facilities for vulnerable users. The Route Outcomes relevant to the Hertfordshire section are as follows:
RO8Safeguard the A5 as an Abnormal Load route
RO11Reduction of accidents on the B4540 Luton Road Junction at Markyate
RO14Lay-bys review to comply with current standards
RO15Improved consistency of signage standards
RO16Improvements to environment
RO17Improvements to non-motorised users crossings
The Route Outcomes are expected to have a positive impact on the route as a whole.
- Draft Consultation Response
The publication of the draft Route Management Strategy is welcomed. The A5 through Hertfordshire is an important route which suffers from high volumes of traffic, particularly in peak periods, and has a poor safety record. The high volumes of traffic on the main carriageway make it particularly difficult for traffic emerging from the side roads including accesses to/from the principal communities of Flamsted and Markyate. Proposals to improve safety at these junctions are welcomed and should be implemented at the earliest opportunity.
The RMS makes no reference to the service facilities operating close in the Friars Wash area. These do cause problems on occasion, particularly for vehicles moving in and out of the premises. These operations should be reviewed as part of the RMS process.
The RMS says little about the operation of bus services on the Hertfordshire section. In peak periods buses have difficulty emerging from the side roads onto the main carriageway making it difficult to achieve reliable journey times. These issues should be taken into account when addressing the junction issues referred to in the RMS.
- Issues for the Panel to consider
The Panel is invited to comment on the draft RMS and agree the consultation response to be submitted to the Highways Agency.
- Financial Implication
There are no financial implications for the County Council. The A5 may in the future be detrunked and become the County Council’s responsibility but this does not form part of the Highways Agency’s current plans.
- Decision Making Process
The consultation response will be approved by the Executive Member before final submission to the Highways Agency.
Route Outcome- Short Name / To safeguard A5 as an abnormal load route
Abnormal load route
RO 8 / This outcome will be subject to the availability of funds, more detailed appraisal and the outcome of statutory and other procedures.
Related Route
Functions / F1-F7
Improvements to Related Route Functions / Improved journey time reliability for strategic and regional traffic for abnormal route.
Safer and easier access for local traffic
Improved safety for all vehicular traffic
Safer accessibility for all road users
Route for freight
Related Issues / Speed of traffic, Poor signing and road marking
Congestion and queuing at junctions, particularly at exit slips
/ A5 routePolicy Objectives / PS1 – To improve safety for all road users
PS2 – To provide safe conditions for vulnerable road users groups
PS3 – To provide a safe working environment along the route
PS4 – To provide appropriate facilities along the route
PS5 – To reduce accident numbers and severity
PS6 – To make Maintenance a Priority: Maintaining safety
PS7 – To improve the monitoring of safety
PE3 – To reduce the effects of air pollution on the route
PE4 – To reduce the effects of noise pollution
PA1 – To improve accessibility
PA2 – To improve access to pedestrians
PI1 – To promote the integration of all forms of transport and land use planning, leading to a better, more efficient transport system
PEC3 – To reduce delays
Target / Undertake studies to identify appropriate measures
Timescale / To be confirmed.
Possible Actions / Actions to consider in study may include:
Appropriate Signage used.
Identifying suitable locations for abnormal load laybys.
Other issues / Working in partnership with freight people
Route Outcome
- Short Name / Reduction of accidents on the B4540 Luton Road Junction at Markyate
Markyate junctions
RO 11 / This outcome will be subject to the availability of funds, more detailed appraisal and the outcome of statutory and other procedures.
Related Route
Functions / F1-F7
Improvements to Related Route Functions / Improved journey time reliability for strategic and regional traffic.
Safer and easier access for local traffic
Improved safety for all vehicular traffic
Safer accessibility for all road users
Related Issues / Speed of traffic, Poor signing and road marking
Congestion and queuing at junctions, particularly at exit slips
/ Markyate junctionsPolicy Objectives / PS1 – To improve safety for all road users
PS2 – To provide safe conditions for vulnerable road users groups
PS3 – To provide a safe working environment along the route
PS5 – To reduce accident numbers and severity
PA1 – To improve accessibility
PA2 – To improve access to pedestrians
PA3 – To improve accessibility for disabled people
PA4 – To improve accessibility for cyclists
PA5 – To improve accessibility for horse riders
PI1 – To promote the integration of all forms of transport and land use planning, leading to a better, more efficient transport system
PI3 – To improve the management of roads
PEC1 – To reduce congestion
PEC3 – To reduce delays
PEC7 – To contribute to an efficient economy, and to support sustainable economic growth in appropriate locations.
Target / Undertake studies to identify appropriate measures
Timescale / To be confirmed.
Possible Actions / Actions to consider in study may include:
Improved lighting,
Consistent signage, Improved markings
Speed limitations
Carriageway widening
Grade Separated Junctions
Other issues / None
Route Outcome
- Short Name / Lay-bys review to comply with standards
Lay-bys improvements
RO 14 / This outcome will be subject to the availability of funds, more detailed appraisal and the outcome of statutory and other procedures.
Related Route
Functions / F1-F7
Improvements to Related Route Functions / Improved journey time reliability for strategic and regional traffic.
Safer and easier access for local traffic
Improved safety for all vehicular traffic
Safer accessibility for all road users
Related Issues / Speed of traffic, Poor signing and road marking
Congestion and queuing at junctions, particularly at exit slips
/ Lay-bys on routePolicy Objectives / PS1 – To improve safety for all road users
PS2 – To provide safe conditions for vulnerable road users groups
PS3 – To provide a safe working environment along the route
PS4 – To provide appropriate facilities along the route
PS5 – To reduce accident numbers and severity
PS6 – To make Maintenance a Priority: Maintaining safety
PS7 – To improve the monitoring of safety
PE3 – To reduce the effects of air pollution on the route
PE4 – To reduce the effects of noise pollution
PA1 – To improve accessibility
PA2 – To improve access to pedestrians
PA3 – To improve accessibility for disabled people
PA4 – To improve accessibility for cyclists
PA5 – To improve accessibility for horse riders
PI1 – To promote the integration of all forms of transport and land use planning, leading to a better, more efficient transport system
PEC3 – To reduce delays
Target / Undertake studies to identify appropriate measures
Timescale / To be confirmed.
Possible Actions / Actions to consider in study may include:
Improvements to the existing signs by carrying out a study.
Other issues / None
Route Outcome
- Short Name / Improve consistency of signage standards
Improve signage
RO 15 / This outcome will be subject to the availability of funds, more detailed appraisal and the outcome of statutory and other procedures.
Related Route
Functions / F1-F7
Improvements to Related Route Functions / Improved safety for all vehicular traffic
Related Issues / Speed of traffic, Poor signing and road marking
/ Along the routePolicy Objectives / PS1 – To improve safety for all road users
PS2 – To provide safe conditions for vulnerable road users groups
PS3 – To provide a safe working environment along the route
PS4 – To provide appropriate facilities along the route
PS5 – To reduce accident numbers and severity
PS6 – To make Maintenance a Priority: Maintaining safety
PS7 – To improve the monitoring of safety
PE3 – To reduce the effects of air pollution on the route
PE4 – To reduce the effects of noise pollution
PA1 – To improve accessibility
PA2 – To improve access to pedestrians
PA3 – To improve accessibility for disabled people
PI1 – To promote the integration of all forms of transport and land use planning, leading to a better, more efficient transport system
PEC3 – To reduce delays
Target / Undertake studies to identify appropriate measures
Timescale / To be confirmed.
Possible Actions / Actions to consider in study may include:
Improvements to lay-bys to current standards
Other issues / None
Route Outcome
- Short Name / Improvements to environment
Improve environment
RO 14` / This outcome will be subject to the availability of funds, more detailed appraisal and the outcome of statutory and other procedures.
Related Route
Functions / F1-F7
Improvements to Related Route Functions / Improved safety for all vehicular traffic
Safer accessibility for all road users
Related Issues / Speed of traffic, congestion, noise
/ Along the routePolicy Objectives / PE1 – To protect and enhance the built and natural environment
PE2 – To conserve and enhance biodiversity on the route
PE3 – To reduce the effects of air pollution on the route
PE4 – To reduce the effects of noise pollution
PE5 – To manage drainage on our networks
PE6 – To improve the monitoring of the environment
PE7 – To improve the landscape
PE8 – To maintain the historic environment
Target / Undertake studies to identify appropriate measures
Timescale / To be confirmed.
Possible Actions / Actions to consider in study may include:
Reduce HGV’s improve Public Transport
Other issues / None
Route Outcome
- Short Name / Improvements to non-motorised users crossings
Improve non-motorised users crossings
RO 14` / This outcome will be subject to the availability of funds, more detailed appraisal and the outcome of statutory and other procedures.
Related Route
Functions / F1-F7
Improvements to Related Route Functions / Safer accessibility for all road users
Related Issues / Speed of traffic, Poor signing and road marking
/ Along the routePolicy Objectives / PS1 – To improve safety for all road users
PS2 – To provide safe conditions for vulnerable road users groups
PS3 – To provide a safe working environment along the route
PS4 – To provide appropriate facilities along the route
PS5 – To reduce accident numbers and severity
PS6 – To make Maintenance a Priority: Maintaining safety
PS7 – To improve the monitoring of safety
PE3 – To reduce the effects of air pollution on the route
PE4 – To reduce the effects of noise pollution
PA1 – To improve accessibility
PA2 – To improve access to pedestrians
PA3 – To improve accessibility for disabled people
PA4 – To improve accessibility for cyclists
PA5 – To improve accessibility for horse riders
PI1 – To promote the integration of all forms of transport and land use planning, leading to a better, more efficient transport system
PEC3 – To reduce delays
Target / Undertake studies to identify appropriate measures
Timescale / To be confirmed.
Possible Actions / Actions to consider in study may include:
Improvements to crossings to current standards
Other issues / None
Transport Panel 16 November 2004 Item 6 Page 1